Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Traditional Christmas visit to my parents ended up with love letters left and right on Christmas eve.

We had four players, and that changed the dynamics of the game a lot, when I've used to playing with two players.

A session of three rounds was played both before and after Santa came to explode some kittens. And during second session, the way I was haunted by Baron was bordering on supernatural.

When he wasn't my initial card, he was the second. When Prince dropped something from my hand, replacement was Baron. Multiple times I had two Barons in my hand. And I dare say this was no confirmation bias, as everyone else noticed it too. More often than once or twice I was kicked out of the game before I had a turn - by someone's guard, guessing I had Baron. When I didn't get both barons during game round, it was because the other baron was the card that was set aside that round.

Well, at least he has a pretty rose.

Update: another session of five games.

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