Monday, July 29, 2019

Boarding with no Party Pirates

This was a traditional Warmachine game against a friend during Ropecon.

Tournament next day was going to use Oblivion rules, so we were practicing those.

Well thought-out choice would have been to practice with my lists... but no, I went with my newest painted warcaster, Captain Aiakos. And I even knew I'd be against Xerxis2.

[Theme] Black Industries
Captain Aiakos [+29]
- Defiler [8]
- Leviathan [16]
- Reaper [13]
- Seether [13]
- Slayer [10]
- The Withershadow Combine [9]
Pistol Wraith [0(5)]
Pistol Wraith [0(5)]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Black Ogrun Ironmongers [6]
Mechanithralls (min) [6]
- Brute Thrall (3) [0(6)]
Wraith Engine [15]

Opponent had:

[Theme] Disciples of Agony
Xerxis, Fury of Halaak [+28]
- Agonizer [0(6)]
- Basilisk Drake [8]
- Basilisk Drake [8]
- Basilisk Krea [0(7)]
- Bronzeback Titan [17]
- Chiron [19]
- Titan Sentry [15]
- Titan Sentry [15]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
Tyrant Zaadesh [0(4)]
- Titan Gladiator [15]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]

Scenario was slightly in my favor. Opponent had next to no units to grab points from circular zones. I didn't have that many units either, but Mechanithralls were ambushing.

The huge beast brick looks completely unassailable. So I try to go for the scenario instead.

Mechanithralls take a point from zone on left. I was thinking it could be worth it to trade a Slayer to Gladiator. +2" off from from warbeasts' movement as well losing access to Pathfinder could have been good enough piece trade even if I was outnumbered.

If it had succeeded, that is.

Pistol Wraith failed to make Gladiator stationary.

Tremulus failed to cast Puppet Master on Slayer.

Defiler failed to apply Corrosion on Gladiator.

Slayer succeeded in charging Gladiator under Assail, but failed to stay out from Agonizer agony range. And on top of that rolls were sub-par.

I think Xerxis used feat here, and assaulted Chiron to my Reaper, destroying it, killing a Black Ogrun and even Tremulus.

Slayer went down without too much of a hassle.

I thought I had lost too much of my damage potential, so started figuring out a way to kill Xerxis, who had only one transfer. Had it been actual tournament game, I would've ran out of clock. I did have a nice plan, though, which I realized not to work in midway of it's application. Seether didn't have a charge lane to Basilisk Krea, and I had forgotten the need to either charge or run during activation. Seether would've reached it's target with +3 SPD from Aiakos' feat.

It was one heck of a mess, then.

At least I removed Chiron and Agonizer, but eh. What was I to do?

Next turn for Cryx situation looked so grim that as a final gesture of defiance, Aiakos entered the fray. He cast White Squall to toss Gladiator away from zone, and then proceeded to destroy Basilisk Drake all by himself.

I did get that control point, so yay I guess.

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