- Finished Kirai2, 3x Enslaved Spirit and 3x Gwisin for Malifaux, plus a set of right arm, left arm, and head for Jackal and Tyrant warjacks for Warmachine on 3rd of February.
- Finished Horruskh, 3x Warwitch Siren, three arms and a head for Jackal warjack, one hand and a head for Tyrant warjack for Warmachine on 10th of March.
- Finished Jackal chassis, Reaver standard bearer, two left hands and a head for Tyrant, plus a right hand for Jackal on 20th of June.
- Finished 2x Little Gasser, Kari Zotiko, Ferryman, Fumigator and Tunnel Rats for Malifaux, plus three crates, four barrels, and eight nice looking, not too expensive shrubberies on 12th of July.
- Finished 2x Hollow Waif, Ashes and Dust, Ashen Core and Dust Storm for Malifaux, plus Dung Beetle Knight for Kingdom Death, and a head and a left arm for Tyrant warjack, a head and left arm for Jackal warjack, making every equipment combination now possible, on 25th of July.
- Finished 2x Scavenger, Leveticus1 and Johan Creedy for Malifaux on 14th of August.
- Finished Molly2, Auguste Hart, Bete Noire and Little Gasser for Malifaux, plus six magnetized parts for Cryx warjack on 27th of January.
- Finished Seamus2, McMourning2, Carrion Effigy, plus markers: Loose Bowels, Aura of Decay, Cursed Sludge for Malifaux on 13th of February.
- Finished White Rabbit & Co. and Hamelin the Piper on 11th of April.
- Finished 3x Ulkor Barragers for Warmachine on 30th of May.
- Finished Kishtaar, Reaver Standard and Reaver Officer plus two heads and five arms for Orgoth warjacks on 17th of June.
- Finished Jackal light warjack and Tyrant heavy warjack for Orgoth, Warmachine, on 25th of July.
- Finished 5x Orgoth Strike Reavers for Warmachine and a pull trolley train car terrain on 23rd of August.
- Finished 5x Orgoth Assault Reavers for Warmachine and Carrion Emissary for Malifaux on 30th of September.
- Finished 3x Calle Svoltare houses on 3rd of November.
- Finished 3x Guilty, Jack Daw, Lady Ligeia and Montresor for Malifaux on 16th of February.
- Finished 2x Catalan Rifleman, Catalan Brawler and Yannic Waller for Malifaux on 17th of April.
- Finished 7x Razor Wire terrain pieces on 17th of May.
- Finished 2x Bone Pile, Flesh Construct, Noxious Nephilim and Rafkin proxy on 22nd of May.
- Finished 2x Canine Remains, 2x Crooked Man, 2x Goryo on 12th of June.
- Finished Ensouled Jack Daw, Jaakuna Ubume proxy, two pieces of terrain and two Malifaux Mining Law markers on 4th of July.
- Finished 2x Dead Outlaw, 2x Negation Aura markers, 2x Annoying markers, Rancid Smell marker and Remember the Lost marker on 10th of August.
- Finished 3x Rabble Riser, 3x Dead Dandy on 22nd of September.
- Finished 2x Dead Doxy, Disease Containment Unit, Corpse Curator, 2x Too Greedy to Die markers, 2x terrain hazard markers for Malifaux on 31st of December.
- Finished two Hanged for Malifaux, plus four more wooden walkways, two stretto bridges and Villetta Alessandra terrain pieces on 18th of January.
- Finished Benny Wolcomb, Malifaux Child, one Prospector and three Winged Plagues for Malifaux on 27th of January.
- Villetta Balcone Zaira terrain finished on 5th of February.
- Two rubble walls, Midnight Stalker, Hans and one Prospector for Malifaux Outcasts, plus White Gigalion for Kingdom Death finished on 20th of February.
- Casa Arcata Iseppa terrain finished on 3rd of March.
- Two Drowned, two Mindless Zombies for Malifaux and two stone columns for Kingdom Death finished on 17th of March.
- Lion God for Kingdom Death finished on 23rd of March.
- Two Giant Stone Faces for Kingdom Death, three river sections and hazardous terrain marker finished on 5th of April.
- Two Ore Veins and Dead Monster terrain tiles, plus Gold Smoke Knight for Kingdom Death finished on 10th of April.
- Two Flesh Constructs, two Guild Autopsies and two Negation Aura markers for Malifaux finished on 5th of May.
- Canine Remains and Zombie Chihuahua for Malifaux finished on 9th of May.
