Saturday, December 28, 2019

Baseless Collapsing

First time in three years, I got to play a game of Pillars of the Earth. We had four players, which I have found is the best for this game. With just three players there i is not enough competition for where to place your master tokens. Suddenly turns out that Prior Philip doesn't automatically carry you to victory, when other players can shut you down from entering monastery.

Late bloomers won the day, soaring into stellar point counts in the last two rounds, averaging at 15 points per turn after hanging a long time at the bottom of the scoreboard.

The winner had 53 points, and there was a large gap before the remaining players, who were nearing forty points at most.

Also, it's relatively odd that a part of a cathedral can collapse before any has been built.

Here, kitty kitty

Santa's elves had exploded a whole deck of kittens for me as Christmas present.

First day we played five rounds with four players. Second day we played five rounds with five players.

It's an easy filler game for sure. A steady flow of unexpected situations, sprinkled with moments when you mistakenly arrange your own death. Via kitten explosion. Also the game's name is misleading. You lose when a kitten explodes on you. You get no points from it. This is important. For the kittens, at least.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Traditional Christmas visit to my parents ended up with love letters left and right on Christmas eve.

We had four players, and that changed the dynamics of the game a lot, when I've used to playing with two players.

A session of three rounds was played both before and after Santa came to explode some kittens. And during second session, the way I was haunted by Baron was bordering on supernatural.

When he wasn't my initial card, he was the second. When Prince dropped something from my hand, replacement was Baron. Multiple times I had two Barons in my hand. And I dare say this was no confirmation bias, as everyone else noticed it too. More often than once or twice I was kicked out of the game before I had a turn - by someone's guard, guessing I had Baron. When I didn't get both barons during game round, it was because the other baron was the card that was set aside that round.

Well, at least he has a pretty rose.

Update: another session of five games.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Long past due

Amidst Christmas hurries I managed to squeeze in a 50 point game of Warmachine about a week ago. My list was:

Lord Tyrant Hexeris [+28]
- Agonizer [6]
- Aradus Sentinel [14]
- Archidon [10]
- Cyclops Shaman [8]
- Rhinodon [12]
Bog Trog Trawler [3]
Extoller Soulward [3]
Praetorian Swordsmen (max) [13]
- Praetorian Swordsman Officer & Standard [4]
Paingiver Beasthandlers (min) [5]

Opponent had:

Kaya the Wildborne [+32]
- Feral Warpwolf [16]
- Gnarlhorn Satyr [12]
- Wild Argus [7]
- Wild Argus [7]
- Winter Argus [8]
Lord of the Feast [6]
Totem Hunter [6]
Warpborn Skinwalkers (max) [15]
- Warpborn Skinwalker Alpha [4]

Scenario was one from main rulebook, Mosh Pit style scenario with 12" circle in the middle of board.

Skorne advanced in a brick towards the zone. Skinwalkers engaged my front line, and Circle warbeasts went in the back.

Praetorian Swordsmen used Power Swell, which on the hindisght was probably unnecessary. They took out Lord of the Feast and a few skinwalkers. All but one remaining Skinwalker were brought down by Aradus Sentinel and Rhinodon. I had wanted Rhinodon to do a bit more damage to Gnarlhorn Satyr, but the turtle had trouble hitting def 12.

Primaled Gnarlhorn takes down Rhinodon and Wild Arguses come to tease Aradus and Archidon. Here situation looks dire for Skorne, but relief comes from unexpected sources - heavy warbeasts miss and fail non-stop against Circle light beasts, but Extoller Soulward shoots Gnarlhorn dead, and Praetorian Swordsmen kill Feral Warpwolf. What just happened...?

Losing her heavies, Kaya takes full offense all by herself. She smacks a few Swordsmen dead, but in return is killed by MAT 9-10 swordsmen.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

JMG Warmachine tournament V

So there was a Warmachine tournament in Jyväskylä.

With my practice games I had practiced enough that I scrapped Aiakos list for the most part and did a new one. My lists were:

Black Industries
Captain Aiakos [+29]
- Corruptor [14]
- Helldiver [6]
- Nightmare [18]
- Reaper [13]
- 2x Stalker [8]
- The Withershadow Combine [9]
Machine Wraith [2]
Pistol Wraith [0(5)]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
2x Warwitch Siren [0+4]
Bile Thralls (min) [9]
Black Ogrun Ironmongers [6]
Mechanithralls (min) [6]
- Brute Thrall (3) [0(6)]

Scourge of the Broken Coast
Goreshade the Bastard [+27]
- Leviathan [16]
- Reaper [13]
- Seether [13]
- Satyxis Blood Priestess [0(4)]
Axiara Wraithblade [0(6)]
Satyxis Raider Captain [0(4)]
2x Warwitch Siren [4]
Wrong Eye [17]
Black Ogrun Ironmongers [6]
Cephalyx Overlords [8]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
- Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [4]

Game 1:
First game was against Circle of Orboros, tharn theme lead by Iona. I had taken Goreshade.

I made the mistake of giving opponent free points from the zone on right by turn two. I also learned a thing or two about Ravagers - if Rapid Healing caught me by surprise earlier, now it was the Vengeance. I pretty much wasted my unit of Satyxis Raiders by charging them to few Tharn Ravagers, then using Reposition to engage them even more. Clever move, I must say.

At least Leviathan managed to shoot a tharn ravager dead who had been blocking the lane to Feral Warpwolf. Reaper then pulled Warpwolf and Snapjaw snapped it's spine.

However, opponent's game was ruined by Wrong Eye's Star Crossed. Circle had some bad rolls too on turn three. (they only butchered seven satyxis raiders and their captain, took almost half of boxes off from Reaper and one Cephalyx Overlord... on bad rolls) Me, on the other hand, had some good damage rolls. Against my own objective, that is. Sure Seether destroyed the Wolf Rider Champion, but berserk attack brought my objective down to five boxes remaining.

Second turn in a row, Star Crossed ruined the day of Tharn Ravagers. Seems like the magic with Star Crossed is when you need 6's or 7's to hit. Not when you need 4's or 3's, but I'm getting ahead of things now. Scenario game was slowly going towards Circle victory, although otherwise my position seems surprisingly secure. Especially after Bane Warriors and Seether destroyed Ghetorix.

Had there been more time in deathclock, perhaps I could have seized the zone on left and the middle zone, but when we both had only a few minutes left in the clock, we both started making hasty decisions. Iona ran to zone on right where Seether could charge her. End of Iona, and I was left with less than forty seconds on my clock.

Game 2:

Second game was against the newest faction, Infernals, lead by Zaateroth. I decided to give Aiakos2 a go, as opponent could benefit from my souls in my Goreshade list.

However, I gained nothing from stealth on Stalkers, Sirens, Withershadow Combine and Aiakos, as well as nothing from Incorporeal on Pistol Wraith and Machine Wraith, as just about all models opponent had sported magical weapons and eyeless sight.

