Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Who's the Banest of Them All?

 A 50 point game of Warmachine over War Table.

My list:

Cryx Unlimited
- Desecrator
- Harrower
- Deathripper
Bane Warriors & Attachment
Scharde Ogrun Ironmongers
Warwitch Siren

Command cards: Gravedigger, Blessing of the Gods, Break Through, Old Faithful, Power Swell

Opponent had:

Cryx Dark Host
Bane Witch Agathia
- 3x Slayer
- Deathripper
2x Bane Warrior units
Pistol Wraith

Command cards: Infiltration, Power Swell, Old Faithful, Careful Reconnaissance, Break Through

Scenario was Payload.

First two turns Venethrax's army just ran forward, Desecrator and Banest on the left, with Venethrax and Ironmongers in the middle. Both solos and Deathripper were on the right, with Harrower repositioning there to help them for a bit. 

Opponent had launched his slayers against Desecrator and Banes. He wanted to make his warjacks incorporeal with Agathia's feat, but both Banes chosen for that managed to pass their Tough checks, and even Desecrator was left alive with a couple of damage points remaining. 

It looked pretty bad for Agathia, but somehow Cryx warjacks - no matter the side - were not living up to their damage potential standards. First Bane Warriors charged Slayer that had Hellwrought on, and while they managed to hit respectably - I think two out of three did that - their charge damage rolls were abysmal. Non-charging attacks versus another Slayer engaging Desecrator didn't do any better. 

Desecrator managed to bring Slayer down to a couple of damage boxes, but that just wasn't enough. Venethrax had to charge in and deliver the warjack from its misery. This left him in a subpar position... at least when there were opposing Bane Warriors involved! He kept a four focus in camp, just in case.

Harrower charged to Slayer on the right, and managed to take down two enemy Bane Warriors with a Thresher attack. Damage to the warjack was actually on the higher end, but Agathia was able to bring the thing fully functional with Old Faithful.

The now-repaired Slayer and remaining enemy Banes were able to wreck Harrower entirely. On the left, opponent wen all-in with assassination. Agathia landed Parasite on Venethrax, and the remaining Slayer trampled over a couple of my Warriors, not doing much. Five Bane Warriors charged, though. They needed 9's to hit, and two of them exceeded that roll. Damage rolls were stressful, and my warcaster was left with three health remaining after just two attacks. Fortunately nothing was able to score further hits, although Pistol Wraith certainly tried.

This left opponent dragging behind in scenario points - Venethrax now had a lead of two. 

It took combined efforts of Venethrax, Desecrator and Bane Warriors and even Scharde Ogrun Ironmongers to destroy Slayer and enemy banes from the right, but that was a devastating blow to Agathia. On the right, Warwitch Siren was able to spray one enemy flag terrain scoring Bane dead, and while Deathripper wasn't able to destroy Slayer there, the helljack no longer had functional cortex. 

In total, Venethrax took a four point lead on that turn, and Agathia didn't stand a chance to catch that. 

Venethrax had healed back to five health remaining, and Agathia's best shot was to throw a fully boosted Hellfire against him. First, Pistol Wraith tried to chill Venethrax, but trying to get a ten twice in a row was a tall order. Hellfire also missed, and we ended the game there in Venethrax's victory.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Second turn 4-4

 A 50ss game of Malifaux on Vassal. It was part of the Fractured Future global campaign.

Strategy: Wedge Plant Explosives

Schemes: Information Overload, Outflank, Sweating Bullets, Hold Up Their Forces, Ensnare

My list:

Dr. McMourning & Zombie Chihuahua
Corpse Curator
Kentauroi with Grave Spirit Touch
Little Gasser

Pool: 5
Schemes: Ensnare, Hold Up Their Forces
Thread: Wicked Whisper objective 1 (Two corpse markers within 3" of Nia)

Opponent had:

Youko Hamasaki, Unseen & Chiyo
Bill Algren
2x Bunraku
2x Geisha

Pool: 4
Schemes: Outflank, Sweating Bullets (Bill Algren)
Thread: Moonshine Madness objective 1 (opponent within 3" of Nia gains a condition during a friendly model's activation)

Turn 1:

Sebastian started by making a Canine Remains out of Gravediggers deployment corpse. The dog proceeded to take a chunk out of Corpse Curator, and went to drop it near Nia. Gravedigger did also went to drop a corpse near enough Nia to score fracture point. With Wedge deployment, not too much effort required.

