Monday, August 20, 2018

More Sanurinn Poll

Year 6 hunt and showdown

A hunt for Spidicules begin.

To truly master death, one must beat it. Transcend. No longer be a human. Lose all sense of morality first, all the flesh next. At least that's how Ghorum views it. Hunting Spidicules, he received the Crystal Skin ability. I imagine his voice sounding somehow hollow when he speaks the words of death from now on.

Next Ghorum investigates some cocoons that spray yellow ichor all over him.

Then Ghorum, the star of this hunt phase it seems, attempts to mine some minerals. Doing this he finds out that he no longer bleeds blood, but something else. He develops hemophobia over this.

Then survivors encounter Pus Fields and decide to rush through.

Ghorum receives another spray of yellow ichor, this time melting his crystallizing chest. Ralala explodes another throbbing pustule and takes damage to head.

Sonorous rest has everyone tuning themselves to soundless vibrations, and showdown begins.

And what a nerve wrecking showdown it was.

Survivors heard muffled cries of help somewhere, and did not stop looking until they had rescued Resculachu, who quickly ran to safety from the scene of battle.

By then the board was flooded with spiderlings. Who seemed to be able to score hits more reliably than Spidicule itself.

Ghorum was reminded of his ebbing humanity continuously during fight. Puncture, Hypergenesis and Disable were all cards that were finding their way out from the AI deck far too often. Drolala had to spend around eighty percent of her time patching people (and non-people in case of Ghorum) up with bandages.

Before survivors started to deal wounds to Spidicule in any reliable manner (meaning: "wounds on any roll but 1" gave a wound at least 50% of time) half of the survivors were on the verge of dying. Ralala passed the check for rawhide set a grand total of two times, meaning she was losing survival fast. Hallucinogenic fangs made Laronsel Quixotic and had her suffering from Seizures. A spiderling bit off Drolala's leg.

Laronsel and Drolala had to spend their life-time-rerolls when rolling to wound - and looking back now I don't think I wasted them. Puncture would have been a card that most likely would have ended the hunt in defeat. But not as much as Disable would have done that. Ralala had rawhide headband to manipulate AI deck, so she wasn't able to contribute to actual damage. She had to keep Hypergenesis always coming up. Even a single failed wounding roll had the chance of destroying the whole party, and - of course those rolls did fail. But thankfully re-rolls did help.

It was the closest victory yet to date in this campaign. Ghorum went riding with Spidicule - I thought that I'd miss him least because he had acquired Crystal Skin. Between them, Laronsel and Ralala are supporting bleeding, legless Drolala who is smiling in disbelief. He had learned Synchronized Strike, and lives to tell the tale. Slowly survivors drag themselves to settlement.

But then.

Laronsel and Ralala feel a weight lift from their shoulder.

Drolala is nowhere to be seen.

A crack has appeared just where Drolala had been. Without even a scream he had fallen deep beneath the ground. This, if anything, is a clear proof how Curse of Synchronized Strike is real.

Year 7.

To flesh out the Resculachu that had been found from the silk nest, I nominated him to receive courage from Gorm Climate. Then I nominated him for Phoenix Feather. He's a little Crazed from his experiences in the silk nest. Hoarder, too. These events triggered Bold for him.

Now that the Orator of Death is away, riding into the sunset on a Spidicule, survivors of Sanurinn Pool start to talk to each other. To share their experiences. This dawns the innovation of Symposium.

Since it's quite unusual to find people from inside a silk nest and everyone is impressed by the display of bravery Resculachu has shown, he is nominated for a purification ritual. Then he and Ralala perform the ritual of Sacred Water and have a kid, bringing a little diversity to gene pool.

Laronsel, even if she shares a Quixotic vision with her grand mother Ralala, is horrified when she learns Synchronized Strike.

Hunt and showdown:

Fight with Spidicules had been so exhausting that survivors decided to hunt a gorm. So far the settlement has had most success against this quarry.

Survivors dredge through gorm mating fields. Laronself finds acid glands. Ralala and Spiduka suffer some leg damage for standing in corrosive sludge.

Drorn finds a Founding Stone from flatter earth. Then he recognizes the face of Drolala, his son, looking at him from the ground. Or at least resemblance is exceedingly accurate. Drorn can't help bitterness creeping in, how Ralala seems invulnerable but those who aid her are dying in droves.

Gorm was sitting on a silk nest. Because just one year prior survivors had found Resculachu from inside one of those, it was dug in haste to see if it holds another surprise. It didn't.