Zaateroth was extremely cautious of my threat ranges, which gave me a jump start in scenario game. But this also put me in a vulnerable position, and casualties started piling up. I had some good options to contest, but opponent was able to zap my point scoring models off the table, so I was not able to go even near victory here.

With heavy horrors appearing left and right, I couldn't even bring them down to their starting number, although Nightmare did good job in killing one with unboosted initial attacks. Sadly three additional attacks were not enough to take a second horror down.

It was a scenario loss for me.

Game 3:

Last game was against Legion of Everblight and Absylonia2. I chose Goreshade.

Absylonia had a list with, what, nineteen shredders or so, with more to come from two spawning vessels and those minion croc pots.

It was insane list to fight against.

Again, I was unfamiliar with Absylonia's tricks and made the mistake of giving her models to kill so that it triggered extra MAT for her battlegroup.

Then sharknado happened, and lesser warbeasts were all over the map. With good rolls opponent could have scored all five points required to win on turn two.

Luckily rolls were not that good. Three Shredders shredded Reaper, and most of Satyxis died. Satyxis had made a good job in culling the herd of shredders - it's rare to use red mist ability, but here I did, along with Power Swell. Had the whole unit been able to engage Shredders, I dare say I could have removed half of them. But it was not to be.

Opponent scored "only" three points. I struggled to remove all the tiny pests. If only I could have arranged enemy to gain one less point and remembered on my turn to run a Bane Warrior to enemy rectangular zone, perhaps game I could have stood a chance. Opponent would have needed to score four points and deny my point. But like this it was far too easy for Legion to gather three points from somewhere.

Anyway. Opponent started with nineteen lesser warbeasts. During game, Cryx killed twenty. When game ended, there were still seven lessers around.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Practice vol nil

Earlier this month I played these two games of Warmachine to practice for upcoming tournament. That was held today. But those will have to wait.

I used same kind of list for both. The only difference was me switching Soul Trapper for Swamp Gobber River Raider in the second game.

My list was:

Black Industries
Captain Aiakos [+29]
- Kraken [35]
- Nightmare [18]
- Reaper [13]
- The Withershadow Combine [9]
Machine Wraith [2]
Necrotech [2]
Pistol Wraith [0(5)]
Soul Trapper [1]
Warwitch Siren [0(4)]
Bile Thralls (max) [15]
- Skarlock Commander [3]
Mechanithralls (min) [6]
- Brute Thrall (3) [0(6)]

First game was against Circle of Orboros, but opponent forgot to use two of his requisition options.

The Devourer's Host
Wurmwood, Tree of Fate [+27]
- Feral Warpwolf [16]
- Gorax Rager [7]
- Shadowhorn Satyr [12]
- Warpwolf Stalker [17]
- Wild Argus [7]
Bloodweaver Night Witch [0(4)]
Gallows Grove [2]
Gallows Grove [2]
Tharn Ravager Shaman [4]
Tharn Ravager White Mane [0(5)]
Shifting Stones [3]
Tharn Bloodweavers [8]
Tharn Ravagers (max) [15]
- Tharn Ravager Chieftain [0(5)]

Scenario was Spread the Net. Megalith in the pictures is a proxy for Feral Warpwolf. This was a terrible match-up for Bile Thralls, as I found out. Ravagers with their Rapid Healing were not choice targets for suicide purging. There were only half of the unit left, as five or so had died to a Hellmouth. Well, at least that cost Wurmwood his mobility, as I was able to remove Cassius. But for five purges you'd somehow expect a little better performance than one dead ravagers and a White Mane. Mechanithralls ambushed and killed a couple ravagers more.

Harpoon missed Shadowhorn Satyr, so that was kind of wasted activation. Nightmare killed Feral Warpwwolf, who had come hiding behind a building.

Next Wurmwood activated his feat. Opponent trusted sevens to hit Nightmare and Reaper, which was their saving grace. Warpwolf Stalker in particular landed only one hit that dealt some damage.

Cryx struggled with Ravagers and their DEF 15 - fully loaded Kraken was able to kill two ravagers and one Bloodweaver over the course of whole game. That's well spent 35 points. However, Cryx had gained the upper hand in scenario play and was able to secure victory through control points. I wasn't impressed by the performance of my list. But I wanted to try it again, because I considered it had faced a list that was good counter for Kraken.

Game 2:
This game was played few days ago, and I was troubled of high defense, high armor infantry with Tough once again.

Band of Heroes
Madrak Ironhide, Thornwood Chieftain [+29]
- Dire Troll Mauler [15]
- Troll Axer [10]
- Troll Bouncer [9]
- Trollkin Runebearer [0(5)]
Fell Caller Hero [0(5)]
Trollkin Champion Hero [0(5)]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (max) [9]
- Northkin Elder [3]
Trollkin Champions (max) [16]
- Trollkin Sorcerer (1) [3]
Trollkin Champions (max) [16]
- Trollkin Sorcerer (1) [3]
Trollkin Fennblades (max) [15]
- Trollkin Fennblade Officer & Drummer [5]

In this game Kraken once more failed to do anything to enemy. Even with Carnage on, it could kill only one Fennblade over the course of whole game. Then smaller Champion unit wrecked it. I was hoping to kill two Champions (I didn't know about their damage transfer capabilities...) to clear Line of Sight to a krielstone bearer who was outside of shield guard range. But at least I got the Fennblade down for killshot, and took a shot that was promptly guarded away.

I could have also pre-measured some things, but I didn't. Somehow it didn't even cross my mind. I also lost Nightmare to Dire Troll Mauler.

There was a point when I had small lead in control points, but it all went downhill soon enough, and trollbloods took a scenario victory.

Although I did some stupid mistakes, I was horrified by my list's functionality. Granted, match-up was bad once again, but for the actual tournament I ended up scrapping my list and building another.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Establishing Sanctuary

Yet another year in Burkstad.

Brave group of Ennhilde, Igorina, Cohenia and Surrelia... oh, who am I kidding. They were not brave at all. Two survivors had one point of courage and that's it.

Anyway, these four poor souls tried to tackle a Sunstalker - mightiest monster we've hunted to date. Ennhilde took four points of damage to two hit locations right off the settlement, so it was a promising start. I guess. Surrelia and Cohenia were both females, and they were Partners thanks to Rivalry. Now, when Cohenia found some cuddling skeletons, perhaps she realized she'd never feel the blessings of motherhood. She became emotionless. Igorina dreamed a point of courage for herself. Hooray.

Showdown started. We got an easy start, since Sunstalker did absolutely nothing. All survivors were in the light, and it targeted all survivors in shadow. Cohenia knew how to use Attack Pattern tactics, and all in all survivors orchestrated a fine turn, giving three wounds in. Wow. With some luck, the monster could be dead on turn three...!


Two or three complete rounds later, survivors still hadn't had done even one additional wound, and had drawn trap twice and two out of three survivors had Black Blood. Ennhilde had had Black Blood too, but she was already dead at that point.