But then Shojo activated and did the most horrible thing imaginable to the dog. She called it a bad boy. What a biting insult. Canine Remains was distracted, and opponent got their first fracture point.

Corpse Curator did a sludge marker and went to place a scheme marker to drag along later. Geisha lured Corpse Curator forward, and since neither Youko nor Bill had activated, I was worried for its safety. Dr. McMourning activated and went to threaten the entire damn Qi and Gong crew. What an ego. He also gave doctor's orders for Corpse Curator to back off. 

Bill did manage to land a hit on McMourning, but doctor just healed all damage in the end phase. 

Opponent had a Bunraku going towards both points where center line met board edge, which looked a lit like Outflank. I had Little Gasser going far right, where Chiyo and Bunraku seemed to be going. On the left, Necropunk and Bunraku were nearing the outflank point.

Kentauroi was the only model dropping an explosive token during first round, and was free to go either towards the center clump or Bunraku to left. 

But the middle. Yeah. Only one piece of size 1 blocking terrain was between McMourning and KOTO, both Geishas, Shojo, Bill, Youko and Tanuki. And that terrain was destructible, too. Even for McMourning that was kind of worrying prospect. 

Turn 2:

The situation in the middle? It was most likely the messiest melee I've seen in a while. 

Shojo was able to activate Boring Conversation early on, which became quite the nuisance. I made a plan: Nurse removes the terrain and pushes McMourning here and there right to Shojo, so I can remove such a devastating aura for mainly Wp 4 crew. I wanted until McMourning had some damage. However, it seemed that the longer I wait, the more debuffs came stacking in. Youko and Bill actually killed Corpse Curator and the Zombie Chihuahua, who had heroically charged headlong into melee against models with Disguised. At least it stank a little.

Opponent didn't seem that keen on killing my slow, 4x Distracted Canine Remains which was engaging KOTO. I suppose McMourning and Sebastian were more of a concern. However, that was excellent news for my Hold Up Their Forces. 

Eventually I did bring McMourning into melee with Shojo, using Nurse. However, by then McMourning had a few stacks of Distracted and also Slow. And there were two Geishas with Distraction aura, and the Boring Conversation. Before getting to Shojo I'd have to deal with Geishas. 

Fortunately one of them had received poison from Zombie Chihuahua, and dealt 25% of her health as damage via Catalyst. I had a 13 of Rams in my hand, so I was planning on securing a kill on that Geisha to at least do something. It was hideously expensive to kill that Geisha. McMourning had to use two soulstones to get straight, cheatable flips. One for Boring Conversation, another for attacking while distracted. And of course I had to use the 13 of Rams from hand. For a single strike against a four point minion! And yet, there was still another one of them. 

Well, I got only myself to blame here. I didn't anticipate that the entire goddamn Qi and Gong crew would pile up in the middle like that. Don't they have schemes to run?! However, I had no critical reasons to engage the hellish blob of debuff auras like that.

But now that I were there, why not bring Kentauroi there, too! It failed its attacks obviously, but the thing was to get Bill Algren engaged for Hold Up Their Forces. 

Before Dying, Corpse Curator had hauled a scheme marker near Bill, and I think it was Canine Remains who put another before going to engage KOTO.

Thus, Resurrectionists managed to reveal both of their schemes, strategy AND thread objective for a whopping four points on turn two.

However, opponent didn't fare any worse. Bunrakus were easily able to get Outflank despite Necropunk trying to engage it, and Gasser bluffing Outflank on the other flank. Bill Algren, the centerpiece model for both of my schemes, was also able to score Sweating Bullets for Qi and Gong. 

First, and possibly only 4-4 on turn 2 game of my Malifaux career.