Showdown itself went fine with not a single severe injury being rolled. Drorn developed a deep, instinctual fear of monsters when he only found spiderlings from the nest, and Gorm started flickering it's light bulb in disturbing frequencies.

Even synchronized Laronsel survived. But she remembered what had happened to Drolala just at the gates of settlement...

Year 8

Boils and warts had erupted there at Sanurinn Pool. Some blamed weather, which definitely had turned for worse. But the boils were not the worst part. It was the spreading insanity, which soon followed the fever. Slender Blight was here. This coupled with howling wind and repulsive rain of Gorm Climate made everyone forget something important. Settlement lost Partnership innovation.

Attempts to find the cure for this blight resulted in Bloodletting innovation.

Resculachu and Ralala enter the sacred pool again and come back with a baby.

Maybe it's due to the added extra insanity, but settlement gathers to form a rescue operation for Ghorum. Perhaps people wanted him back now that partnership had died.

Hunt and showdown:

On the hunt survivors pass a lonely bridge made of silk. Bad vibrations fill the air as survivors find a mummified corpse, covered in silk. Then survivors need to pass through a jagged valley full of dangerously sharp shards of various materials. Everyone takes a point of body damage.

Drorn investigates the valley with pickaxe, finding some iron and a cockroach that whispers terrible lies about Ralala. This was alarming, considering that Drorn is deaf. Then it tells Drorn to eat it to have truth revealed about Ralala. Poisonous as the cockroach was, Drorn lost all survival. Sonorous rest patched that up a little, but - showdown was next.

Spidicules had spun it's net right next to a Nightmare Tree.

Only spiderlings were found from the silk nest third year in a row. Survivors have to accept the fact that no more people are there to be found.

This time Spidicule caused far less trouble. Laronsel and Ralala had honed their spider killing skills, whom had both been present in the first encounter. If something, Spidicule was annoyingly difficult to catch. Drorn had went completely crazy during this hunt - he had insanity value of 25 at it's highest.

Rescuing Ghorum was almost a success. It took Grissewan's lifetime reroll to successfully free the... creature.

Changes in him were now visible to the naked eye. Ghorum's skin had crystallized, and time he had spent in the darkness had given him disturbing visions. When survivors returned, he told of his encounters - tales of Beast of Sorrow. Settlement event is Elder Council.

Year 9

Settlement innovates Family. Resculachu and Ralala partake a sacred water ritual and choose their surname to be Ra-Dynasty. A child is born, and because dynasty is being formed here the newborn is purified right away.

Ghorum hasn't been a member of their species for some while, and doesn't seem to be all that much interested in the living. He's an outcast of his own volition. This leaves Spiduka feeling rather alone. Spiduka is the only member who is in no way related to Ralala's dynasty. Drorn has at least been accepted as part of the extended family.

Hunt and Showdown

It has been difficult to determine if the howling comes from ongoing never-ending storm, or is coming from an antelope herd. To shoo them off, Ralala leads a chosen group of survivors to a fight. I would like to try level 2 quarries already, but innovating paint has eluded the settlement for nearly a decade. And Manhunter is soon to pay another visit. We shall see if the loud bang from Manhunter's boomstick is enough to awaken the sun.

Overconfident, survivors did not think twice about the carpet of ticks they encountered. Had they done so, maybe they would have realized how large is the herd this time. Cornering a lone antelope would be nigh impossible. But Ralala was with them. How would they ever fail?


The whole herd tramples over all survivors, dealing two points of damage to every survivor to every hit location.

Well done, Sanurinn hunters.

It was an enormous blessing when it dawned on survivors that a young antelope was standing by a corpse of an elder antelope, presumably it's mother. Clearly the living one was mourning, and survivors were able to sneak up on the beast.

From the start survivors spent all of their actions on murderous intentions- since all but Ralala had at least one hit location that would be taking severe injuries from a poorly rolled damage location. Too risky to start scavenging the field. Until Wailing Slide popped up on top of the hit location deck. Grissewan had Counterweighted Axe, which could get rid of the trap safely.

Survivors were praying as much and as loud as they could for the Sun to grant it's strength. Every survivor overcharged themselves at least once during the fight - especially when Ralala got devoured whole. Twice.

Reeling, the survivors pulled through the showdown. And pulled Ralala through Screaming Antelope. Anyway. Grissewan dealt the killing blow, and survivors came home victorious.

