Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mechs vs Minions

When we played Kingdom Death, there was a sort of board/miniature game day at a local gaming club. And because I'm not going to move Kingdom Death: Monster sized box by walk, I needed a lift there and back. This meant I was tied to the schedule of the driver.

So after packing up Burkstad I got to play another board game, which was called Mechs vs Minions.

We had four players, and we played the third scenario where the boss model is introduced.

It was quite fun game. I had this yellow support mech with the Einstein-y looking person on top of it.

Of course I didn't know a thing what I was doing. It was, in fact, a little goofy that for a couple first rounds all my contributions that could be considered useful were all made by my mech's permanently broken systems.

I don't think I did even a single damage to boss, but I did dismantle boss' shields a few times, as well as enabled mechs to repair each other. Which happened around two times.

I don't think the end could have been more epic. The boss had already loaded up it's GG gun. I forget if boss had three or two wounds remaining, but definitely enough to make victory seem impossible. I went first and could only open up one shield.

Next player managed to bring boss down to one wound remaining and could have wrecked it had correct shield been down. Well, it wasn't.

Fourth player was too far to deal damage, so win or loss depended on player three. He did have a weapon that could deal damage, but he had like three broken systems that each forced movement. I believe it was fifty percent chance for the mech to travel to unfortunate direction. But rune die was on our side and boss was vanquished. Hooray.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hand Giveth Hand Taketh

It's been a while, but the settlement of Burkstad has not been forgotten.

Yesterday our group continued this sorry tale, which ended up in The Hand giving the finger.

Somehow that makes sense.

Vladimirana, Igorina, Ennhilde and Gummi were to face the god-like entity known as The Hand.

Though Gummi wasn't exactly a promising survivor with his gaping chest wounds and all, he did have Last Man Standing fighting art. So he might actually be a fine candidate to survive rude slaps or full-powered flicks.

But the showdown itself. What a fight.

We were trying to arrange most of Hand's attacks to Gummi, who had been stacked with all evasion we could muster. On hindsight, why would we stack evasion or enduring capabilities on the survivor who would shine when there's no-one left but him? But in the end it worked fine.

Because despite being served severe injuries and brain traumas left and right, survivors put a miserable enough show for The Hand to appreciate. Shattered Jaw and something else on Vladimirana were the only permanent injuries for survivors, unless we count Disorders as such.

When situation looked right, we tried to injure The Hand. A total of three tokens were placed on Impossible Eyes, so when there were only three cards left in AI deck we just decided not to resist.

Hand is a theatrical fellow. Third last card was "Take Your Best Shot" and second last was the ominous chuckle that dealt five brain damage to all non-deaf survivors. I see that quite climactic and evil mastermind villain-y thing to do. And of course last card was a jump scare in the form of Bullet Jabs.

Nobody died. Would Burkstad finally play a one full Lantern Year without nobody dying?

Gummi rolls for The Hand's applause rewards. It came out as "1", which is unpreventable instant death. Nope, we didn't break the chain of death following Burk's spirit.

And literally ALL remaining survivors rolled a natural lantern 10 for applause rewards. Perhaps Gummi, the second last male of Burkstad, was the sacrifice.

Whoops, a little spoiler there. Because we did have Tourneghulle and Vladimir in the settlement at the time, too.

The player who had played Gummi drew us a settlement event and said jokingly that obviously it's going to be Murder.

It was Murder.

Tourneghulle, the red savior, had most hunt experience so he was the victim. He was the fourth savior Burkstad lost. So far settlement has been more of a lethal place to saviors than actual showdowns.

The Hand's legacy isn't ending here, because aftermath rewards killed yet another survivor from settlement.

However, The Hand had a retinue of King's Men with him, and these Armored Strangers gave some compensation for the playful little holiday trip of The Hand.

So, here's one more example of the weird way how random element sometimes just clicks so well in Kingdom Death. I find fascination in the full catalog of unlikely events this game offers.

Before showdown population was nine. And nobody died during showdown, so our population was still nine. Armored Strangers take destructive action on population of 8+. So in a way, the poor rolls on rewards and Murder settlement event were actually good things.