Using my unsurpassed gifts of premonition, I knew this was the last showdown for Burkstad. Heck, even Shade minions outnumbered the survivors almost two to one. On top of her emotionlessness, Cohenia had received warped pelvis and destroyed genitals. Igorina had suffered broken ribs. Surrelia, who was wielding cumbersome bow, had been continuously tossed twelve spaces away from action.

But then, somehow, the miracle of Burkstad started to trickle in. Showdown called for at least ten severe injuries, and nobody died to those. Ennhilde died to a Shade stacking bleed tokens on her.

Only one trait/mood rose up from AI deck during game, and even this wasn't enough to stop the bleeding, mauled and broken ragtag group of survivors from lucking out a victory. When Sunstalker was finally slain, there were two survivors with Black Blood and four bleeding tokena. Cohenia with destroyed genitals and warped pelvis was also emotionless and became megalophobic. And as they say how people in long relationship start to resemble each other... well, Surrelia became emotionless, too.

But hey, victory. Igorina even triggered Bold and became stalwart.

For resources we gained nothing useful - from our newly gained Skyreef Sanctuary, we could have only built the lure & hook.

Settlement event was at least Weird Dream, where Surrelia dreamed of delicious food, hunting another survivor and realizing that she is the delicious food.

Igorina slept off her broken rib and Cohenia gained enough understanding from auguries to become Tinker. I suppose emotions somehow cloud your understanding.

A total of two Intimacies were rolled, and here Burkstad was again. Going strong at a "steady" population of eight. Settlement innovated Pictographs, because our choices were Pictographs, Face Painting, Sacrifice and Scarification.

We decided to hunt for another Sunstalker next to get access either to cycloid hat or vest or harpoon or at least something else other than lure & hook. Hunt ritual was a success.


Population: 8

Protect the Young


Inner Lantern
Petal Spiral


Lantern Hoard
Bone Smith
Organ Grinder
Weapon Crafter
Leather Worker
Skyreef Sanctuary

2x Cloth
3x Stone Noses
Full Rawhide Set
1x rawhide vest, 1x Rawhide Gloves, 1x Rawhide Headband
Gorment Boots
2x Skull Helm
Bone Dagger
Bone Darts
Rib Blade
Greater Gaxe
Leather Shield
Cat Eye Circlet
2x Monster Grease
Lucky Charm
Monster Tooth Necklace
Catgut Bow + Claw Head Arrow
White Lion Coat, White Lion Gloves
Scrap Sword
Flower Knight Badge

Sun Stones
Black Lens
Sunshark Blubber
Shadow Tentacles
Prismatic Gills

Monster Organ

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Turf War

Played a game of Malifaux. We had fifty soulstones to build our gangs.

Strategy was Turf War.

Seamus with The Whisper + Copycat Killer
Madame Sybelle
Bete Noire
2x Rotten Belle
Mourner with Grave Spirit Touch (Tagged for Claim Jump)
Schemes: Claim Jump, Outflank

I'm not entirely sure about opponent's list, but it was something like this:

Kirai Ankoku with Grave Spirit Touch + Ikiryo
Datsue Ba
Jaakuna Ubume (tagged for Claim Jump)
Lost Love
2x Gaki
2x Seishin
2x Onryo
Schemes: Search the Ruins, Claim Jump

Game started with both parties converging in the middle. Ikiryo was a scary monster that nearly butchered Bete Noire, who attempted to tie him up. Then Ikiryo was causing trouble for Mourner and Madame Sybelle, and the whole lot of my resurrectionists - I was afraid to kill it before Kirai had activated.

Mourner was the luckiest being alive... dead? Alive? Wait, what? Anyway, even if she has just seven wounds, terrifying and regeneration with enemy ignoring ruthless was quite survivable. Plenty of times Mourner went to one or two wounds remaining, but steadily climbed back to 4+ (which I would need for completing second part of Claim Jump.) Of course she healing every time enemy died nearby and being randomly healed by Madame Sybelle's Undivided Attention helped, too.

In this game Seamus was absurd. He killed Jaakuna Ubume, Gaki, an Onryo and one summoned Night Terror. That's almost one kill per turn. As a surprise bonus, Jaakuna had been the model opponent had tagged for Claim Jump. But I had some luck in drawing Red Joker to my starting hand both first and second turn.

I guess me as the player got blinded by bloodlust, and I was rather... reckless with Seamus. As he was killing things left and right, I made the mistake of killing an Onryo. Well, honestly speaking, Seamus deserved that Adversary rule.

But yeah, turn later I realized Feast of Fear doesn't actually trigger from enemy failing their terrifying check. This brought Seamus down to a healthy wound count of exactly one. And considering that every time he dealt damage to enemy models, he'd suffer one point of damage.

Opponent was losing in victory points, so he did everything he could to smack the master down he hated so much.

There were some miraculous saves for Seamus, but Adversary stacked too much odds in enemy favor. Datsue Ba weighted Seamus's sins, and they were far too heavy for him to carry any longer. It's somehow so very fitting. "Ah, hah hah! I'm killing everyone, whee! Wait... damn, now it's me who's dying!"

Losing Seamus like that robbed me of any possibility to score additional victory points from turf war, but victory was secured now. This is one aspect of Malifaux that I don't quite enjoy. Even during these few games I've played, looks like last turn can become a pointless turn too easily. I suppose in a tournament you have an incentive to try to squeeze any victory points even if it's mathematically impossible for you to win, but like this last turn can be somewhat of a lackluster.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Lord Arbiter vs the Cursed

Played this 50 point game of warmachine earlier this week.

My list was:


Lord Arbiter Hexeris [+27]
- Agonizer [6]
- Basilisk Drake [8]
- Basilisk Drake [8]
- Bronzeback Titan [17]
- Titan Gladiator [15]
- Aptimus Marketh [5]
Thrullg [5]
Legends of Halaak [8]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]

Opponent had:


Goreshade the Cursed [+28]
- Deathripper [6]
- Defiler [8]
- Desecrator [14]
Bane Lord Tartarus [6]
Pistol Wraith [5]
Pistol Wraith [5]
Wrong Eye [17]
Bane Warriors (max) [16]

Scenario was Hold the Line from main rulebook.

Bane Warriors under Occultation formed a line in the middle of Cryx forces. As Hexeris had Ashes to Ashes at his disposal, I thought I'd be able to remove most of them with Hexeris's feat. Desecrator shot Bronzeback Titan and triggered Hyper Aggressive, which set up for a rather brutal feat turn.

All but one Bane Warrior died to three Ashes to Ashes and two Basilisk sprays. Granted, I did have good luck in rolling additional targets from Ashes to Ashes.

Skorne started scoring points, but that was the only point they ever got. Sure Thrullg has magical weapons on it's tentacles, but that's of no help if it is stationary. Goreshade also used feat to bring a dead pistol wraith to contest flag on the left.

