Thursday, May 20, 2021

Purgatorio settlement

 A friend visited me, and look! A sudden new Kingdom Death settlement.

Prologue almost gave us death principle via ill-placed Maul while Enraged was on. Kohtats, the sorry target, took a total of three severe injuries, but survived showdown with four bleed tokens and no permanent injuries. 

Settlement was named Purgatorio. and population became steady 14. Kohtats spoke (or perhaps her spleen did?) the first words. Endeavors were spent on basic infrastructure and stone noses. No innovation, because we had so few bones at our disposal.

Lantern Year 1 hunt & showdown - Gorm level 1

First hunt was against Gorm. Vangel the evasion tank became Prima Donna during the hunt, but otherwise hunt went fine. 

Showdown itself was a breeze, although we did have to use our last Founding Stone. This gimped the Gorm, which had the monster lose three turns total. Random points of damage were done by the mammoth-baby, even some heavy injury levels, but we pulled it through before severes started piling up. The only real casualty was the Bone Axe that shattered on Super-Dense location. Gorm had Posturing Piss going on, so we got the Ammonia.

Lantern Year 2 - Elder Council

Settlement innovated Hovel and tried to make some babies, failing at that. 

Lantern Year 2 hunt & showdown - Spidicules level 1

Foolhardy to take on Spidicules this early? Maybe, but I let my friend to make the decisions. 

Hunt went well enough, yielding even some resources. 

Showdown was odd. This must be one of the most immobile Spidicules I've seen, and least dangerous too. This was probably mostly due to one of the easier intimidate cards making multiple appearances throughout the game.

Fight wasn't without it's dangers though. When showdown ended in easy victory for the survivors, each had at least two bleed tokens. Kohtats was taken away by Spidicules. 

Lantern Year 3 - Dark Trader

Settlement innovates Paint, and gains the Silk Refining from slaying a Spidicules. Two auguries more give us finally an aichmophobic super-child Hilima and Survival of the Fittest. This triggered society principle, which was Collective Toil. 

It's all looking very good now even if this campaign might never see additional play. 

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