Turn 3:

Qi and Gong had only one unspent pass token from last turn, and I felt like I really, really needed the initiative. I cheated Red Joker on initiative, but opponent cheated a 13. After re-flips I had to cheat a 13 from my hand to secure initiative.

Reason was to get rid of Distraction aura once and for all. The way how boring conversations benefit from distractions is beyond horrifying. McMourning was first to activate and remove Geisha from board before Shojo would start her ramblings. PHEW.

That... was just about the only good news this turn, though. Bunraku on right killed a bomb carrying Little Gasser before it was able to activate, and same happened with Bill Algren and Kentauroi. 

Whatever damage I was able to do was mostly healed. KOTO and Bunraku on right dropped strategy markers. Necropunk wasn't able to do enough damage to deny Bunraku on left robbing me of a strategy marker. 

Even a freaking tanuki nearly killed Nurse. However, all hope was not lost as Sebastian was able to dislodge himself from melee to drop a strategy marker next turn.

As Ten Thunders were able to deny Resurrectionists a strategy point this turn, scores went 5-4 for Ten Thunders.

Turn 4:

Well, it was all downhill from here. 

While Sebastian managed to drop strategy marker and charge to Youko, and survived admirably. 

McMourning summoned a Flesh Construct, gave Doctor's Orders to himself and went to place strategy marker before charging to Bill Alrgen. He even managed to land a devastating severe, but the damage was healed throughout ongoing turn.

Necropunk failed it's jump later in the turn, and decided to go and deny opponent Outflank. But this lead Qi and Gong not to pursue it at all, so Bunraku from right was able to re-deploy against Sebastian. Other Bunraku ran into my deployment zone.

But the most devastating activation came from KOTO, when it was able to drain life away from Gravedigger with two strums from its koto, despite penalties to damage flips. Ah well. It's not like I needed Gravedigger to score Ensnare easily next turn.

Both players get a strategy point, so Ten Thunders lead with a one point margin of 6-5.

Turn 5:

Sebastian survived Youko's onslaught, but she also moved a Bunraku away from Sebastian's melee, which meant it would have a free pass at going to rob me a strategy point. 

Because of that McMourning had to make a sacrifice - and managed to Black Joker his disengage. Second one succeeded, though, and he was able to give Sebastian Doctor's Orders to go and engage Bunraku. But, that was essentially McMourning's contribution. In the hindsight, I should have walked to block Bill Algren's way to another strategy marker of mine that had been blocked by McMourning and Nia. I just didn't take into account KOTO's ability to move Bill out of melee. 

I also messed up with Canine Remains that could have given me Hold Up Their Forces along with Necropunk it had stayed in melee with Shojo. But no, it went to engage Bill Algren instead because of... reasons.

So losing two points last turn was totally poor play on my part. Fortunately it didn't cost me the entire game, as 8-7 would still have been a loss for Resurrectionists. But in the end we were looking at a 8-5 victory for Ten Thunders.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Stuff the Daggers

Two 50ss games of Malifaux

Strategy: Flank Cloak and Dagger

Schemes: Ensnare, Death Beds, Take Prisoner, Protected Territory, Outflank

My list:

Kirai & Ikiryo
Datsue Ba
Lost Love
2x Shikome
Enslaved Spirit

Pool: 5
Schemes: Protected Territory, Take Prisoner (Hunter!!!)
Thread: Wicked Whisper objective 2

Opponent had:

Hoffman & Mechanical Attendant
Medical Automaton
2x Watcher

Pool: 3
Schemes: Take Prisoner (Shikome), Outflank
Thread: Badges and Blades objective 2

Turn 1:

There was a big enough building complex on Urami side to act as a dividing element even for incorporeal keyword. 

A Shikome was aided by Seishin to go and pick first intel in the bottom-right corner of board. A Hunter walked closer to the same strategy marker and attempted to shoot Drowned. A Watcher also took a double walk towards bottom-right corner.