Year 10
Slender Blight is back, but this time settlement had prepared with Bloodletting. Result without Bloodletting would have been more preferable in this case, but oh well. Being trampled over by a herd of eerily screaming monsters and then getting devoured by them was too much even for the iron will of Ralala - all returning survivors were scared sane.

Something stirs below the waters of Sacred Pool. Creatures start emerging from there - creatures that survivors find enthralling, and sense urgent need to defend them. But who or what would threaten them deep inside the cavern? Answer came soon enough.

Manhunter. Another of these mysterious collectors had arrived. Perhaps they were the true defenders of the Pool, trying to remove human filth corrupting it's presence? However the case, survivors wouldn't give up their holy purpose so easily. Conflicting viewpoints cause a violent clash between the two factions.

But before that happens, one of the hatched little creatures is dissected by emotionless Chilons Ra-Dynasty. He finds sunstones from inside the tiny critter.

Ralala's dynasty is becoming a legend, when newly bred infants don't show any signs of degeneracy. Clan of Death, as Ghorum titled all the human survivors.

Intense religious aspects appear in the society. Or at least I attempted to have enough survivors to trigger society principle. But got to fourteen survivors. But Sauna Shrine ritual is performed for the first time ever. And it's a success.

Maybe - just maybe settlement has some hope for the upcoming fight now. Because paint was still not available for innovating.

Ralala, Laronsel, Spiduka and Halyran challenge Manhunter.

Slender Blight and it's insanity infection killed Laronsel on turn two. It was not Manhunter's bullets, no. The echo of those shots instilled mortal fear on Laronsel, and she died from horror. Laronsel, with evasion +5, was untouchable. But that did not save her.

And the very same fate befell Ralala - though she was saved by her lifetime re-roll. First time for, well, perhaps first time ever Ralala felt fear.

Abandoning all hope, survivors started praying the sun to come down and help them in their fight. The one who was supposed to soak all the attacks was done for. Everyone who only could did overcharge themselves turn after turn, trying to bring the hunter down by power of faith alone.

And remaining survivors did pray Manhunter dead.

Manhunter had no AI cards left in deck, but next hit location was the trap. No other chance but to roll a perfect hit with Counterweighted Axe.

And there it was. Lantern 10.

Whole Sanurinn Pool could hear a gigantic figure over the world heavily sigh, relieved. Had fight continued, more people would have started dying to just about anything.

Drorn eats the hunter's hear, curing his deafness that first encounter with Manhunter had caused. Ralala, who had got her pelvis disfigured in the same encounter, also took a bite.

And as settlement did not have paint, people of Sanurinn Pool were stuck on level 1 quarries. Screaming Antelope it would be so that settlement might complete Screaming armor set.

Hunt and Showdown

With survivors like these, level 1 fights are becoming too easy. This Antelope was no exception, except that Knaka Ra-Dynasty got continuously chomped. But that was nothing a little overcharging didn't solve. Survivors had all the time they needed to dig through Silk Nest that was in the showdown again. Twins were found from the inside.

Only one pelt meant that Screaming armor set would still not complete.

Victorious survivors come back home. Twice had been Knaka inside the stomach of Screaming Antelope. But third time's the charm.

This time an enormous mouth opened up below Knaka just as the survivors were nearing settlement.

Second survivor lost to Cracks in the Ground.

Year 11

Even if Ralala has a beautiful vision of the future of settlement and the people within, that vision is a little out of touch from reality. She has highly developed moral standards and the understanding to see beauty and kindness in most surprising events.

But really, most other survivors in Sanurinn Pool are a barbaric bunch. They have to be. Their destinies are not written beyond the cloudy sky. They don't have to distract themselves from day-to-day survival with otherworldly matters. This is their conviction principle. It's enough that one person knows what is decent and what is not.

Settlement innovates Song of the Brave. Chilons and Resculachu perform Sacred Water ritual and are convinced by Spiduka that settlement needs even more younglings. Such a large number of survivors need to develop a social code. Again, even if Ralala sees otherwise, the darkness is deep-rooted in these people. They don't have to bother with things like hope - all of the hope is right there, living and breathing in the form of Ralala. Thus, the society principle became Accept Darkness.

Ralala uses bloodletting in an attempt to receive some clarity, lose a disorder perhaps and be immune to death from brain trauma. But she received entirely other kind of understanding. For a brief moment she sees the disparity between her and the other survivors all around. She loses all survival in the process of fixing her thoughts.

Because of this I'm too afraid to take her on a hunt.

