Alfapet (1)
Arkham Horror (5)
Arkham Horror 3rd edition (3)
Arkham Horror: the Card Game (2)
Battle Sheep (2)
Battletech (1)
Betrayal at Baldur's Gate (10)
Betrayal at the House on the Hill (1)
Blokus (to go) (3)
Arkham Horror: the Card Game (2)
Battle Sheep (2)
Battletech (1)
Betrayal at Baldur's Gate (10)
Betrayal at the House on the Hill (1)
Blokus (to go) (3)
Carcassonne (2)
Cards Against Humanity (2)
Cards Against Humanity (2)
Chess (3)
Chinatown (1)
Citadels (1)
Cluedo (3)
Company of Iron (2)
Dead of Winter (15)
Deadzone (20)
Deadzone 2nd Edition (7)
Dropzone Commander (1)
Dungeon Lords (17.5)
Exploding Kittens (7(+n))
Chinatown (1)
Citadels (1)
Cluedo (3)
Company of Iron (2)
Dead of Winter (15)
Deadzone (20)
Deadzone 2nd Edition (7)
Dropzone Commander (1)
Dungeon Lords (17.5)
Exploding Kittens (7(+n))
Forbidden Desert (2)
Frostgrave (20)
Fury of Dracula (3)
Gloom (12)
Frostgrave (20)
Fury of Dracula (3)
Gloom (12)
Guillotine (1)
Joking Hazard (2)
Kingdom Builder (1)
Kingdom Death: Monster
- Lantern Years: 210 + 17 + 3 +5
- Campaigns: 11 lost settlements, 3 ongoing
- 2 prologue losses
Labyrinth (5)
Lightning Reaction Reloaded (1)
Love Letter (13+3)
Magic Maze (7)
Magic: The Gathering (5)
Mah-Jong (3)
Malifaux (156)
Kingdom Builder (1)
Kingdom Death: Monster
- Lantern Years: 210 + 17 + 3 +5
- Campaigns: 11 lost settlements, 3 ongoing
- 2 prologue losses
Labyrinth (5)
Lightning Reaction Reloaded (1)
Love Letter (13+3)
Magic Maze (7)
Magic: The Gathering (5)
Mah-Jong (3)
Malifaux (156)
Mantis (1)
Mechs vs Minions (1)
Mechs vs Minions (1)
Mini-Billiards (4)
Mooshido: The Way of the Moo (1)
Mordheim (13)
Munchkin (2)
No Thanks (1)
Pillars of the Earth (8)
Razzle (3)
Red November (1)
Relic (2)
Rummikub (2)
Mooshido: The Way of the Moo (1)
Mordheim (13)
Munchkin (2)
No Thanks (1)
Pillars of the Earth (8)
Razzle (3)
Red November (1)
Relic (2)
Rummikub (2)
Saboteur (1)
Samurai Sword (1)
Scrabble (4)
Samurai Sword (1)
Scrabble (4)
Scythe (9)
Skibbo (5)
Smallworld (27)
Smallworld Underground (1)
Smallworld 2 'digital' (1)
Skibbo (5)
Smallworld (27)
Smallworld Underground (1)
Smallworld 2 'digital' (1)
Space Alert (3)
Space Hulk: Death Angel (1)
Sphinx (5)
Star Realms (2)
Stone Age (1)
Star Realms (2)
Stone Age (1)
Sushi Go (2)
Taika Kengät (1)
Talisman (52)
Test of Honor (3)
Therapy (1)
This is Not a Test (1)
Thurn und Taxis (4)
Ticket to Ride (3)
Touch of Evil (55)
TransEuropa (1)
Trivial Pursuit (1)
Undercity, the (8)
Vanguard (8)
Vocable (1)
Warmachine/Hordes 1st & 2nd edition (356)
- Colossal Mania (1)
Warmachine/Hordes 3rd edition (167)
Talisman (52)
Test of Honor (3)
Therapy (1)
This is Not a Test (1)