Guardian had tossed another Watcher towards top-left corner, which certainly awoke a suspicion in me that opponent might be trying to outflank my crew. Before the Watcher had been able to activate, Shikome tried to walk and charge it without much of an effect. Watcher was able to disengage and approach top-left corner.

Melissa repositioned from right to left and run & gunned Gwisin, and did so hard. Lost Love had to teleport in for heals. Thus, Gwisin, Ikiryo, Lost Love and Enslaved Spirit were holding the center-left against Guardian, Melissa, Mechanical Attendant and Hoffman. 

Center-right, past the building and closes to Nia marker, was Seishin, Datsue Ba, Drowned, Kirai and even a summoned Goryo were holding the area against Joss and Medical Automaton. Drowned and Goryo managed to severely injure Joss. Red Joker on damage and Black Joker in damage block is... harsh.

Turn 2:

Well... that didn't go as planned. 

Melissa runned and gunned Shikome down to one health remaining. Fortunately there were not that many threats around for her if she stayed in place. So, she picked up intel and placed a scheme marker while being guarded by Gwisin. Had she charged Watcher in the corner, chances are she might have been taken down. 

Guardian beat Ikiryo down before she was able to activate, and Mechanical Attendant grabbed a point of intel. So, pretty much just like that my left side game collapsed. Sure, I brought Enslaved Spirit to engage Guardian, but, ech.

Another Shikome dropped a scheme marker and took a flight as far from Watcher and Hunter as possible. And fortunately enough, Hunter went to participate in the fight in the middle near Nia marker, and Watcher went to place scheme to bottom-right corner.

Medical Automaton healed Joss as much as possible. And with Joss's death now out of reach, Goryo that had been summoned last turn decided to rather take down Medical Automaton. 

Hoffman changed course and went to middle, and removed summoned Goryo from equation. However, soon enough another one was summoned. Drowned, the new Goryo, Kirai and even Datsue Ba's judgement tried to kill Joss, but they couldn't quite do it. At least it drained Guild's soulstones. 

Lost Love teleported to Datsue Ba and went to place a scheme marker for Protected Territory. 

This turn I realized what a grave mistake I had done when I picked Hunter as my Take Prisoner target. 

Points, however, went: Strategy, Nia and Protected Territory for Resurrectionists, strategy and Outflank for Guild for a 3-2 lead for Kirai.

Turn 3:

I lost initiative, and tried to place Nia so far from action that opponent would have to act suboptimally to score Nia this turn.

Hoffman had to waste an action to walk within 3" of Nia, and I was happy to see that Goryo wouldn't die just yet. However, Mechanical Automaton was able to score the kill with surprise shot. What a surprise!

Drowned died, but so did Joss. After various summons and turns spent next to Nia, Kirai had fallen down to five health remaining or so. So, after killing Joss and summoning Ikiryo, she went as far back as possible behind a fountain.

Hunter took an intel and backed off as far as possible. It would be annoying, difficult even, to catch Hunter as a prisoner with incorporeal models because of Deadly Pursuit.

So this is what it took: Datsue Ba ran and charged behind Hunter. Non-incorporeal Lost Love teleported in such a manner that opponent would have to pursuit into severe terrain. That, however, would still not be enough. I tried to move Shikome as close as possible, but I still thought opponent might be able to push over 1" away from Datsue Ba and not get within 1" of Shikome. Thus, summoned Ikiryo shrugged off slow and ran to block Hunter from moving at all. 

Sheesh. But a victory point is a victory point, I suppose.

Another Shikome eventually either died to Melissa or Watcher, and Guardian slapped Enslaved Spirit dead with just one hit as was expected. 

Guild received Nia point and strategy, and Resurrectionists got strategy and Take Prisoner for 5-4 lead for Kirai.

Turn 4:

As Hunter was already far away from my side of table, I decided to just kill the prisoner. Ikiryo was able to do that, freeing Datsue Ba and Lost Love to go to scheme Protected Territory end condition.

Hoffman managed to maul Kirai dead even when I tried to block Hoffman's move with Nia marker. 

Shikome went to pick intel, and Mechanical Attendant walked right next to strategy marker for upcoming turns.