- Madame Sybelle, Philip & Nanny, 3x crooligans and 6x multi-purpose markers for Malifaux finished on 12th of January.
- Dead Dandy, Necrotic Construct, Copycat Killer for Malifaux and Misery Cage for Warmachine finished on 4th of February.
- Boring Conversation and Undivided Attention markers for Malifaux, and Resin Dung Ball terrain for Kingdom Death finished on 9th of February.
- Finished Cyclops Raider for Skorne and one magnetised survivor and block token for Kingdom Death, plus re-based five survivors for token integration on 17th of February.
- Two Shade minions as well as introducing new token system for Kingdom Death with eighteen survival action tokens, ten additional equipment tokens and four additional limbs, plus Mourn the Dead marker for Malifaux finished on 20th of February.
- Two destructible terrains (gibbet and notice board), Molly Squidpiddge and two converted Rabble Risers and Gravedigger for Malifaux finished on 26th of February.
- The King as Slenderman proxy for Kingdom Death finished on 4th of March.
- General Gerlak Slaughterborn and a helljack chassis for Cryx and Seamus and Dead Doxy for Malifaux finished on 23rd of March.
- Sunstalker quarry monster for Kingdom Death finished on 3rd of April.
- Lantern Halberd and Gloom Katana survivors plus two shade minions for Kingdom Death, and Rogue Necromancy for Malifaux finished on 24th of April.
- Two spiderlings, a nightmare fruit and the Spidicules finished on 10th of July.
- Rat Catcher, 2x Rat King, 2x Stolen and Johan Creedy proxy for Malifaux finished on 26th of July.
- Dead Dandy, Necrotic Construct, Copycat Killer for Malifaux and Misery Cage for Warmachine finished on 4th of February.
- Boring Conversation and Undivided Attention markers for Malifaux, and Resin Dung Ball terrain for Kingdom Death finished on 9th of February.
- Finished Cyclops Raider for Skorne and one magnetised survivor and block token for Kingdom Death, plus re-based five survivors for token integration on 17th of February.
- Two Shade minions as well as introducing new token system for Kingdom Death with eighteen survival action tokens, ten additional equipment tokens and four additional limbs, plus Mourn the Dead marker for Malifaux finished on 20th of February.
- Two destructible terrains (gibbet and notice board), Molly Squidpiddge and two converted Rabble Risers and Gravedigger for Malifaux finished on 26th of February.
- The King as Slenderman proxy for Kingdom Death finished on 4th of March.
- General Gerlak Slaughterborn and a helljack chassis for Cryx and Seamus and Dead Doxy for Malifaux finished on 23rd of March.
- Sunstalker quarry monster for Kingdom Death finished on 3rd of April.
- Lantern Halberd and Gloom Katana survivors plus two shade minions for Kingdom Death, and Rogue Necromancy for Malifaux finished on 24th of April.
- Two spiderlings, a nightmare fruit and the Spidicules finished on 10th of July.
- Rat Catcher, 2x Rat King, 2x Stolen and Johan Creedy proxy for Malifaux finished on 26th of July.
- Rat Catcher, Stolen, 12x Malifaux Rats and 2x Wokou Raiders for Malifaux, and 2x Shade minions for Kingdom Death finished on 22nd of September.
- Hamelin, Nix, Obedient Wretch and Mad Dog Brackett for Malifaux finished on 29th of September.
- Forgotten Marshal and 4x Night Terrors for Malifaux finished on 25th of December.
- Four wooden walkways terrain pieces finished on 30th of December.
- Unit of Black Ogrun Ironmongers for Cryx, three hay stacks, four limbs for survivors and Gorm (kind of finished) for Kingdom Death finished on 2nd of February.
- Two magnetized survivors for Kings of War: Vanguard finished on 20th of February.
- Four miniatures for Kings of War: Vanguard campaign, plus Axiara Wraithblade and Satyxis Blood Priestess for Cryx finished on 5th of March.
- Two miniatures (Reaper and Summoner Crone) for King's of War: Vanguard campaign finished on 21st of May.
- Captain Aiakos and Brute Thrall for Cryx and Flower Knight quarry monster for Kingdom Death finished on 11th of June
- Two models for Kings of War: Vanguard (Reaper guard and Bladedancer) and six limbs for Kingdom Death finished on 1st of August.
- Three miniature trees for whatever game system finished on 18th of August.
- Mortimer, Bete Noire and Mourner, plus eight multi-purpose markers for Malifaux and a piece of terrain finished on 19th of September.
- Lonely Tree for Kingdom Death and two Rotten Belles for Malifaux finished on 3rd of October.
