Saturday, February 2, 2019

Void Walker Mordikaar

A couple of days ago I played this 75 point game of Warmachine.

My list was:

Winds of Death
Void Seer Mordikaar
- Archidon [10]
- Basilisk Drake [8]
- Basilisk Drake [8]
- Basilisk Krea [7]
- Cyclops Savage [7]
- Rhinodon [12]
Maximus [4]
Mortitheurge Willbreaker [0]
Venator Dakar [4]
Void Spirit [0(4)]
Paingiver Beast Handlers (min) [5]
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [2]
Venator Flayer Cannon Crew [5]
Venator Reivers (max) [15]
- Venator Reiver Officer & Standard [4]
Venator Slingers (max) [13]

Opponent had:

Call of the Wild
Kromac the Ravenous [+26]
- Feral Warpwolf [16]
- Ghetorix [19]
- Pureblood Warpwolf [17]
- Shadowhorn Satyr [12]
- Shadowhorn Satyr [12]
- Warpwolf Stalker [17]
- Wild Argus [7]
- Druid Wilder [0(4)]
Blackclad Wayfarer [0(4)]
Lord of the Feast [0(6)]
Swamp Gobber Chef [1]
Shifting Stones [0(3)]

And scenario was Recon II.

Skorne started game.

I was kind of terrified of this match up. Slingers were next to useless models, and Reivers were not exactly top tier Warpwolf killers either. Or Basilisks. Or Archidons. Or Rhinodons. Or Mordikaar.

So my battle plan was panicky to say at least. I rushed stuff forward, keeping infantry mostly out of range from Lord of the Feast, feated on turn 2 and hoped for the best.

And it wasn't too bad. Ghetorix hit only one attack against Archidon and was pushed away with Poltergeist. A Shadowhorn Satyr did destroy objective, but otherwise I survived rather well. Of course opponent was able to set-up a nightmare for me next turn, but hey. I survived.

It was a tormenting turn to play. With a high volume of low-powered attacks against heavies is a pretty good combination for analysis paralysis, and that's what I got. I considered the possibility of assassination.

First, though, Void Spirit charged Blackclad Wayfarer and killed it, did the void walk thing and also killed Druid Wilder, and then hit Kromac.

I spent many a minute in figuring out how I'd be able to kill the Void Spirit. Drake slammed Ghetorix down and Krea ran within Essence Blast range. Which hit neither Void Spirit nor Kromac. A well used light warbeast, I must say.

Then I lose my focus completely and forget I was activating Mordikaar. He just stood there, five fury points remaining.

Reiver cannon shoots enemy objective down and three attacks to Ghetorix. Enraged Rhinodon does the rest. Archidon tries to critically pitch Shadowhorn Satyr off from zone so that I might take gain some leverage in scenario play, but crit it is not.

Reivers use minifeat as I believe most would be dead next turn. They do negligible damage to Warpwolf Stalker.

Maximus misses Pureblood Warpwolf.

Now, had I removed Void Spirit, the Reivers would have been taking their shots at Kromac. Able to re-roll two-man combined ranged attack misses (that had equal to RAT 8) would have had probably softened ARM 16 Kromac with their POW 13 attacks. Then P+S 17 (had I remembered to enrage) charge attack from Archidon, had I remembered t heal it up a little. With any luck it could have gotten one extra attack with body still functional. With no luck it would have done so with body system broken.


And here is where I take a closer look at Essence Blast. Nothing would have prevented me from casting it from Void Spirit. Hah. Hah. Ha.

I would've had my shot at paralyzing Kromac, not to mention still having a warbeast.

Well, opponent destroys all but one Basilisk Drake from Mordikaar's battlegroup. Maximus and a number of Slingers die, too.

Mordikaar has 15 Fury points. He spends them all to destroy a Shadowhorn Satyr that had strayed too close, but really. Mordikaar even was within 13" of Kromac.

Game was over there even if I tried to scrape in some lucky damage rolls against beasts. There was none, by the way.

So these were the odds where my luck with Skorne does not extend. A Basilisk Drake for transfers (that had one hit box remaining) and enemy still having four heavies left, with an assortment of supporting models.

Mordikaar started Void Walking himself.

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