Saturday, May 15, 2021

Year of Utter Devastation and Misery

 A friend with whom we have an ongoing Kingdom Death campaign visited, and this is what happened.

Lantern Year 11 hunt: Sunstalker level 1

What's the worst that could happen when you begin a showdown? Would it be something like losing your Vespertine Bow user on the first attack he - himself - makes? Because that's what happened.

It didn't even take that many rounds until Padoral the Twilight Sword user died, too. 

A team wipe looked certain when remaining Baby of Silence had two bleed tokens and Moldonial with destroyed back had five (with unconscious fighter) and there were still around four AI cards to chew through. Baby of Silence frenzied and as a consequence was soon killed. 

But Moldonial had bitten in two wounds, which meant that Sunstalker would fade away to solar track. Moldonial only had to tank through 9+ hitting basic actions while having zero armor and plenty of heavy damage levels. 

But hey. We don't need Vespertine Bows here in Maurala. It was a win, after all. Finally things are looking... well...

Lantern Year 12 - Gorm Climate

Aaaaugh. Gorm Climate ate Round Stone Training, because we didn't want to lose our hoarded resources. Now we need to hunt Gorm again. And at least Gorm Climate isn't Murder...

Conviction - Barbaric Principle ate away our resources anyway.

Necrotoxic Mistletoe killed four survivors.


From a healthy population of fifteen, down to eight, lost one innovation and all resources. Gg wp. Table flip. Sob in corner. 

At least our two (2) endeavors gave Intimacy with Augury, and gave us twins. 

Moldonial ate the Hunter's Heart to cure his broken rib and destroyed back, and Sibyllaria cured her back with the leftovers.

Well hello Gorm level 1, some bitter and angry survivors are coming for you next.

Lantern Year 12 hunt - Gorm level 1 

Twix, Noitatsaved, Fatalia and Tyypi engage in Gorm Hunt, and hunt phase was more lethal than the actual showdown - all survivors received a few disorders along the way. Aichmophobia on King Spear using Twix was perhaps the most annoying.

Showdown itself was no big deal, although most of our wound rolls were 2-3... fortunately that was enough to actually wound a level 1 Gorm. Easy victory.

Lantern Year 13 - Dark Dentist

Dark Dentist pays a visit to check how Moldonial's operation has gone - which is very well indeed. Hands of Heat starve our settlement of resources even further - and we're having another go at it on the same year as Butcher level 2. 

Settlement innovates Heart Flute, breeds Twillaria and gives Synchronized Strike for a few survivors.

Lantern Year 13 Showdown - The Hand level 1

Twillaria, Butrifice, Moldonial and Fatalia challenge the Hand once more. 

We had the Diversion Tactics, which made the showdown even more of a breeze. If by breeze you mean a blood tornado.

Twillaria receives Apathetic disorder from Soft Chuckle, and because of this dies to Line Up via head explosion.

Then, The Hand has had its fun and starts to applaud. Butrifice just can't take it, and dies.

At least Moldonial, the shining star of Maurala, received the best result of +1 accuracy, strength and evasion,

Lantern Year 14 - Haunted

Moldonial and Fatalia sing a little song with the chorus of the dead. Twix finds the silver city and becomes stark raving as a result. 

Settlement innovates Petal Spiral, which was deemed the least trash of a rubbish pile of choices. The another endeavor was to put Synchronized Strike back to Moldonial.

Moldonial, Tyypi, Twix and Fatalia set out to hunt for level 2 antelope... somewhere in the future.

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