Gwisin was miraculously able to survive Guardian and Melissa. Most likely because Melissa had slowly been scraped down to one hit point remaining, which is not good news against Vengeance +1. 

No points were scored this turn for either player.

Turn 5: 

Hoffman came to rob Shikome of her intel. However, Hoffman had been injured for quite a bit throughout beating various vengeful models. Ikiryo set her sight on Kirai's killer, walked and charged Hoffman dead. 

Gwisin was able to land a final hit on Melissa, which ruined Guild's chances to receive third intel. However, Guardian smacked Gwisin back which ruined any chance for Resurrectionists to use Lost Love to claim intel from, wherever. He was needed to score Protected Territory end condition.

So, both players gained end condition from one of their schemes for a narrow 6-5 victory for Kirai.

Game 2:

Strategy: Standard Stuff the Ballots

Schemes: Protected Territory, Deliver a Message, Outflank, Sweating Bullets, In Your Face

My list:

Molly, Chaotic Conductor & Necrotic Machine
Philip & Nanny
Noxious Nephilim
Carrion Effigy
Rabble Riser with Killer Instinct
2x Crooligan

Pool: 4
Schemes: Deliver a Message (Archie), In Your Face
Thread: Wicked Whispers

Opponent had:

Jakob Lynch & Hungering Darkness
Gwyneth Maddox
Mr. Graves
Mr. Tannen
Soul Battery
2x Illuminated

Schemes: Sweating Bullets, In Yo Face
Thread: Adrenaline Rush

Turn 1:

A single Crooligan was deployed right next to both ballots at the table edges as you'd expect. However, Hungering Darkness charged the one on right, so she teleported back to my deployment to get some heals from Effigy.

The second Crooligan took some cover behind a wall, as he saw other enthusiastic voters coming to the same ballot. Mr. Tannen and Illuminated, to name a few. 

Molly shuffled Noxious Nephilim near Nia marker to throw up required corpses for fracture points. Lynch started shooting at it, but Necrotic Machine made good job at stitching the nephilim. Archie positioned to within easy message delivery range of Mr. Lynch. 

Rabble Riser took a full run way past centerline, maybe one day getting behind enemy lines to vote. 

Molly, Necrotic Machine, Philip & Nanny and both beaters were holding up the middle, while Ten Thunders had their master and Mr. Graves nearby, with Tanuki and Illuminated hanging around and Gwyneth failing to hit the jackpot and thus getting no fracture points just yet. I felt relatively confident at this set-up.

Turn 2:

... Except that Lynch used Looming Dark to pull Hungering Darkness into melee with all of my Df 4 beaters. This took my by surprise as I was sure Honeypot would plant a vote to the rightmost ballot. Nope, Noxious Nephilim nearly died. 

Since its demise looked imminent, I activated Nephilim only for it to throw up what it just had regenerated, thus scoring Nia point. 

I think it was Gwyneth who killed Noxious Nephilim next, again failing with jackpot. No fractures for Honeypot this turn. 

Lynch started shooting Archie, and did a horrifying job at that. He had, like, two or three health remaining after those derringer shots.,

But then Molly made a weird super activation. She healed Archie back to full with Deja Vu's and shenanigans, and encouraged Archie to boldly walk with pride to deliver a message for Mr. Lynch. Now, I don't know what written in the message, but Honeypot got furious. Or maybe it was just the way how Archie walked. I don't know. But Mr. Graves and Illuminated beat Archie back down to two health remaining.

Instead of scoring In Your Face with Archie, the poor guy had to leap away from action, and even cheat himself down to one health remaining to succeed at the leap. Two walks later he was getting patched up by Carrion Effigy.

It took three angry voters, Mr. Tannen, Soul Battery and Illuminated to scare away an underage voter, who teleported to center ballots and crammed it full illegal votes. Three, in fact, because of Nia's Adrenaline Rush. 

Philip & Nanny had succeeded in slowing down Hungering Darkness, but Tanuki was just as good lifting Lynch's totem's mood up from sluggishness. 