But Drorn, the former partner of Ralala, takes the lead instead with Ralala's blessing. Chiloresc, Relons and Spiduka go for a level 1 Gorm hunt to remove Gorm Climate from timeline.

That shall begin the next five year cycle. Halyran takes the title of Thundercaller, and leads survivors into the storm.

*Ralala Ra-Dynasty
Accuracy +3, Strength +6, Evasion +1
Courage 7, Understanding 8, Fist and Tooth mastery, spear proficiency 2
Prey, Quixotic, Hyper Sensitive
Unconscious Fighter, Tough, Synchronized Strike

She has been purified and was the first one to do so.
- Last remaining survivor from prologue survivors. Killed the other remaining one by herself during Season of the Spiderling.
- Warped Pelvis from a fight with Manhunter level 1
- Devoured by Screaming Antelope
- Religious leader and initiator of Sauna Shrine rituals.
- Cured Warped Pelvis with what was left of Manhunter level 2 heart.

Killing blows:
2x Level 1 Gorm
2x Level 1 Screaming Antelope

Accuracy +1, Strength +4
Courage 7, Understanding 3, Katar proficiency 2
Hemophobia, Megalophobia, Absent Seizures
Vengeance, Double Dash, Orator of Death

Dismembered arm

Who is mostly interested in the storm. Whenever he is required to make contact with another human being, he speaks only in the language of death. And if there is a dispute, he can and will settle it by practicing what he speaks.

- Voice of "Reason"
- Lost his hand while inside Screaming Antelope's stomach
- Rival's Scar
- Killed his rival, Khantan, on the eve of Khantan's grand victory
- Crystal Skin
- Captured by Spidicules
- Returned from Spidicules with great insight from darkness, bringing news of a Beast of Sorrow.

Killing blows: Khantan.

Accuracy +2, Strength +2, Evasion +1
Courage 5, Understanding 3, Katar proficiency 2
Overprotective, Monster Panic
Tough, Abyssal Sadist

- Second survivor to receive purification
- Went deaf from a shot by Manhunter level 1
- Ate the heart of Manhunter level 2, curing previous deafness. But time spent in silence had severe effects on his sanity.

Killing blows: Manhunter level 1

Strength +3
Courage 6 from listening to storm, Dagger proficiency 3
Mighty Strike, Defender


- Season of the Spiderling survivor
- Architect of level 2 Sacred Pool
- Feels rejected by society.
- Survivor of Manhunter level 2

Strength +2, Evasion +1
Courage 1, Understanding 1, Axe proficiency 1

- Saved Ghorum from Spidicules.

Killing blows: level 1 gorm

- Yet to do anything memorable.

- Yet to do anything memorable.

*Resculachu Ra-Dynasty
Strength +3, Evasion +1
Courage 3, Understanding 1

- Found from a spider's nest
- Purified as random people from inside nests seemed like a good omen

- Yet to do anything memorable.

- Yet to do anything memorable.

*Chilons Ra-Dynasty
Accuracy -1, Strength +2, Evasion +2
Understanding 1, Fist proficiency 3

Blind from one eye

- Purified
- Vivisector of infant beasts from sacred pool

*Halyran Ra-Dynasty
Accuracy +2, Strength +3, Evasion +3
Courage 6, Understanding 1, Fist proficiency 5

- Purified
- Thundercaller

Killing blows:
Killed Screaming Antelope lv1
Manhunter level 2

Accuracy +1, Strength +3, Evasion +2
Understanding 1

- Bastard son of Resculachu and Chilons

Accuracy +1, Strength +4, Evasion +2
Understanding 1
Rhythm Chaser

- Bastard daughter of Resculachu and Chilons

Accuracy +1, Strength +3, Evasion +2
Understanding 1

- Twins found from a spider's nest

Accuracy +1, Strength +3, Evasion +2
Understanding 1

- Twins found from a spider's nest

Settlement innovations:
Death principle: Graves
Life principle: Survival of the Fittest
Conviction: Barbaric
Society: Accept Darkness
Sun Language, Hovel, Bed, Family, Clan of Death, Hands of the Sun, Sauna Shrine, Ammonia, Nigredo, Albedo, Drums, Song of the Brave, Symposium, Bloodletting, Umbilical Bank, Crimson Candy, Silk Refining, Fist & Tooth mastery

Settlement locations:
The Sun
Level 2 Sacred Pool
Bone Smith, Skinnery, Organ Grinder
Weapon Crafter, Skinnery, Stone Circle
Catarium, Gormery, Gormchymist
Silk Mill

3x Cloth
3x Eye Patch
Bone Axe
Bone Blade
Skull Helm
Luck Charm
2x Monster Grease
Dried Acanthus
Full Rawhide set
Leather Shield
Leather Bracers
Reverberating Lantern
Wisdom Potion
Bone Pickaxe
Rib Blade
Acid Tooth Dagger
Counter-Weighted Axe
Lion Beast Katar

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Burning Ash & Caustic Mist

There was one casual game of Warmachine in Ropecon where we agreed not to use theme lists. Because I really have missed that.