Because Burkstad was blessed with some resources we could innovate. Choices weren't that special, so we decided to try Petal Spiral.

As we have been continuously losing our highest experienced survivors, we used Shared Experience to get a couple of survivors to first Age milestone.

Augury gave some intimacy, so population was at seven. Which is terrible, but at least a step for the better.

Armor ritual was success and one Rawhide Headband was crafted. Petal Spiral was put to use right away, so we have an aspiring swordmaster coming up with zero hunt experience.

Coming up next is the Sunstalker. Which I need to start painting, I suppose.


Population: 7

Protect the Young

Inner Lantern
Petal Spiral


Lantern Hoard
Bone Smith
Organ Grinder
Weapon Crafter
Leather Worker

2x Cloth
3x Stone Noses
Full Rawhide Set
1x rawhide vest, 1x Rawhide Gloves, 1x Rawhide Headband
Gorment Boots
2x Skull Helm
Bone Dagger
Bone Darts
Rib Blade
Greater Gaxe
Leather Shield
Cat Eye Circlet
2x Monster Grease
Lucky Charm
Monster Tooth Necklace
Catgut Bow + Claw Head Arrow
White Lion Coat, White Lion Gloves
Scrap Sword
Flower Knight Badge

2x broken lantern
2x organ

Monday, August 26, 2019


A couple of days ago we played two rounds of Word Winder.

First round was the usual, but second round we decided to allow absurd compound words. Of course this doesn't translate well because language was Finnish.

However, some worthy mentions with free-form translation were Big Belly Witch and Methane Merit Syphilis.

Edit: I'll add one round of Word Winder here to this post that was played yesterday - 15th of September. After all these sessions have such a short time (about three weeks is a short time? Well, these days even a month feels like an extremely short time) so I believe these can be merged. It was another round with unrestricted compound words. This time let's mention the Fullsoul Cyst.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Counter Chain

A few days ago I had this 75 point game of Warmachine.

My list:

Black Industries
Lich Lord Venethrax [+26]
- Deathripper [6]
- Erebus [16]
- Malice [15]
- Slayer [10]
- Slayer [10]
- Stalker [8]
- The Withershadow Combine [9]
Machine Wraith [2]
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor [5]
Pistol Wraith [0(5)]
Soul Trapper [1]
Warwitch Siren [0(4)]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Black Ogrun Ironmongers [6]
Mechanithralls (min) [6]
- Brute Thrall (3) [0(6)]
- Skarlock Commander [3]


Soldiers of Fortune
Magnus the Warlord [+28]
- Blockader [33]
- Freebooter [9]
- Nomad [12]
- Toro [13]
- Toro [13]
- Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker [0(4)]
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [0(7)]
Anastasia di Bray [3]
Saxon Orrik [4]
Steelhead Arcanist [4]
Steelhead Arcanist [4]
Steelhead Arcanist [4]
Steelhead Ironhead [4]
Steelhead Mortar Crew [0(5)]

Early on I gained slight scenario point advantage, which I as soon about to lose. Malice takes enemy Freebooter, but didn't manage to kill it. It took another Slayer to finish the job. So point investment was about three times the cost of Freebooter.

Flag on the right saw some action - I brought Erebus to contest the flag. On mercenary turn Stannis Brocker came to control the flag, and I had Erebus counter-charge him. This had Toro countercharge Erebus, which in turn had Malice countercharge Toro. Much fun and many joy was had, but effects were rather negligible.

Oh, except that there was now two of my heavies close to each other. Blockader with those absurd fists slammed Malice into Erebus and single-handedly wrecked both despite Venethrax having his feat on. That was 31 points that just went missing.

I can't help but compare P+S 22 slampush fists with 4" reach to my own factions Kraken's... with three less p+s.

Oh well. I had forgotten how sorry feat Venethrax has against Warmachine. Both Power-Up and Empower can circumvent it completely.

It was downhill from there.

Stalker managed to kill Alexia and ambushing Mechanithralls ended Stannis. Some enemy warjack had come to my rectangular zone, and it took Slayer, Venethrax, Withershadow Combine and Warwitch Siren to remove the thing. But Magnus was now so far ahead in scenario game that there was little I could do to prevent him from winning.