Suddenly situation looked a wee bit worrying, but at least Necrotic Machine landed double poison on Hungering Darkness, greatly reducing its survivability with neurotoxins. 

Since Hungering Darkness had left rightmost ballots empty, buffed up Rabble Riser ran there to place votes next turn.

Resurrectionists scored strategy and Deliver a Message. Opponent had received strategy and both schemes for a 2-3 lead for Honeypot.

Turn 3:

Resurrectionists got the initiative, and tried to ruin enemy plans with Boring Conversation. Philip and Nanny were able to slow Hungering Darkness again, and Tanuki did exactly same it did last turn.

Hungering Darkness was under neurotoxins and Carrion Effigy's no-heal aura. To relieve itself from the plethora of debuffs, Hungering Darkness activated and indeed managed to scrap Necrotic Machine. Gosh and darn. 

It was time to see what Molly's parade baton was all about, as Hungering Darkness only had five health remaining. I figured my best chance would be to do a singular, mighty hit. My hand was already running low, so Molly concentrated, positively reinforced herself and took a swing at the beast, using focus both on Terrifying and attack flip. Annoyingly it only resulted in a tie, so damage was flipped with negative modifier. Nonetheless, severe 6. 

Unfortunately situation in the middle still looked bleak. Mr. Graves exposed Crooligan for the fraud he was and punished the kid with a fencepost. Lethally. Fortunately opponent was rather busy with removing Crooligan's earlier votes and to stuff their own into center ballots. 

Archie took a crazy 19"+base size sprint behind enemy lines, with the remaining Crooligan teleporting to him and placing votes to enemy ballots. Rabble Riser secured another box, providing Resurrectionists with a victory point. Noxious Nephilim's and Crooligan's corpse in the middle also gave me a Nia point.

Ten Thunders received center and leftmost ballots, with an Illuminated already having ran within 1" of a ballot box on my side. 

Scores evened out to 4-4.

Turn 4:

Honeypot models were closing in the middle, so after Carrion Effigy had put up Aura of Decay Molly brandished her trusty baton again, and started to maul Mr. Graves. And look at that! Only Hard-to-kill saved the casino bouncer.

I worried that Mr. Graves would idolize Archie's retreat in similar situation, but Mr. Graves was of tougher determination. Instead, he managed to deal damage back to Molly.

Because of this my center pretty much collapsed. Fortunately Philip & Nanny was able to ask a tough question that killed Mr. Graves, giving Resurrectionists their In Your Face. And not a moment too soon, as a couple of next Honeypot activations were able to put an end to Molly's carnival.

Archie & Crooligan tag team secured third strategy point for the Forgotten, but Honeypot were just as effective voters. 

With Resurrectionists second scheme and both players scoring strategy, Forgotten claimed a tiny lead of 6-5.

Turn 5:

Last turn started with Philip & Nanny and Carrion Effigy surrounded by both Illuminated, Lynch, Tanuki, Mr. Tannen and even Gwyneth within derringer's reach. It certainly did not look good. 

I just had to hope for best that Philip & Nanny would survive the onslaught and back off with deadly pursuit to deny Ten Thunders Sweating Bullets end condition. And it almost worked - it was the very last activation's very last action that finally removed Philip & Nanny from board.

Archie scored In Your Face, but Ten Thunders got both of their schemes and even Nia point for a close victory of 8-7 for Honeypot.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Maurala Epilogue

During friend's visit we finished up our long standing Kingdom Death campaign.

Lantern Year 19 Nemesis Showdown - King's Man level 2 

We brought our A-team of Moldonial, Maxaria, Brix and blue savior Hopeanuoli to smash and blast King's Man beyond recognition.

The plan was executed flawlessly. After first two or three rounds King's Man was mercilessly beaten down to it's knees with over half of its health done as damage. 

But by then, King's Man was really, really pissed off by Moldonial's clumsy but deadly attacks. It decided to show some real skill to this annoying usurper and drew Perfect Thrust after players had got too confident and didn't bother with Rawhide Headband.