My list was:

Lich Lord Asphyxious [+28]
- Desecrator [14]
- Nightwretch [7]
- Ripjaw [7]
Bane Lord Tartarus [6]
Iron Lich Overseer [5]
- Harrower [16]
Necrotech [2]
Soul Trapper [1]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Bane Warriors (max) [16]
- Bane Warrior Officer & Standard [5]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
- Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [4]

Opponent had:

Lord Tyrant Zaadesh [+28]
- Aradus Soldier [16]
- Aradus Soldier [16]
- Archidon [10]
- Chiron [19]
- Rhinodon [12]
- Titan Gladiator [15]
Legends of Halaak [8]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (max) [7]

Obviously I had great advantage in scenario game. Opponent closed in from the middle, so Bane Thralls were quite safe from Chiron's sprays. Opponent took a gamble with Chiron, bringing it forward and trying to spray Iron Lich Overseer. The attack was a miss.

Next turn Zaadesh used feat and rushed quite a lot of heavy beasts on to me. Harrower went down like it was butter, and I have no doubt that same fate would have been reserved for Desecrator had it been just a little closer to Aradus Soldier.

Chiron sprayed Ripjaw almost into wreckage. It only had cortex and weapon system intact.

On my turn I tried to kill both Rhinodon and Aradus Soldier in the middle, but only Rhinodon went dead. Aradus did have it's spirit broken and thanks to Desecrator it was suffering from Grievous Wounds, so at least it wouldn't assassinate Asphyxious.

Somehow Titan Gladiator couldn't kill Desecrator. How is that possible? I don't remember any more. It probably involved quite a few missed hits. So Cryx survived fairly well that turn, and next Bane Thralls were able to reach almost all of the warbeasts.

Titan Gladiator proved to be a difficult one to remove from the board, and Asphyxious tried to come to finish the beast. He had cast Hellbound and used feat. Feated Bane Thralls and some Satyxis Raiders wiped the board from warbeasts, and when Skorne started turn there was only Zaadesh and two members of Legends of Halaak left. He conceded.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Ropecon 2018 Warmachine Tournament

I played in a Warmachine tournament during Ropecon 2018.

My lists were:

[Theme] Infernal Machines
Lord Exhumator Scaverous [+27]
- Deathripper [6]
- Erebus [16]
- Reaper [13]
- The Withershadow Combine [9]
Bloat Thrall [4]
Darragh Wrathe [9]
Necrotech [2]
Pistol Wraith [0(5)]
Ragman [4]
Soul Trapper [1]
Soul Trapper [1]
Warwitch Siren [0(4)]
Bile Thralls (min) [9]
- Skarlock Commander [3]
Mechanithralls (min) [6]
- Brute Thrall (2) [4]
Necrosurgeon & Stitch Thralls [4]
Soulhunters (min) [11]

[Theme] Dark Host
Master Necrotech Mortenebra [+24]
- Desecrator [14]
- Kraken [36]
- Seether [13]
Bane Lord Tartarus [0(6)]
Darragh Wrathe [9]
Machine Wraith [2]
Scrap Thrall (3) [2]
Soul Trapper [1]
Soul Trapper [1]
Bane Warriors (max) [16]
- Bane Warrior Officer & Standard [5]

For the record, this was my first time using Dark Host theme.

Game 1: Master Necrotech Mortenebra & Deryliss

First game was against Trollbloods, and opponent had a list something like this. Might contain some inaccuracies:

[Theme] Band of Heroes
Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch [+28]
- Dire Troll Mauler [15]
- Earthborn Dire Troll [14]
- Trollkin Runebearer [0(5)]
Fell Caller Hero [0(5)]
Saxon Orrik [4]
Trollkin Champion Hero [0(5)]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (max) [9]
- Northkin Elder [3]
Trollkin Champions (max) [16]
- Skaldi Bonehammer [5]
Trollkin Champions (max) [16]
Trollkin Long Riders (max) [20]

An exciting game to say at least. Most of the game was at the brink of destruction - would Kraken hold? Would it survive charging weapon masters while at effective Arm 23?