Thurn und Taxis (4)
Ticket to Ride (3)
Touch of Evil (55)
TransEuropa (1)
Trivial Pursuit (1)
Undercity, the (8)
Vanguard (8)
Vocable (1)
Warmachine/Hordes 1st & 2nd edition (356)
- Colossal Mania (1)
Warmachine/Hordes 3rd edition (167)
Warmachine 4th edition (21)
We Didn't Playtest This At All (1)
We Didn't Playtest This At All (1)
When Darkness Comes (11)
Witcher: The Old World (1)
Word Winder (7)
Yatzy (4)
7 Wonders (1)
Chronicles (1)
SC taktinen lautapeli (2)
Outdoor/other games:
Mölkky-game (2)
Croquet (3)
A nameless word game (1)
Touch of Evil statistics:
Villains played:
*Krampus: 1 (1 cooperative victory)
*Volgovian Nutcracker: 5 (1 solo victory, 3 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory)
*Necromancer: 4 (3 cooperative defeats, 1 cooperative victory)
*-Banshee: 4 (1 cooperative victory, 3 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory)
*--Werewolf: 4 (3 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory)
*Delion Dryad: 3 (1 cooperative defeat, 2 cooperative victory)
*Scarecrow: 4 (2 cooperative victory, 2 cooperative defeat)
-----The Shadow Witch: 6 (5 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory)
*Bog Fiend: 2 (1 cooperative victory, 1 cooperative defeat)
*-The Unspeakable Horror: 3 (1 cooperative defeat, 2 cooperative victory)
*Vampire: 2 (2 cooperative victory)
*Spectral Horseman: 3 (1 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory, 1 solo victory)
*Gargoyle: 2 (1 cooperative victory, 1 cooperative defeat)
*The Reaper: 2 (1 cooperative victory, 1 cooperative defeat)
*The Siren: 2 (1 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory)
The Ghost Ship: 2 (2 cooperative defeat)
*The Sunken Seven: 2 (1 cooperative victory, 1 cooperative defeat)
*The Dreamweaver: 3 (2 cooperative victory, 1 solo defeat)
Heroes played:
*The Scarlet Shadow: 6
Captain Hawkins: 6
*Inspector Cooke: 2
*Isabella von Took: 5
*Eliza the Witch Hunter: 7
*Katarina the Outlaw: 9
*Anne-Marie the Schoolteacher: 5
*Valeria the Eternal: 3
*Harlow Morgan the Inventor: 7
*Heinrich Cartwright the Drifter: 8
*Victor the Playwright: 5
*Lucy Hanbrook: 3
*Karl the soldier: 4
*Brother Marcus: 3
* Adrianna: 1
* Thomas the Courier: 2
*Jack Fellows: 3
*Sara, the Bright Witch: 6
Abigail Sturn: 3
*Frederic Léon: 4
*Doctor Edwards: 5
*Argot Blackwell: 3
*Maria de la Rosa: 3
*Liliana, lost soul: 4
Talisman statistics:
Characters played:
Everybody loses: 1
Word Winder (7)
Yatzy (4)
7 Wonders (1)
Chronicles (1)
SC taktinen lautapeli (2)
Outdoor/other games:
Mölkky-game (2)
Croquet (3)
A nameless word game (1)
Touch of Evil statistics:
Villains played:
*Krampus: 1 (1 cooperative victory)