- Three small wall sections and three arms for magnetized Kingdom Death survivor miniatures finished on 22nd of April. It's a start...
- Manhunter and four monster fruits for Kingdom Death, a nameless troll, and Legends of Halaak plus Paingiver Task Master for Skorne finished on 1st of May.
- 10x Venator Slingers for Skorne finished on 20th of May.
- Two magnetised survivors and six assorted limbs finished on 13th of July.
- Venator Dakar for Skorne finished on 24th of September. This has taken far too long.
- Phoenix for Kingdom Death finished on 24th of October.
- Watcher, two spiderlings and four starting survivors finished on 28th of November.
- Arcane Scion and Scavenger for Talisman finished on 14th of January.
- Gorax Rager and Wild Argus for Circle of Orboros, plus a weird ape-thing for who-knows-what any longer finished on 17th of February.
- Magnetised Aradus Soldier/Sentinel finished on 10th of March.
- Cyclops Savage for Skorne and some random post-apocalyptic person finished on 17th of March.
- White Lion for Kingdom Death finished on 8th of April.
- Screaming Antelope for Kingdom Death + Erebus and Stalker for Cryx finished on 21st of April.
- Mother survivor for Kingdom Death finished on 29th of April.
- Magnetised Titan Gladiator/Sentry for Skorne finished on 6th of May. Messed up big time on this one.
- 3x additional starting survivors for Kingdom Death finished on 4th of June.
- Doctor survivor and Butcher nemesis encounter for Kingdom Death finished on 14th of June.
- King's Man for Kingdom Death finished on 2nd of July.
- Spear wielding survivor and an armless survivor with magnets finished on 15th of July.
- Magnetized male survivor and various limbs finished on 9th of August.
- The Hand nemesis encounter in Kingdom Death finished on 10th of September.
- Assortment of five limbs holding a piece of equipment for Kingdom Death finished on 19th of September.
- Two Bog Trog Trawler solos for Minions finished on 24th of September.
- Magnetized Inflictor/Seether for Cryx finished on 15th of December.
- Two treasure tokens and three miniatures (Bard, archer and something, probably javelineer) for Frostgrave finished on 25th of January.
- Two warhounds and "Rangifer" for Frostgrave finished on 30th of January.
- 2x Soul Trapper solos for Cryx and 2x Plague of Insects spell markers for Frostgrave finished on 1st of February.
- Bloodweaver Night Witch for Circle of Orboros and two Sectoids for Deadzone X-Com project finished on 25th of March.
- Goreshade the Bastard & Deathwalker finished on 15th of April.
- Two evil clown demons finished on 24th of April.
- 3x Swamp Gobber River Raiders for each of my Warmachine/Hordes armies (current and upcoming) finished on 17th of May.
- Two imps, raised zombie and a treasure token for Frostgrave finished on 9th of June.
- An imp and two thugs for Frostgrave, a mutant and a tick-like critter for This is Not a Test, a couple of ruin sections from Mars Attacks -modular terrain kit plus Hutchuck and Maximus for Minions finished on 17th of October.
- A random nun matron plus Barbarian and Black Knight for Talisman finished early December.
- Mutant character for Talisman finished on 14th of December.
- 5x Black Ogrun Boarding Party members + Skarlock Commander finished on 8th of March.
- 10x Stage 3Z zombies for Deadzone + 2x fences, a barricade and a pile of crates finished on 8th of March.
- Aiakos, Scourge of Meredius finished on 19th of April.
- 12x Venator Reivers (including the unit attachment) finished on 11th of June. Full unit in one go never again...
- Repaired casualties of war from last tournament, and finally finished 5x various barricades and blockades for Deadzone. This happened on 24th of June.
- A muton loader (what does it load? Nothing in particular... it just... loads?) and a muton with small launcher (boom stick) finally finished on 5th of July.
- A steamroller objective for Warmachine finished on 15th of July.
- A third Helldiver finished on 22nd of August.
- 10x 2*2 BattleZone wall pieces, 8x 1*2 BattleZone wall pieces, 4x 1*1 BattleZone wall pieces and 12x BattleZone scenic connector pieces finished on 22nd of September.
- A nurgling for Carnival of Chaos finished on 23rd of September.
- Finished three more 2x2, two 2x1 and one 1x1 wall pieces plus Plague Bearer and a Hero for Mordheim on 27th of September. And now I notice I haven't put a date on the finishing of two Henchmen! Oh no, the tragedy!
- 2x scenic connector pieces, 2x rubble piles and Rotterhorn Griffon for Circle of Orboros finished on 4th of October.