It did, until heavy warbeasts decided to enter the battle.

Also, there was this major mistake made by me when Deryliss had used Tune Up on Kraken, who had killed some trollkin in melee and then used Kill Shot on Stone Bearers. I kept on boosting this thing, as I was thinking Tune Up. After realizing this I removed the focus points spent on boosts from Mortenebra - she was in base contact with Kraken. I would have rather spent those focus points on attacks against the trollblood in melee.

But when the Kraken fell, so did Mortenebra.

Game 2: Lord Exhumator Scaverous

Second game was such an optimized build of Haley3 and Gravediggers theme that I can't get the points right.

It was a desperate struggle. There was a glimmer of hope when I got a nice purge in that melt away Patrol Dog and an Express Team or something, and Mechanithralls got a charge in and killed a Master Gunner. The one Brute Thrall would have needed to kill Alexia, though, but this was not to be. I'm not saying I had won had that happened. I just might have stood a chance to find some kind of opening.

I did score some six scenario points, and there was a moment in the game where I actually had the lead. But once that blob of Trenchers was in middle of the field there was little to be done to contest. They had shot my warjacks dead. So I lost something like 6-11.

It was a hellish game, but an interesting new experience.

Game 3: Lord Exhumator Scaverous

Last game was against Khador, and with a list that I probably reverse-engineered incorrectly:

[Theme] Jaws of the Wolf
Vladimir Tzepesci, the Dark Champion [+27]
- Behemoth [25]
- Devastator [14]
- Marauder [11]
- War Dog [3]
Manhunter [0(4)]
Manhunter [4]
Saxon Orrik [4]
Yuri the Axe [0(6)]
Battle Mechaniks (max) [5]
Kayazy Assassins (min) [9]
- Kayazy Assassin Underboss [4]
Kayazy Eliminators [5]
Kayazy Eliminators [5]
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt [8]
- Koldun Kapitan Valachev [4]

Early in the game Vladimir2 used his feat and launched two feated Manhunters and Kayazy Eliminators to tie up my leftmost flank. Luckily Manhunters did not wreck my warjacks, though they did take heavy damage.

I was distressed. I couldn't reliably kill those four pesky models, and that would give all the time Khadoran warjacks would need to get into position for scenario victory. And what was I to do to those mentioned warjacks? I had suicidal POW 12 sprays and P+S 13 combo strikes, all with defensive statistics that would fall in swathes to Behemoth bombarding.


It's time to figure out a far fetched assassination plan that's bound to fail sooner or later.

Far too much time went to trying to free Reaper from melee. All the resources that I could not assign to assassination went to killing those few models.

Bile Thralls, Erebus, Soulhunters, Pistol Wraith and Scaverous (!!) later none of the four feated models were dead. One was stationary from Pistol Wraith, though.

Well, obviously Scaverous did not spend all of his focus into futile attacks against these models. He instead cast Icy Grip on Vlad, telekinesis on Vlad and a couple of telekinesis's on Manhunter. Deathripper had ran to arc position earlier. Objective had given Pathfinder for Reaper, and Tremulus cast Puppet Master on Reaper. I don't remember if it was Maelovus or feating Scaverous that cast telekinesis on Reaper.

Anyway, then MAT 7 Reaper was free to walk into melee with Vlad, who had left his dog far behind. Vlad had perhaps one focus for mitigating damage.

Four attacks later Vlad had died.

Maybe I need to play Scaverous a little more, since my awkward assassinations seem to work slightly better with him.

Great tournament, as I had never played any of these warcasters before during Mk3. And for some odd reason I had not even once played against Cygnar in this edition. As far as factions go, I'm still missing Minions and, of course, the Crucible Guard.

Fields of Golden Corn

So it's that time of the year again, when I'm overburdened with write-ups from Ropecon.

Though 'overburdened' may be an exaggeration, as there was only five games played in total, four of which were Warmachine.

But this one is a board game called Stone Age.

What I enjoyed in this game was the multitude of choices when it comes to gathering victory points. I chose the route to become the agricultural master race.

And how I enjoyed seeing all the other players (we were three in total) to suffer from their lack of grain products! Bwahaha!

Well, crops were the only thing my civilization was producing. There was exactly one cultural product I had, compared to six to eight the other players had.

I did gain 80 points from my agricultural prowess, but this was not enough to secure me victory.

I did place second, though.

It was an interesting new acquaintance.