*Volgovian Nutcracker: 5 (1 solo victory, 3 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory)
*Necromancer: 4 (3 cooperative defeats, 1 cooperative victory)
*-Banshee: 4 (1 cooperative victory, 3 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory)
*--Werewolf: 4 (3 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory)
*Delion Dryad: 3 (1 cooperative defeat, 2 cooperative victory)
*Scarecrow: 4 (2 cooperative victory, 2 cooperative defeat)
-----The Shadow Witch: 6 (5 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory)
*Bog Fiend: 2 (1 cooperative victory, 1 cooperative defeat)
*-The Unspeakable Horror: 3 (1 cooperative defeat, 2 cooperative victory)
*Vampire: 2 (2 cooperative victory)
*Spectral Horseman: 3 (1 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory, 1 solo victory)
*Gargoyle: 2 (1 cooperative victory, 1 cooperative defeat)
*The Reaper: 2 (1 cooperative victory, 1 cooperative defeat)
*The Siren: 2 (1 cooperative defeat, 1 cooperative victory)
The Ghost Ship: 2 (2 cooperative defeat)
*The Sunken Seven: 2 (1 cooperative victory, 1 cooperative defeat)
*The Dreamweaver: 3 (2 cooperative victory, 1 solo defeat)
Heroes played:
*The Scarlet Shadow: 6
Captain Hawkins: 6
*Inspector Cooke: 2
*Isabella von Took: 5
*Eliza the Witch Hunter: 7
*Katarina the Outlaw: 9
*Anne-Marie the Schoolteacher: 5
*Valeria the Eternal: 3
*Harlow Morgan the Inventor: 7
*Heinrich Cartwright the Drifter: 8
*Victor the Playwright: 5
*Lucy Hanbrook: 3
*Karl the soldier: 4
*Brother Marcus: 3
* Adrianna: 1
* Thomas the Courier: 2
*Jack Fellows: 3
*Sara, the Bright Witch: 6
Abigail Sturn: 3
*Frederic Léon: 4
*Doctor Edwards: 5
*Argot Blackwell: 3
*Maria de la Rosa: 3
*Liliana, lost soul: 4
Talisman statistics:
Characters played:
Everybody loses: 1
Everybody wins yay: 1
- Ascendant Divine: 0
- Assassin: 1 (1 victory)
- Alchemist: 4 (1 victory, 1 horrible black void)
- Amazon: 5 (2 victories, 1 death)
- Ancient Oak: 2 (1 death, 1 last)
- Arcane Scion: 1 (1 death)
- Barbarian: 1
- Black Knight: 0
- Bounty Hunter: 4 (1 victory, 1 death)
- Cat Burglar: 3 (2 victories, 1 last)
- Celestial: 2 (1 death)
- Chivalric Knight: 6 (1 victory, 1 horrible black void, 2 death)
- Cleric: 3 (1 last)
- Conjurer: 0
- Dark Cultist: 1
- Dervish: 3 (1 death)
- Doomsayer: 4 (2 victory)
- Dragon Hunter: 1 (1 death)
- Dragon Priestess: 3 (2 victories)
- Dragon Rider: 3 (1 victory, 2 death)
- Dread Knight: 2 (2 deaths)
- Druid: 4 (3 victories, 1 death)
- Dwarf: 2 (1 death)
- Elementalist: 6 (1 victory, 2 death)
- Elf: 4 (1 death, 1 everybody wins)
- Fairy: 1 (1 victory)
- Fire Wizard: 1 (1 death)
- Ghoul: 2 (2 deaths... hah?)