- 9x scenic connector pieces, three crates, three 2x2 walls (and one 2x1.75 or something), seven 1x2 walls and four 1x1 BattleZone wall pieces finished on 21st of October as well as three pillars of smoke.
- Deadzone equipment crates, three smoke pillars and a magnetised Riphorn/Shadowhorn Satyr finished on 23rd of October.
- Adventurers from Talisman expansion Harbinger and a couple of small terrain elements finished on 3rd of November.
- Chovaar Sectoids and second Celatid swarm for Deadzone finished on 10th of November. Also six treasure tokens for Frostgrave, and a pile of rubble.
- Tiberion and "forest" templates of fiery ground finished on 30th of December.
- Finished 4x bog trog ambushers that were the last ones to full unit. This happened on 7th of January.
- Weapons and heads for a magnetised Leviathan/Desecrator finished on 29th of January.
- 2x Ethereals and a Muton finished for Deadzone on 3rd of February.
- 2x Plague Hound for Deadzone finished on 14th of February.
- A Reptile Hound, Rufus the Reptile Hound and Nathan, the Mortitheurge Willbreaker finished on 24th of February.
- Two additional mutons for Deadzone finished on 5th of March.
- Winter Argus finished on 11th of April.
- Dervish and Nomad for Talisman finished on 17th of April.
- Celatid (plague swarm) and a Heavy Plasma Muton (Stage 3A HMG) for Deadzone finished on 27th of April.
- Warlord and Djinn-Blooded for Talisman finished on 9th of May.
- Morvahna the Dawnshadow finished on 19th of May.
- 2x Spitter aliens and a Silacoid for Deadzone as X-Com project finished on 13th of June.
- Gatorman Witch Doctor for Blindwater Congregation finished on 24th of June.
- 2x Stage 2A (Chryssalid) and 1x Stage 3A trooper and/or general (Muton with plasma pistol) finished on 7th of July.
- Asphyxious the Hellbringer & Vociferon for Cryx finished on 23th of July.
- A magnetised Desecrator/Leviathan for Cryx finished on 19th of August.
- Plague Strider GR 77, aka my very own Sectopod for Deadzone finished on 12th of September.
- 2x Saxon Orrik finished on 6th of October. Yes, two. By accident.
- Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer for Skorne finished on 10th of October.
- Void Seer Mordikaar for Skorne finished on 3rd of November.
- Two piles of rubble and two half piles of rubble finished on 16th of November. Doesn't sound much... And it isn't.
- Void Spirit for Skorne finished on 19th of November.
- Ancient Oak and Leywalker for Talisman finished on 21th of November.
- Spider Queen for Talisman finished on 23rd of November.
- Scout and Totem Warrior for Talisman finished on 28th of November. All characters from the Woodlands expansion are painted now.
- Converted (heck, entirely proxied) Carnival Master for Carnival of Chaos finished on 3rd of December.
- Madelyn Corbeau (a mercenary) mostly for Cryx finished on 18th of December.
- Maria de la Rosa and Argot Blackwell for A Touch of Evil finished on 1st of January. What a start for a new year!
- Liliana and Doctor Edwards for A Touch of Evil finished on 12th of January. Progress has been slower than I would've liked... However, all pieces from new expansions of A Touch of Evil are painted now.
- Archidon heavy warbeast for Skorne finished on 30th of January.
- 50mm objective and 40mm flag marker for Warmachine finished on 12th of February.
- Basilisk Drake for Skorne finished on 2nd of March.
- The Spy and Cat Burglar for Talisman finished on 24th of April.
- Bounty Hunter and Tavern Maid for Talisman finished on 22nd of May.
- Tinkerer for Talisman finished on 1st of June.
- Elementalist for Talisman finished on 11th of June, finally completing characters from The City expansion.
- 3x Bog Trog Ambushers for Blindwater Congregate finished on 10th of July.
- Second Brute Thrall finished on 20th of October. Whoopsie.
- 2x Bog Trog Ambushers finished on 4th of November. Finally I got a minimum unit of them painted!
- 2x Mechanithralls finished on 5th of December. Also the first half of Kraken was based, but halves don't count...
Keeping track of 2011 paintings was easy and curious enough, so on this page there are exact dates when I finished particular models during the ongoing year.
- 2x Paingiver Beast Handlers finished on 1st of January.
- Ancestral Guardian finished on 3rd of January.
- Wrong Eye finished on 18th of January.
- Snapjaw finished on 25th of January.
- Bull Snapper finished on 10th of February.
