Saturday, May 1, 2021

Malifaux vassal tournament part II

Tournament ran its course, and here are the last remaining two games. 

Game 4:

Gaining Grounds 2 scenario Corrupted Ley Lines with Wedge Deployment. Scheme pool: Claim Jump, Spread Them Out, Vendetta, Let Them Bleed, Detonate Charges 

I had:

Kirai & Ikiryo (Vendetta target)
Datsue Ba
Lost Love
Rogue Necromancy (Claim Jump)
2x Seishin
Shikome + Killer Instinct

Pool: 7

Schemes: Claim Jump, Spread Them Out

Opponent had:

Basse (Lead Linen Coat) & Bernadette
Dr. Grimwell
Jonathan Reichart (Lead Linen Coat) (Claim Jump)
Guild Steward
Austringer (Vendetta)

Pool: 8

Schemes: Claim Jump, Vendetta

Turns 1-2:

I didn't know what to expect of Basse, and when he had been parked right into the charge range of Rogue Necromancy, I decided to give it a go. I quickly learned my error and paid a heavy price for it. Basse started tossing Rogue Necromancy around like a ragdoll, and it somehow ended up in the melee range of Dr. Grimwell. Well, I suppose Rogue Necromancy at least dominated opponent's first turn by having him use Basse, Grimwell, Austringer, and Reichart to finally kill my Claim Jumper. 

Datsue Ba ran to engage Reichart in an attempt to save Rogue Necromancy, but in the end, Reichart had Bring It ability. 

Ikiryo and Bernadette claimed a strategy marker. 

Turn 2:

Dr. Grimwell and Reichart try to beat the scary granny with the lantern, and do well enough - it's just that Kirai's activation was spent on healing Datsue Ba back to full. Reichart's blasts, however, killed a scheming Drowned and a Seishin. 

Ikiryo runs to strategy another strategy marker near my table edge, and Austringer throws its bird at Ikiryo, dealing some serious damage and revealing Austringer had vendetta towards Kirai's soul. Not good. 

Bernadette tries to taunt Crooligan to attack her, but fails to Bring It the kid a second time.

Both players score strategy, and both players reveal one scheme: Spread Them Out and Vendetta.

Turn 3:

Datsue Ba receives the full activations of Reickhart and Dr. Grimwell once more and survives. Kirai heals her. Rinse & Repeat. Kirai also summons a Drowned. 

Basse shoots Kirai and Lost Love and deals some damage in, which is worrisome. My master is down to eight hit points remaining, and Lost Love takes a hit for two. 

Shikome and Crooligan just scheme around.

Bernadette takes a dive towards the middle strategy marker, and a well placed miracle happened: Drowned charged Bernadette and Dazed her away from the marker. Ikiryo then runs to middle zone.

Ressers score strategy, which is the only point from turn three.

Turn 4

Datsue Ba weighs Guild Steward's sins and judges him to death with two actions. Impressive enough, and yet she still survives Dr. Grimwell's attacks. 

Cornelius Basse ruins my plans by bringing Kirai down to one hit point remaining, and Austringer flying in for the kill. I had originally planned to summon a Seishin into contact with Bernadette, who had been removed from melee with Drowned by Pathfinder. This way she'd have been unable to toss Lodestone marker to Basse.

Ikiryo had ran towards the enemy strategy marker on top-right and lives, securing me full points from strategy. 

Reichart removes himself from melee somehow and runs to middle. Opponent scores strategy and Claim Jump, evening scores to 4-4.

Turn 5:

I manage to survive with Ikiryo and had enough scheme markers to score Spread Them Out again. Opponent was able to bring Bernadette to my top-left strategy marker and have Basse to toss the lodestone for her. 

It's a draw 6-6.

Game 5:

Apparently, this tournament was Kirai's when I picked her for the last game, too.

Strategy was Break the Line with standard deployment. Scheme pool: Claim Jump, Hidden Martyrs, Death Beds, Catch & Release, Bait & Switch.

My list was:

Kirai & Ikiryo
Datsue Ba
Lost Love
3x Seishin
2x Shikome
Night Terror with Killer Instinct (Catch & release)

Pool: 8

Schemes: Catch & Release, Bait & Switch

Opponent had:

English Ivan & Mordrake
Gibson DeWalt
Winston Finnigan (My bait)
Eva Havenhand
Intrepid Emissary

Pool: 6

Schemes: Claim Jump, Death Beds

Turns 1-3:

This game was brutal. Brocken Spectre was able to catch Ikiryo, Datsue Ba and Kirai within it's spells of certain doom, and it wasn't until third round when I finally managed to remove the spectre - after most of my forces had been decimated.

I had a Catch & Release running Night Terror and one Shikome on both sides of the map, and Seishins and Lost Love in the middle. 

Next time maybe I won't bunch up in the middle so, although that might happen anyway since Brocken Spectre bunches you up on its own. 

But it wasn't all on Spectre, no. Eva Havenhand and Mr. Mordrake were both amazingly mobile and got to toss strategy markers around before I had the chance to contest. 

At least opponent's speed gave me one easy point in the form of Catch & Release, but still... opponent was controlling all strategy markers, had revealed both of his schemes and would easily get at least one end condition. I gave up at the end of third round. 

All in all it was a nice tournament experience. I learned a couple of new tricks along the way, too, such as charging past melee range. And that it is relatively bad idea to let opponent summon a Brocken Spectre that ties up all of your important models. 

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