- Gladiator: 2 (1 last)
- Grave Robber: 5 (1 victory, 1 death)
- Gypsy: 4 (4 victories)
- Highlander: 5 (1 victory, 1 death)
- Jin Blooded: 1 (1 last)
- Knight: 4 (1 death, 1 last)
- Leprechaun: 4 (2 victories)
- Ley Walker (1 death)
- Magus: 4 (1 victory, 1 death, 1 last)
- Merchant: 3 (1 death)
- Minstrel: 5 (2 victory, 1 last)
- Minotaur: 2 (1 victory)
- Monk: 1
- Mutant: 2 (1 death, 1 last)
- Necromancer: 2 (1 death)
- Nomad: 0
- Ogre Chieftain: 1
- Philosopher: 6 (2 victories, 1 last, 2 death)
- Possessed: 3 (2 victories, 1 death)
- Prophetess: 6 (3 victory, 1 everybody wins)
- Priest: 5 (1 death, 1 everybody wins)
- Rogue: 2 (2 death)
- Sage: 2
- Scavenger: 2 (1 death)
- Scout: 1 (1 death)
- Spider Queen: 2 (2 death)
- Spy: 6 (2 last)
- Swashbuckler: 4 (1 victory)
- Sorceress: 4 (1 death, 1 victory)
- Tavern Maid: 2 (1 victory)
- Thief: 4
- Tinkerer: 2 (1 victory, 1 death)
- Totem Warrior: 4 (2 victories, 1 last)
- Troll: 3 (1 victory)
- Vampire Hunter: 4 (1 last)
- Vampiress: 3 (2 victory, 1 death)
- Valkyrie: 2
- Warlock: 4 (4 victories)
- Warlord: 3 (3 deaths)
- Warrior: 2 (1 last)
- Wizard: 5 (3 death)
: missing 2014
- Ascendant Divine: 0
- Assassin: 1 (1 victory)
- Alchemist: 4 (1 victory, 1 horrible black void)
- Amazon: 5 (2 victories, 1 death)
- Ancient Oak: 2 (1 death, 1 last)
- Arcane Scion: 1 (1 death)
- Barbarian: 1
- Black Knight: 0
- Bounty Hunter: 4 (1 victory, 1 death)
- Cat Burglar: 3 (2 victories, 1 last)
- Celestial: 2 (1 death)
- Chivalric Knight: 6 (1 victory, 1 horrible black void, 2 death)
- Cleric: 3 (1 last)
- Conjurer: 0
- Dark Cultist: 1
- Dervish: 3 (1 death)
- Doomsayer: 4 (2 victory)
- Dragon Hunter: 1 (1 death)
- Dragon Priestess: 3 (2 victories)
- Dragon Rider: 3 (1 victory, 2 death)
- Dread Knight: 2 (2 deaths)
- Druid: 4 (3 victories, 1 death)
- Dwarf: 2 (1 death)
- Elementalist: 6 (1 victory, 2 death)
- Elf: 4 (1 death, 1 everybody wins)
- Fairy: 1 (1 victory)
- Fire Wizard: 1 (1 death)
- Ghoul: 2 (2 deaths... hah?)
- Gladiator: 2 (1 last)
- Grave Robber: 5 (1 victory, 1 death)
- Gypsy: 4 (4 victories)
- Highlander: 5 (1 victory, 1 death)
- Jin Blooded: 1 (1 last)
- Knight: 4 (1 death, 1 last)
- Leprechaun: 4 (2 victories)
- Ley Walker (1 death)
- Magus: 4 (1 victory, 1 death, 1 last)
- Merchant: 3 (1 death)
- Minstrel: 5 (2 victory, 1 last)
- Minotaur: 2 (1 victory)
- Monk: 1
- Mutant: 2 (1 death, 1 last)
- Necromancer: 2 (1 death)
- Nomad: 0
- Ogre Chieftain: 1
- Philosopher: 6 (2 victories, 1 last, 2 death)
- Possessed: 3 (2 victories, 1 death)
- Prophetess: 6 (3 victory, 1 everybody wins)
- Priest: 5 (1 death, 1 everybody wins)
- Rogue: 2 (2 death)
- Sage: 2
- Scavenger: 2 (1 death)
- Scout: 1 (1 death)
- Spider Queen: 2 (2 death)
- Spy: 6 (2 last)
- Swashbuckler: 4 (1 victory)
- Sorceress: 4 (1 death, 1 victory)
- Tavern Maid: 2 (1 victory)
- Thief: 4
- Tinkerer: 2 (1 victory, 1 death)
- Totem Warrior: 4 (2 victories, 1 last)
- Troll: 3 (1 victory)
- Vampire Hunter: 4 (1 last)
- Vampiress: 3 (2 victory, 1 death)
- Valkyrie: 2
- Warlock: 4 (4 victories)
- Warlord: 3 (3 deaths)
- Warrior: 2 (1 last)
- Wizard: 5 (3 death)
: missing 2014