But after such a feat, Cryx was struggling an uphill battle. Last remaining Bane Warrior charged Agonizer and killed it with just one swing. Then Tartarus, who had been knocked down from a flying Desecrator, walked to bring Bronzeback Titan under Dark Shroud. Goreshade charged the titan, but failed to kill. And most importantly - did not take down bronzeback's spirit.

However, Bronzeback was still a little chilly from Voass, so all it managed to do versus Goreshade were seven points of damage.

Basilisk Drake who took an aimed shot against Bronzeback's back, on the other hand, beat all expectations and rolled a damage roll something like 4,5,6 against Goreshade.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Never Born Killers

Played my third game of Malifaux.

This time it was 50 soul stones, and a hefty increase of 15 stones did lengthen the game quite a bit.

However, my list was:
Seamus + Copycat Killer
Madame Sybelle
Bete Noire
2x Rotten Belle
Mourner with Grave Spirit Touch
Schemes: Breakthrough, Search the Ruins

Opponent had an assortment of Neverborn, which would also have been my second choice as a faction, pfft...

Anyway, opponent had:

Dreamer with Ancient Pact + Lord Chompy Bits with Inhuman Reflexes
Teddy with Inhuman Reflexes
3x Daydreams
Schemes: Breakthrough, Search the Ruins

Strategy was Plant the Explosives.

I wanted to make a combo with Blasphemous Ritual to get Focused condition to my whole crew. Well, this was nice enough I guess, but it clumped my forces so that I felt like I had a slow start. When I aimed for a fast start.

It wasn't only a feeling, though. Or maybe Neverborn were absurdly fast. I don't know. However the case, they started scoring points right on turn two, both from schemes and strategies. I had to wait for turn three to even get my first point.

I was terrified of Teddy and Lord Chompy Bits. Seamus tried to take a shot against Lord Chompy Bits early in the game but missed. I had hoped to score a lucky kill, but now that I check that monster's stats... Yeah, only severe damage would have done anything useful, as the thing has regeneration. Oh well. Good thing Seamus missed, then.

Most of opponent's forces stormed to my side from east. Doppelganger a was lone approacher from west, or, kind of at least. Next time I know a little better than to summon mindless zombies with willpower of 3 easily within range of bend realities and whatnot.

I got stuck in the middle, and Mortimer nearly died to a charging summoned enemy. Hilariously enough whatever the creature was, it managed to kill itself by using some sort of ability that dealt damage to either my model or back to itself.

Bete Noire tried to do something to Coppelius, but didn't do much. After soaking some enemy attacks, it got buried. This was my plan to get her to enemy side of the board to place the explosives. Woefully late she was.

Seamus climbed up the ruined building, and tried to shoot things from vantage point. He shot a daydream and planted scheme markers. We did measure distance incorrectly, though. Maybe writing this makes me remember it better next time.

I had pretty much given up on my deployment zone. After all, there was only a Rotten Belle and Madame Sybelle holding down Lord Chompy Bits, Dreamer, some summoned beast and Coppelius.

Bete Noire had sprung up from a corpse on opponent's side of the board and managed to score revealed breakthrough after a summoned Alp was killed. As Teddy was nearing in, I thought I'd come and take two flintlock shots at it, when copycat killer switched places with Seamus.

Now, wouldn't that have been grand. Except that something activated and had Bete Noire fail a willpower check and put up one more summoned demon into play. In melee range with Seamus. There went my plan, and I had to waste Cause for Celebration for a melee attack, which did nothing anyway. Seamus then disengaged and... whoops. Placed a scheme marker. Which you cannot do if you have disengaged that activation. Curses.

And Rotten Belle, engaged by a summoned creature, disengaged and picked up Neverborn strategy marker, which she cannot do because she disengaged.

This foils my brilliant move of using Mortimer's ability to move undead models 3" towards target, moving Rotten Belle and then placing a scheme marker with her on opponent's deployment zone.

Well, this didn't cost me a victory. It cost me a draw.

But the game was again very different. Opponent killed one mindless zombie from me, and I killed a daydream, doppelganger and some summoned beasts. Focus was entirely elsewhere than in maximum carnage, which is refreshing in wargames. Regardless of game, if you roll over opposing army it often means you win anyway even if you haven't completed whatever objectives you might have. At least in this scenario, if opponent has scored that one victory point more and you cannot reach to get one or two yourself, you gain nothing even if you wipe off the enemy crew.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Lonely Nightmare

Finally one of the bigger models for Kingdom Death is ready. It's the Lonely Tree. So now that it's painted, I suppose it is safe to assume it won't be drawn from terrain deck ever again.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thief in the night

Last game of round three for Vanguard campaign.

My twilight kin was against the basileans in this ones. Again my company was the aggressor. What can I say. Executrix Nirha just wants to wake up people.

Round was 175 points, and I had Executrix Nirha, Reaper Guards Nista and Holrotho, Quartermaster Poosk, Summoner Crone Catrul and Bruberdge the Butcher in my team, and was facing a million immortal Basileans. I might be exaggerating somewhat.

First round we had some missile action. A member of Basilean sisterhood shot Nista down right on the first attempt. By now no-one is surprised when it was this one particular crossbowyer who indeed is a force to be reckoned with.

Not to look any worse, Quartermaster Poosk did exactly same thing to some Basilean of which I don't recognize. Catrul ventures too deep into the forest, as she was easily caught into melee there. Fortunately I had packed a potion of haste to Butcher, and he was able to run into the woods and even take a swing with second action. And later even a forced fatigue swing. One grunt was down, but by then the woods were already flooded with panthers and paladins.

Poosk was being charged by veteran sister and another member of the enemy team, and she was struck down like a twig.

In terms of kills it was even, but then again, I had five models remaining and opponent had eight. Or nine, if you count the very sleepy commander.

Fortunately Catrul was adept at summoning Reapers, who stalled Basilean ranged brigade long enough for executrix Nirha to make a major breakthrough that was littered with Basilean corpses. Unfortunately Holrotho had perished, too. Citizen levy had also been an early casualty, so my warband was broken.

At least I passed nerve tests when it came to fleeing models. However the case, my model count was too low now to effectively search every tent. I might have had one go at the Basilean leader, but situation never came up. The commander was that sleepy headed.

I should probably have chosen to be the defender, because those couple early casualties really took a toll on my tent searching capability. As a defender I probably couldn't have stopped that tiny army of humans from ransacking my tents, but Nirha is quite the murder machine.

Post-game both Poosk and Holrotho received horrible scars and Nista made full recovery. Exploration phase was horrifying. My warband encountered a thief. And to make matters worse, that thief made off with two of my campaign golds. So I only got twelve coins from this round. But I try to think that maybe my warband survives this setback. Maybe...

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Nostalgic Annihilation

Played a 50 point game of Warmachine earlier this week. It was a 50 point game with random scenario from main rulebook. It was Annihilation.

