A 50ss game of Malifaux on Vassal.
Strategy: Flank Cloak and Dagger
Schemes: Let Them Bleed, Outflank, Take Prisoner, Protected Territory, Deliver a Message
My list:
Kirai2 & Ikiryo
Datsue Ba
Kari Zotiko
Lost Love
Gwisin with Grave Spirit Touch
Pool: 5
Schemes: Let Them Bleed, Protected Territory
Opponent had:
Misaki Katanaka & Shang
Minako Rei
2x Torakage
Pool: 5
Schemes: Deliver a Message (Torakage), Protected Territory
Turn 1:
Early on Ototo took position over a strategy marker that had been placed next to a lake. And that pretty much set the course for the first half of turn one, except for a tiny Seishin activation that gave a walk for Datsue Ba and Ikiryo.Kari gave a walk for Gwisin and rushed closer to Ototo.
I don't actually remember what Torakage did up there, because that looks like a one move. It probably moved and charged Kari, who had swirled past Ototo during Kirai's activation. This summoned up an Enslaved Spirit, which chain ganged Kari over Torakage.
Shikome had also been pushed right next to a strategy marker, so she was able to interact with it and fly towards top-left corner to protect precious intel.
Yamaziko took a double walk with bonus action and interacted an intel, too. Strategy marker was picked up by Lost Love, who teleported in to heal Kari after Misaki had jumped out of the shadows to beat Kari with a stick.
Gwisin charged Ototo to soften him up for Let Them Bleed next turn.
Below, Minako Rei went to pick up intel. Datsue Ba robbed her right after, and Drowned was able to claim a strategy marker that had been placed after Minako did her thing.
Unfortunately, wicked granny wasn't the only one able to play that game. Banying leaped to a shadow marker, was able to deal a bunch of damage to Datsue Ba and steal the intel she had stolen. The insolence!
Ikiryo and Torakage were glancing each other menacingly nearby. Ikiryo had walked, and then tried to yell at a shadow, which went just about as effectively as you might expect.
Turn 2:
Torakage ninja'd itself to a shadow marker, gave a message for Kirai and walked to my deployment zone.Kirai activated early to push people around, herself included. While Yamaziko kept passing summon checks, Ototo did much less so. Gaki appeared. Ototo did smack dead the Enslaved Spirit he had spawned last turn, and took half of Gaki's health away.
The end result of Ototo's attacks, Enslaved Spirit's useless claws and Gaki's feeble attacks was that Ototo was now down to four health remaining, unable to heal thanks to Kari.
Misaki continued to torment the top-left quarter, robbing Lost Love of intel and killing the love enforcer before he had the chance to activate.
Shikome and Kari were able to plant scheme markers for Protected Territory.
Datsue Ba nearly killed off Banying, and I was happy that Let Them Bleed was also secured.
Until Shang healed Banying with Red Joker straight top of deck.
Then I did what was most likely my greatest mistake throughout this game. I thought that Ikiryo could risk taking Karmic Fate. My brain somehow completely skipped about the Karmic Ties ability on Minako Rei.
So, she charged Minako and certainly did some damage in - but also dealing that damage to herself. Oh well.
At least Drowned was a champ with his projectile vomit. Both attacks hit Banying and scored blasts on both attempts. With the ensuing Poison this meant that both Minako and Banying would fall to 50% of their health remaining
Minako summoned a Katashiro that nearly killed Ikiryo. Fortunately Minako didn't manage nearly as much, and Ikiryo was left with one health remaining.
Torakage below went to place a scheme marker near strategy marker.
Both players scored strategy point and both schemes for a 3-3 tie.
Turn 3:
What weird mess of a turn that was. Hot sport that was top-left quarter somehow got even more crowded than it already was. Nobody seemed to die there, but certainly they were within last 30% or less of their health remaining.First of all, Ototo just took a step outside of Kari's no-heal range, healed itself with a severe and smacked the Gaki dead.
Gwisin, Kari, a new Gaki and whatnot ganged up on Ototo, but managed to bring him only down to three health remaining, while Misaki did the same to Kari.
An Enslaved Spirit dealt a couple points of damage to Yamaziko, while the opposing grandmother wasn't able to deal with the summoned spirit.
Shikome dived far behind the train column to protect intel she had picked up on turn one.
Shang came to heal Minako after she had killed Ikiryo. Resulting Wanyudo rolled over Datsue Ba for Burning +4.
Drowned tried to charge Banying, who managed to get his defensive trigger to leap off to threaten Kari who was at such low amount of health. This called for drastic granny measures. Datsue Ba disengage from the melee below and charged Banying, not doing much but at least engaging him.
There was a real possibility of Banying killing Datsue Ba, but that didn't come into being. Instead, during end phase, Datsue Ba went down to two health remaining.
Both players scored strategy for a 4-4 tie.
Turn 4:
This turn the game fell apart for Resurrectionists. Ten Thunders got the initiative, and Ototo activated. He was rolling moderate wounds left and right, which was a little problematic with unactivated, incorporeal models with three health remaining. Gaki died, Kari died, and Ototo healed again.Kirai was able to activate, and did a bunch of swirly shenanigans. She also healed Darsue Ba for a little. Unfortunately Misaki was more than able to kill Datsue Ba right next, so Urami chances of victory were rapidly dwindling.
However, it's wonderful in Malifaux how absolutely weird stuff can happen that just might turn the tide around. Drowned activated and started vomiting. Both attacks scored at least moderates. I did place an incorrect amount of Riptide Markers, but fortunately that didn't actually affect anything. Only Banying and Misaki took damage from those. But still that was, like, nine points of damage from a couple of 1/1/1 attacks. Impressive.
Unfortunately, those were just about the only results I made this turn. Shikome tried to walk, challenge-teleport to Yamaziko and extort the ancient law of granny-for-a-granny, but the challenge failed. Instead, Shikome had to meekly walk right next to Yamaziko and nudge her menacingly.
Kirai also wasn't able to land an Ikiryo summon on Ototo, although she did get masks for the first Thirst for Vengeance. I just didn't have a high enough card in my hand.
Ten Thunders were able to get the lead at 5-4 by scoring strategy.
Turn 5:
We did not play last turn, as in the best of cases Resurrectionists would gain five points, and at their absolute worst Ten Thunders would get six, with seven being most likely outcome.
I don't tend to blame RNG too much in this game, but I must say that it did start to feel a bit excessive handicap when the only severe card I got to my starting hand was on turn 5 - which we didn't play. But what can you do - sometimes that just happens.