And, by chance, Moldonial was standing in just the right spot to receive three severe body injuries. So, our amazing flower powered zombie that had died during Gigalion to first severe roll he had had to make, repeated this pattern of behavior and went down with the first roll.


Fortunately we still had fair chances, as Maxaria was able to wound with just 2+ even when attacking from King's Man's front. She also had Arithmophilia, so her movement would never drop to zero. Vespertine Bow had decent enough chances of wounding, too, and Hopeanuoli the blue savior had a total of six blue affinities, so had the possibility to inflict three criticals in a row. 

Maxaria, however, took her sweet time in acquiring King's Step and she was not impervious to King's Man's attacks with only total evasion of +2. There was time pressure for sure. 

Hopeanuoli wasted both of his Lucernae attacks. Well, first one did two wounds but didn't do any impactful criticals effects with those - and second Lucernae attack happened when King's Man had knocked Maxaria too far away to reach him even with dash, and with movement of one Brix would not be able to reach even aim range of 9 with Vespertine Bow. Hopeanuoli checked the battle tempo locations and disappeared.

In the end, Brix was not able to hand too many brain traumas from Hymn of Silence, and left Maxaria alone to duel King's Man. It went kind of fine, although Maxaria did get disemboweled after a while. She passed those severe injury rolls admirably, but without bandages there is a strict limit on how many of those you can take even if you somehow dodge rolling 1-2. In the end Maxaria succumbed to Bleed tokens after bringing King's Man down to zero AI cards remaining.

Lantern Year 20 - Clinging Mist

Wow! Clinging Mist! Time to start new settlement, hard mode? Nope, we rolled a seven and Pudge doused himself in urine. 

Just in time to attack the Watcher. We thought it best to end the campaign in style and challenge The Watcher right away, because two full party wipes seemed too much in the long run.

Lantern Year 20 nemesis showdown: The Watcher

Pudge, Oda, Ischmo and Scheppo were to save Maurala from the ultimate existential threat. 

... and were we surprised! We had no serious survivors or great equipment, no twilight sword, nothing. And yet, turn after turn, the four heroic survivors not only survived, but even put a dent in Watcher's lanterns here and there. Thanks to ghost citizens survivors were able to shave almost half of Watcher's health away before first survivor, Vespertine Bow using Scheppo died to blood clot.

Ischmo, who had Rib Blade, lost the will to live after losing Scheppo and was the next to go. But hot damn, The Watcher  had only five health remaining by then! And we still had Counter-weighed Axe online. 

Endless Inhalation had slowly been draining survival points from survivors, not to mention the "lose two survival or die" hit locations. With his last survival points Pudge did a heroic activation by rolling a natural ten with regular attack and natural ten with surge attack, right before Oda died.

Survival-less Pudge with only a few points of insanity against The Watcher who had only three wounds remaining. Stuff of legends! Time for wonders, miracles, even!

Well, it would have certainly been epic to win The Watcher with a population of -24 or so, but it was not to be. 

After six years of sporadic play, last lantern light of Maurala settlement disappeared in a wisp of smoke. 

Monsters slain fought:

Prologue: White Lion level 0
Lantern Year 1: White Lion level 1
Lantern Year 2: White Lion level 1
Lantern Year 3: Screaming Antelope level 1
Lantern Year 4: The Butcher
Lantern Year 5: Manhunter, Gorm level 1
Lantern Year 6: Flower Knight level 1
Lantern Year 7: Gorm level 1
Lantern Year 8: Gorm level 1
Lantern Year 9: King's Man level 1
Lantern Year 10: Manhunter level 2, Flower Knight level 2
Lantern Year 11: The Hand level 1, Sunstalker level 1
Lantern Year 12: Gorm level 1
Lantern Year 13: The Hand level 1
Lantern Year 14: Screaming Antelope level 2
Lantern Year 15: Lonely Tree level 2, Screaming Antelope level 2
Lantern Year 16: Manhunter level 3, Butcher level 2
Lantern Year 17: Screaming Antelope level 3
Lantern Year 18: Gigalion level 3
Lantern Year 19: King's Man level 2
Lantern Year 20: The Watcher