Lord Arbiter Hexeris [+27]
- Agonizer [6]
- Basilisk Drake [8]
- Bronzeback Titan [17]
- Tiberion [19]
- Aptimus Marketh [5]
Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor [4]
Legends of Halaak [8]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]
Venator Flayer Cannon Crew [5]


Commander Coleman Stryker [+30]
- Ironclad [12]
- Lancer [10]
- Lancer [10]
Rorsh [15]
Rangers [9]
Steelhead Riflemen (min) [8]
Stormguard Infantry (max) [15]

Cygnar started. And I have to say Annihilation was a great change of focus. It was actually fun to play a simple scenario with no flags, objectives, zones and whatnot.

Sure, it's a poorly balanced scenario for those who want to meticulously calculate their wins at all cost - especially shooty list could have just sniped a single solo from my list and retreat for remaining rounds, in theory at least.

But at least here was a good match up.

Cygnar had a devastating start when I lost not one but two members of Legends of Halaak. I had forgotten about their no-knockdown ability and left one of them standing away from base contact. Earthquake fell, and then rangers started shooting. Def 16 didn't help against Rangers, though, and a lucky hit downed another Legend.

Hexeris used feat next, and I think it was okay turn. Six stormguards, three steelheads and four rangers fell.

Opponent got rid of Master Tormentor and the last remaining Legend and used following turn for positioning. Ironclad and Rorsh & Brine were flanking. Bronzeback Titan was looking scary enough and Brine didn't have the courage to charge him. Hexeris was caught by Ironclad, but used Repulsion to get away.

Stryker had his feat going on after losing one Lancer. Though Tiberion did fine work, even he wasn't able to wreck Lancer with +5 arm buff in one turn.

Brine finally engage with Pig Farm on. And I will probably have nightmares from those damage rolls for times to come, as they were absurd. Second last attack did only two points of damage or so, and last attack scored no damage. In all other damage rolls there was not a single die below four pips, with no shortage of fives and sixes.

Bronzeback was left with something like three hit boxes remaining.

And then Bronzeback frenzied. Well, at least he needed that Unyielding. But this fail check was a disaster.

I could have brought Tiberion to deal with Ironclad after Hexeris would destroy Lancer. Bronzeback could have killed Brine. But not when I wasn't able to activate it.

It was second last turn in game, so I decided to try assassination instead.

Hexeris destroyed Lancer but failed to drop boosted Black Spot on Blurred Stryker.

Then Basilisk Drake failed to hit, too.

Tiberion got a free charge against Stryker, but missed boosted charge attack. And all other attacks too, except for one that dealt five points in. I had three boosted POW 20 coming, hitting on 9+. One could have even had a damage boost. But only a single hit with poor damage. Oh, and obviously shield and tusk attacks missed, too.

And to rub it in, last attack that hit scored critical smite, which would have pretty much guaranteed a POW 14 spray hit from Basilisk Drake... that had already activated.

Earthquake knocked Hexeris down, and then Rorsh came to shoot Lord Arbiter very dead.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Effortless painting

I took a picture of these just to make a painting update.

What we have here is a piece of terrain (a cage of some sorts), three models and markers for Malifaux.

Models are rushed paintjobs with Citadel Contrast Colors. I'm pleased with the results considering how much time and effort went into making these. Which wasn't much of either. Models are not official ones. They're Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures or whatever those pre-primed D&D miniatures are called. Some of their scale matches that of Malifaux' quite nicely.

Then I made a multi-purpose markers for Malifaux. Kingdom Death bases are two pieces each, so they are like four-in-one markers now. Each of the eight markers can function as miscellaneous marker or Corpse, Scheme or Strategy marker.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Second Game of Malifaux

So I had my second game.

It was 35 soul stones. Is just added a Mindless Zombie to my crew, because last time I felt that one just... isn't enough.

We still kept the simple scenario of Reckoning.

Overall, the game went on slightly more fluidly than last time, with less time spent on scouring details from rulebook. Some form of tactical thinking may have also developed, since last game neither of us used Concentrate even once. This time it was used almost every turn with at least one model.

Maybe next time I'd feel confident enough to try a different scenario.

However, the game itself.

My team was:
Seamus + Copycat Killer
Rotten Belle
Bete Noire
Madame Sybelle
Mindless Zombie

4 soulstones
Schemes: Power Ritual, Deliver a Message


Dr. McMourning + Zombie Chihuahua
Kentauroi (with Grave Spirit's Touch)
Flesh Construct

4 soulstones
Schemes: Power Ritual, Claim Jump (Flesh Construct)

We had corner deployment. I had this great plan to plant Mourner's corpse marker within 3" of corner, and eventually when Bete Noire would bury herself, she'd come up there and replace corpse with scheme marker and place schemes to both adjacent with dynamic duo of Seamus and Copycat Killer. Nice plan, eh?

Well, except that first activation in the whole game (flesh construct) gave me a hint that opponent was aiming for Power Ritual, too. And opponent had this horribly fast unit of Kentauroi.

Seamus took a shot against the Kentauroi and dealt a severe injury. I was surprised that the minion fell down to one hit point remaining. I had Red Joker in my hand, so I could have killed Kentauroi with one hit.

Good thing I did not. This prompted a reckless action from McMourning - he charged Seamus and replied in kind with four damage points and two poison counters. It was severe injury that I lowered with a soul stone. He still had one action remaining, so I used Red Joker for Seamus' defense. Even a minor injury with two poison counters would have eventually caused Seamus' death.

My Mourner comes to deliver a message to McMourning. There may have been some bad puns involved.

Bete Noire kept harassing Chihuahua. I just wanted an easy kill for Reckoning, but I didn't pay attention to the fact that even had Bete Noire succeeded, I would've gained nothing because of Chihuahua's Insignificant rule. Oh well. At least the doggie received some good pets.

Seamus killed Sebastian on the northern left corner of board. But not before Sebastian could score a point from Power Ritual.

Throughout this time Kentauroi had been healing a little, and came to contest lower right corner, where I hadn't had time to plant a Scheme marker with Rotten Belle. I realized I wouldn't be able to complete Power Ritual's end condition. And it was all because Seamus missed one attack on Sebastian.

Madame Sybelle had been on the middle for too long. Flesh Construct was attacking her. I was suspecting opponent might have Claim Jump again, since Flesh Construct is such a perfect piece for that scheme.

Madame used up all my remaining soulstones. But against all odds she did survive long enough. When she succumbed on last round of the game, she had a stack of six Poison counters after McMourning attacked her.

Seamus activated and dropped a Scheme Marker close enough to McMourning to deliver the final message.

Score was 3-4 in favor of Seamus.

Opponent was quite terrified of Seamus, and I have to agree the flintlock pistol has absurd damage track. Even minor injury deals as much damage as severes on some models. After two games I can't make an accurate judgement, but on the other hand... in this game at least it was Seamus who pretty much did all the job. All other models in my team were not doing any damage at all that was of consequence. Mourner delivered the original message to McMourning and that's it. Anything else my models did were just standing in the way of enemy.