- Second Bull Snapper finished on 22nd of February.
- Made my remaining minions (Swamp Gobbers & Feralgeist) officially members of my Blindwater Congregation. Miniatures itself have been painted in ancient times, but bases were reworked. Finished this on 10th of March.
- Second Warwitch Siren finished on 13th of March.
- 4x Farrow Bone Grinders finished on 20th of April.
- Mega-adversary zombie thing model for When Darkness Comes finished on 6th of May.
- Kaya the Wildborne finished on 8th of May.
- A small piece of rough terrain finished on 9th of May. In the picture also featuring Kaya the Wildborne!
- Lord Arbiter Hexeris and Werewolf for Talisman finished on 3rd of June.
- 2x Gallows Grove finished on 12th of June.
- Finished painting all of the Blood Moon expansion set characters for Talisman on 20th of June.
- Painted the When Darkness Comes figure called "Cyber Kung-Fu Scifi Dude" on 2nd of July.
- Iron Lich Overseer finished on 1st of August.
- Skorne Agonizer finished on 5th or 6th of August.
- Two flag markers for Warmachine finished on 30th of August.
- Bog Trog unit leader finished on 22nd of September.
- Magnetised Pureblood Warpwolf finished on 10th of October.
- Two bandits for Chronicles game system finished on 12th of October.
- Scarsfell Griffon finished on 20th of November.
- Sara and Jack from A Touch of Evil Hero Pack 2 finished on 29th of November, as well as retouched two wall pieces from an old Games Workshop wall set.
- Warpwolf Stalker parts for magnetised Stalker/Pureblood finished on 6th of December.
- Frederic Léon and Abigail Sturn for A Touch of Evil finished on 16th of December.
- Ripjaw was first model painted in 2011, finished on 6th of January.
- 4x Praetorian Swordsmen finished on 17th of January. They were the last to their unit.
- Thrullg finished on 22nd of January.
- Reaper/Slayer/Malice chassis ready on 10th of February.
- Reaper/Slayer/Malice completely finished on 26th of February.
- Aptimus Marketh finished on 6th of March.
- Reeve Hunter finished on 15th of March.
- 4x Cataphract Cetrati finished on 11th of April.
- Lanyssa Ryssyl finished on 14th of April.
- Dominar Rasheth finished on 20th of April.
- Tharn Ravager Chieftain finished on 5th of May.
- Ragman finished on 15th of May.
- Wold Guardian finished on 21st of May.
- Cyclops Shaman finished on 1st of June.
- Woldwatcher finished on 6th of June.
- Rhinodon finished on 15th of June.
- Stone Keeper finished on 20th of June.
- Cryxian "baselift" finished on 29th of June. Also, three terrain pieces finished some time ago... I guess they count for something?
- 2x Cataphract Cetrati (for maximum unit of them) finished on 5th of August.
- Magnetised Erebus parts finished on 7th of August.
- Totem Hunter finished on 4th of September, hopefully stopped a lenghty "painter's block".
- Extoller and Flayer Cannon marksman finished on 17th of September.
- 2x When Darkness Comes miniatures finished on 20th of September.
- 2x more When Darkness Comes miniatures finished on 26th of September.
- 2x When Darkness Comes miniatures finished on 28th of September. All finished now.
- Minotaur & Dragon Hunter from Talisman completed on 7th of October.
- Fire Wizard & Conjurer from Talisman completed on 14th of October.
- All Talisman characters from Dragon expansion finished on 24th of October.
- Scaverous and 3x Scrap Thralls finished on 15th of November.
- 3x craters and a pond finished on 7th of December.
- Flayer Cannon platform finished on 12th of December.
Full writings here
I painted about 10-12 Touch of Evil figures but the exact number is unknown. I could shed a tear now.
For sure I painted at least 9 Talisman figures too but the exact number ranged again from 9 to 12 because I might have had a few Talisman figures left to paint from the Frostmarch expansion.
So for Circle Orboros I painted the following models:
Heavy Warbeast Megalith
Unit 6x Tharn Bloodweavers
Solo Wilder
Warlock Cassius & Wurmwood
For Skorne:
Units: 4x Paingiver Beast Handlers & 6x Praetorian Swordsmen + Unit Attachment (2 pieces)
Solo Bloodrunner Master Tormentor
And for my main faction, Cryx:
Helljack Corruptor
Solos: Warwitch Siren & Satyxis Captain
Warcasters: Lich Lord Venethrax, Lich Lord Asphyxious
Unit Attachment Bane Thrall Officer & Standard Bearer