Friday, September 6, 2019

First game of Malifaux

It's been a long time coming. Many years, in fact. I've been intrigued by Malifaux, yet never enough to actually start. There have been no players or no enthusiasm or I've felt other miniature games take too much time from already lessened pool of hobby hours.

But somehow I got tricked into trying.

So I tried.

Resurrectionists looked like a faction I'd enjoy. Unfortunately opponent had already taken the starter box I'd have liked most, so I picked the one that seemed next interesting. I ended up with Seamus and his Redchapel Shadows.

Lucky that I did. Because to me it looked like McMourning played with a tight group of survivable models. Seamus, on the other hand, seemed to be more into absurd movement shenanigans. At least Copycat Killer and Bete Noire gave me such an impression.

We decided beforehand to play Reckoning strategy to keep things as simple as possible. We also decided schemes in advance from randomized group of five.

My team was:
Seamus + Copycat Killer
Rotten Belle
Bete Noire
Madame Sybelle

1 soulstone
Schemes: Breakthrough, Search the Ruins

Dr. McMourning + Zombie Chihuahua
Guild Autopsy
Flesh Construct

4 soulstones
Schemes: Dig Their Graves, Claim Jump (Flesh Construct)

First round didn't see much action - Seamus tried to take a shot at McMourning but failed miserably, and Flesh Construct attempted to come and score Claim Jump, which didn't happen because of first turn.

Second turn things started happening. Bete Noire was fighting with Flesh Construct, and Mourner took away Ruthless from the construct. Turns out the weeping of this widow is enough to soften the rotten heart of a necrotic construct.

Dr. McMourning charges Madame Sybelle, which opponent mistook for Seamus. Madame used my only soulstone to prevent damage, and managed to survive the onslaught with seven health points remaining.

Then I piled up on McMourning, and damn this doctor was next to impossible to pin down.

I didn't count the damage I dealt, but I think the total combined would have killed Doctor McMourning twice over.

Let's see. The doctor took full wrath of Madame Sybelle twice, Rotten Belle twice, Mourner once, Copycat Killer once and Seamus twice. And even when Seamus took a successful attack with flintlock pistol against McMourning when he had three health remaining (meaning even weak damage would kill him), black joker came up. This might skew my perception on how difficult it is to kill master models.

But finally Seamus deals with the doctor charging in with bag of tools. Truly this was Cause for Celebration which prompted another flintlock attack that dropped Guild Autopsy with one hit.

Bete Noire was a model I enjoyed a lot. She didn't do much damage, but on the other hand she was against Flesh Construct with a hefty stack of poison, so I don't know what should I have expected. Mourner was my first model to go down, so suddenly it was quite a bit more dangerous to stand next to Flesh Construct. However, once models started dying, it opened up options for Bete Noire to get buried and then spring back into action right away.

I suppose that's how I like my specialists. Doing all sorts of fancy stuff, but eventually having negligible presence in game...

Well, except that she was key model in bringing victory for Seamus. There was some confusion in how we resolved winner - there were quite a few ifs and buts, mostly because we realized a bit too late that Zombie Chihuahua just didn't have what it takes to dig up a scheme marker. But speculating last turn did give Seamus a victory with one victory point.

Copycat Killer was an amazing model that enabled Seamus to act as a serious damage dealer exactly where needed as well as putting up scheme markers for Search the Ruins and Breakthrough.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Minions Bore Gifts

I'm not sure what it means, but I'm baffled how Dungeon Lords feels like a recent addition to my board game collection... yet it has been about four years since I last played these with friends in Salo. But last weekend this all changed. In all of these games we had three players.

First game we played was without expansions, except for monsters and adventurers and such that comes with Festival Season. This was to reacquaintance people to game mechanics. Fun moment here was probably when I had to shoot my Demon with monster catapult just to survive second year adventurer attacks.

Second game was with Festival Season expansion. Though I scored last in this round, I believe I can say I won the bragging rights as I had both dwarf paladins in my jail when game ended.

Last game was with Festival Season, as well as first time ever with Minions Bearing Gifts. We used straightforward variant. I'm not sure how other players felt it, but it did affect my game a lot during second year - that priest preventing a point of damage was annoying nuisance that continuously ruined my plans. So, it was a good expansion. Because I had been such a paladin magnet in first two rounds, I kept low profile on Evil-o-Meter in this game. A spell that made me release a prisoner cost me the game, as I was one point behind from winning player.

Each player won once, so I suppose we need to settle who's the most evil Dungeon Lord in... umm... next four years?


For the longest time I got to play a game of Munchkin. I was visiting some friends, and had a three player go at it. In all these years Munchkin hasn't changed much. Green player had a strong opening by slaying Potted Plant. My Halfling Warrior, who was actually a dwarf who was actually human eventually bought his way to victory, except for the last level which was gained by slaying, I believe, the undead horse.

Each player was within hair's breath away from victory, as we were all level nine.

Oh, it seems that "longest time" here actually means it's been over nine years since I last played this card game.

How it flies. Time and all that.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mechs vs Minions

When we played Kingdom Death, there was a sort of board/miniature game day at a local gaming club. And because I'm not going to move Kingdom Death: Monster sized box by walk, I needed a lift there and back. This meant I was tied to the schedule of the driver.

So after packing up Burkstad I got to play another board game, which was called Mechs vs Minions.

We had four players, and we played the third scenario where the boss model is introduced.

It was quite fun game. I had this yellow support mech with the Einstein-y looking person on top of it.

Of course I didn't know a thing what I was doing. It was, in fact, a little goofy that for a couple first rounds all my contributions that could be considered useful were all made by my mech's permanently broken systems.

I don't think I did even a single damage to boss, but I did dismantle boss' shields a few times, as well as enabled mechs to repair each other. Which happened around two times.

I don't think the end could have been more epic. The boss had already loaded up it's GG gun. I forget if boss had three or two wounds remaining, but definitely enough to make victory seem impossible. I went first and could only open up one shield.

Next player managed to bring boss down to one wound remaining and could have wrecked it had correct shield been down. Well, it wasn't.

Fourth player was too far to deal damage, so win or loss depended on player three. He did have a weapon that could deal damage, but he had like three broken systems that each forced movement. I believe it was fifty percent chance for the mech to travel to unfortunate direction. But rune die was on our side and boss was vanquished. Hooray.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Hand Giveth Hand Taketh

It's been a while, but the settlement of Burkstad has not been forgotten.

Yesterday our group continued this sorry tale, which ended up in The Hand giving the finger.

Somehow that makes sense.

Vladimirana, Igorina, Ennhilde and Gummi were to face the god-like entity known as The Hand.

Though Gummi wasn't exactly a promising survivor with his gaping chest wounds and all, he did have Last Man Standing fighting art. So he might actually be a fine candidate to survive rude slaps or full-powered flicks.

But the showdown itself. What a fight.

We were trying to arrange most of Hand's attacks to Gummi, who had been stacked with all evasion we could muster. On hindsight, why would we stack evasion or enduring capabilities on the survivor who would shine when there's no-one left but him? But in the end it worked fine.

Because despite being served severe injuries and brain traumas left and right, survivors put a miserable enough show for The Hand to appreciate. Shattered Jaw and something else on Vladimirana were the only permanent injuries for survivors, unless we count Disorders as such.

When situation looked right, we tried to injure The Hand. A total of three tokens were placed on Impossible Eyes, so when there were only three cards left in AI deck we just decided not to resist.

Hand is a theatrical fellow. Third last card was "Take Your Best Shot" and second last was the ominous chuckle that dealt five brain damage to all non-deaf survivors. I see that quite climactic and evil mastermind villain-y thing to do. And of course last card was a jump scare in the form of Bullet Jabs.

Nobody died. Would Burkstad finally play a one full Lantern Year without nobody dying?

Gummi rolls for The Hand's applause rewards. It came out as "1", which is unpreventable instant death. Nope, we didn't break the chain of death following Burk's spirit.

And literally ALL remaining survivors rolled a natural lantern 10 for applause rewards. Perhaps Gummi, the second last male of Burkstad, was the sacrifice.

Whoops, a little spoiler there. Because we did have Tourneghulle and Vladimir in the settlement at the time, too.

The player who had played Gummi drew us a settlement event and said jokingly that obviously it's going to be Murder.

It was Murder.

Tourneghulle, the red savior, had most hunt experience so he was the victim. He was the fourth savior Burkstad lost. So far settlement has been more of a lethal place to saviors than actual showdowns.

The Hand's legacy isn't ending here, because aftermath rewards killed yet another survivor from settlement.

However, The Hand had a retinue of King's Men with him, and these Armored Strangers gave some compensation for the playful little holiday trip of The Hand.

So, here's one more example of the weird way how random element sometimes just clicks so well in Kingdom Death. I find fascination in the full catalog of unlikely events this game offers.

Before showdown population was nine. And nobody died during showdown, so our population was still nine. Armored Strangers take destructive action on population of 8+. So in a way, the poor rolls on rewards and Murder settlement event were actually good things.

Because Burkstad was blessed with some resources we could innovate. Choices weren't that special, so we decided to try Petal Spiral.

As we have been continuously losing our highest experienced survivors, we used Shared Experience to get a couple of survivors to first Age milestone.

Augury gave some intimacy, so population was at seven. Which is terrible, but at least a step for the better.

Armor ritual was success and one Rawhide Headband was crafted. Petal Spiral was put to use right away, so we have an aspiring swordmaster coming up with zero hunt experience.

Coming up next is the Sunstalker. Which I need to start painting, I suppose.


Population: 7

Protect the Young

Inner Lantern
Petal Spiral


Lantern Hoard
Bone Smith
Organ Grinder
Weapon Crafter
Leather Worker

2x Cloth
3x Stone Noses
Full Rawhide Set
1x rawhide vest, 1x Rawhide Gloves, 1x Rawhide Headband
Gorment Boots
2x Skull Helm
Bone Dagger
Bone Darts
Rib Blade
Greater Gaxe
Leather Shield
Cat Eye Circlet
2x Monster Grease
Lucky Charm
Monster Tooth Necklace
Catgut Bow + Claw Head Arrow
White Lion Coat, White Lion Gloves
Scrap Sword
Flower Knight Badge

2x broken lantern
2x organ

Monday, August 26, 2019


A couple of days ago we played two rounds of Word Winder.

First round was the usual, but second round we decided to allow absurd compound words. Of course this doesn't translate well because language was Finnish.

However, some worthy mentions with free-form translation were Big Belly Witch and Methane Merit Syphilis.

Edit: I'll add one round of Word Winder here to this post that was played yesterday - 15th of September. After all these sessions have such a short time (about three weeks is a short time? Well, these days even a month feels like an extremely short time) so I believe these can be merged. It was another round with unrestricted compound words. This time let's mention the Fullsoul Cyst.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Counter Chain

A few days ago I had this 75 point game of Warmachine.

My list:

Black Industries
Lich Lord Venethrax [+26]
- Deathripper [6]
- Erebus [16]
- Malice [15]
- Slayer [10]
- Slayer [10]
- Stalker [8]
- The Withershadow Combine [9]
Machine Wraith [2]
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor [5]
Pistol Wraith [0(5)]
Soul Trapper [1]
Warwitch Siren [0(4)]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Black Ogrun Ironmongers [6]
Mechanithralls (min) [6]
- Brute Thrall (3) [0(6)]
- Skarlock Commander [3]


Soldiers of Fortune
Magnus the Warlord [+28]
- Blockader [33]
- Freebooter [9]
- Nomad [12]
- Toro [13]
- Toro [13]
- Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker [0(4)]
Alexia, Mistress of the Witchfire [0(7)]
Anastasia di Bray [3]
Saxon Orrik [4]
Steelhead Arcanist [4]
Steelhead Arcanist [4]
Steelhead Arcanist [4]
Steelhead Ironhead [4]
Steelhead Mortar Crew [0(5)]

Early on I gained slight scenario point advantage, which I as soon about to lose. Malice takes enemy Freebooter, but didn't manage to kill it. It took another Slayer to finish the job. So point investment was about three times the cost of Freebooter.

Flag on the right saw some action - I brought Erebus to contest the flag. On mercenary turn Stannis Brocker came to control the flag, and I had Erebus counter-charge him. This had Toro countercharge Erebus, which in turn had Malice countercharge Toro. Much fun and many joy was had, but effects were rather negligible.

Oh, except that there was now two of my heavies close to each other. Blockader with those absurd fists slammed Malice into Erebus and single-handedly wrecked both despite Venethrax having his feat on. That was 31 points that just went missing.

I can't help but compare P+S 22 slampush fists with 4" reach to my own factions Kraken's... with three less p+s.

Oh well. I had forgotten how sorry feat Venethrax has against Warmachine. Both Power-Up and Empower can circumvent it completely.

It was downhill from there.

Stalker managed to kill Alexia and ambushing Mechanithralls ended Stannis. Some enemy warjack had come to my rectangular zone, and it took Slayer, Venethrax, Withershadow Combine and Warwitch Siren to remove the thing. But Magnus was now so far ahead in scenario game that there was little I could do to prevent him from winning.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Ropecon 2019 Steamroller

Here's the games from Ropecon Steamroller tournament.

Only two days prior to the tournament the rules changed to use Oblivion update instead. It went fine as far as I can tell, but because of this I'm not even trying to put together opposing lists. The hassle of rule update in middle of event had TO to let in themes both from Oblivion and pre-Oblivion.

My lists:

[Theme] Black Industries
[Scaverous 1] Lord Exhumator Scaverous [+27]
- Corruptor [14]
- Deathripper [6]
- Deathripper [6]
- Inflictor [13]
- The Withershadow Combine [9]
Aiakos, Scourge of the Meredius [0(4)]
- Reaper [13]
Darragh Wrathe [9]
Necrotech [2]
Pistol Wraith [0(5)]
Soul Trapper [1]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Mechanithralls (min) [6]
- Brute Thrall (3) [0(6)]
Wraith Engine [15]

[Theme] Scourge of the Broken Coast
[Goreshade 1] Goreshade the Bastard [+27]
- Harrower [16]
- Helldiver [6]
- Leviathan [16]
- Reaper [13]
- Seether [13]
- Stalker [8]
- Satyxis Blood Priestess [0(4)]
Axiara Wraithblade [0(6)]
Satyxis Raider Captain [0(4)]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Black Ogrun Ironmongers [6]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
- Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [4]

Game 1:
First game was against Circle Orboros. Tharn theme with Iona.

It was a brutal and mostly one-sided game. I probably picked the wrong list here anyway.

As I was still thinking Bloodweavers had Dispel as one of their attack options, I didn't slap Death Ward on Wraith Engine. Since it wasn't warded against death, five ambushing Bloodweavers destroyed Wraith Engine from full hit boxes down to zero. Two of them also charged a Deathripper and destroyed it. At least it eases my pain a little that when you consider how Bloodweavers were rolling the dice, it would've mattered little if Wraith Engine would've had Death Ward on.

Wolf Rider Champion single-handedly breaks Movement system off from Reaper - after it had missed twice with harpoon attack.

Another Wolf Rider Champion puts a heavy dent on Inflictor. Some system broke. It even had Death Ward on. However, having a broken system was on me. I forgot I could've decided the column.

But it's rare to see dice that are on fire like this. I suppose it's bound to happen sooner or later.

I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out a way to assassinate Iona. Getting node close enough to cast Telekinesis on her as well as three Brute Thralls, but the arc node I would've needed went down with two charging Bloodweavers. I measured if I'd be able to get a node via Corruptor shot, but I couldn't see that far to the forest anyway.

I just did not know what to do, so I tried to stack some souls on Scaverous and wait for a turn and hope opponent makes a small positioning mistake. But opponent scored a point with Iona on my turn, and then four from both circular zones, flag and destroying my objective.

Not my most magnificent game.

Game 2:

Second game was against Khador, Vlad2.

Table was a nightmare to all but Dark Host. Which I didn't play.

I picked Goreshade as my list, as I thought I might be able to hit Vlad's feated models with Gang Fighter.

Opponent did have Greylord Adjunct to offer Behemoth Eyeless Sight turn after turn. This mitigated my Shadowmancer quite a bit. Also Vlad being able to upkeep two spells for free made Lamentation lackluster.

I thought I had placed Helldiver to wrong side of the board. So it was by accident that I had a contestant on rectangular zone on my right.

Vlad uses his feat on five models - both Eliminator units and a lone Kayazy assassin. Eliminators on right just ran to engage my Warwitch Siren. River being rough terrain robbed them of their charge.

Another unit came to tie up Satyxis. And did they tie up Satyxis. Kayazy Assassins attacked Harrower, that had been seriously damaged by Behemoth already. But Harrower didn't die, it just lost Cortex.

Cryx managed to clear all the assassins from circular zone and contest rectangular zone on right with Helldiver that popped up.

Satyxis Raiders, Axiara and Satyxis Captain all tried to do some damage in to Eliminators on left, and succeeded. Just to deal random damage points in. Not to kill anyone.

Yuri the Axe charges from woods and kills a bunch of Satyxis Raiders. Eliminators continue to kill them. Marauder cannot charge contesting Helldiver, so it positions itself so that next turn Helldiver won't be able to contest and be outside of Marauder's threat range. Warwitch Siren dies to another unit of Eliminators and I'm left with few warjacks that are seriously damaged.

Thanks to some lucky rolls I clear the circular zone with ease. Axiara Wraithblade runs to the flag, and Goreshade with Deathwalker is on the zone. That's two points.

Stalker charges Yuri, and Satyxis finally remove one of the eliminators.

I try to position my jacks so that next turn I'd be able to go to rectangular zone on the right that was about to fall to Khador.

But a miracle happened there. Marauder did the combo-smite thing and slammed Helldiver four inches or something. This was phenomenal luck. Because Helldiver was still contesting and was outside of threat range of Kayazy Eliminators. One inch more or one inch less and I'd have lost the zone.

Vladimir tried to remove Helldiver with Razor Wind, and failed.

Devastator wrecks Stalker and a mechanic comes to contest circular zone.

After removing contestors with Reaper, Seether charges Behemoth to tie it up. Seether had only one arm and no cortex, so damage wasn't spectacular. I spent quite a bit time on deathclock trying to figure if I should try to assassinate Vladimir. I would've probably tried that if both Axiara and Harrower wouldn't have missed. But they did.

When I'm looking at the game pictures now, it's absurd that Harrower survived that long. After Marauder wrecked Helldiver, Harrower still stood contesting. Behemoth took down Seether. Kayazy Eliminators charge last remaining Iron Monger, and position themselves to contest both the flag and the zone.

Goreshade takes care of the Eliminators and Axiara positions herself to the flag. Leviathan shoots enemy objective down and Reaper runs to contest the zone.

Behemoth comes to contest zone, Vlad wrecks Harrower and Devastator bulldozes Reaper off.

Reaper comes back for more, Blood Priestess runs to contest rectangular zone and Goreshade and Bane Warriors wreck Behemoth.

It was the last round, and one of first, if not the first game in my Mk3 tournaments that had to be resolved with tiebreakers. I had lead of three control points, so a victory for Cryx.

Game 3:

Last game I was against Blindwater Congregation. First time in Mk3.

I wanted to try if Scaverous would be able to score an assassination, but I should've thought about the position of objectives. Opponent picked anchor objective, and with this 5" template of shallow water with protection from ranged attacks had Barnabas1 in a safe spot.

I managed to kill Wrastler. A big mistake was to charge Sacral Vault with ambushing Mechanithralls. I thought three Brute Thralls ought to make a dent in the battle engine - and sure they did... but I had not paid attention at all that there was Gobber Tinker around. Who repaired for six. Yay. Then the thing shot all Brutes in one turn, and what were Mecanithralls to do when their only target was protected by this soul storm thing?

I charge Wraith Engine to that Sacral Vault, and poor rolls still have the thing standing. Well. At least someone was contesting enemy rectangular zone.

I had some trouble contesting flags. Swamp Gobber River Raider scored a point for enemy, and a small bottleneck had my heavy warjacks in a difficult position to do anything other than kill a couple members of Gatormen Posse.

Hilariously enough Wraith Engine didn't... oh wait, it did die.

But it took the combined efforts of Sacral Vault, Ironback Spitter, Gatormen Posse, Bull Snapper and even a charging Mist Speaker. And since they just couldn't do it, Barnabas destroys the thing with a spell.

But losing the engine was my downfall, and slowly and steadily opponent grinded control points to victory.

Looking back now the match-up doesn't look as horrible as it felt. Game was probably playable - I just succumbed to some silly mistakes and being too fixated on assassinating Barnabas.