Thursday, February 28, 2019

Blind Executor and Her Company

"Ancient prophetic vision had held true and saved the Kin... for the time being.

Ages had passed when their kind had disappeared from the surface of Greensway Isles, digging until they found cavern complex that was habitable enough.

Whatever the threat had been back then was forgotten now. And, really... who in their sane mind would found a city under an island, in the middle of sea? The Kin would have needed another prophetic vision fit for this day and age. Unfortunately they had no such thing, and when entire city was crushed by enormous bodies of water, only a few escaped.

One of them being Executrix Nirha and Quartermaster Poosk, and a handful of other survivors. None had ever been above ground. This world was so very much unlike their own. They arrived at night, which felt adequate illumination. But once the dawn arrived, survivors underwent a peculiar form of pain they had never experienced before. With few supplies they had each survivor put together crude shades. Even tattered cloths or hides with tiny slits were better than nothing.

Executrix Nirha, once a member of their former domain's guard, named their ragtag bunch the Blind Company.

Next they'd have to secure more supplies from surrounding landscape. Perhaps there even might be some other survivors somewhere?

So. I take part in Kings of War: Vanguard campaign that's being held here in my home town.

My company is Twilight Kin roster. Since it's been a long, long time since I've played actual fantasy miniature games (well, except for the group of demented circus folk that seemed out of place in Mantica) I had to face the fact that I don't have any proper miniatures.

But what I do have is a huge swathe of unbuilt survivor miniatures from Kingdom Death. Why not use them for something, since I'll never need all of them for the actual board game.

Faction choice was not a meaningful one. Twilight Kin seemed like it would have a rather low body count, so I picked them.

So far I've played one game of the campaign.

It was against Varangur warband.

I took Quartermaster Poosk the Shadow, Summoner Crone Catrul and Reaper Guard Nista. And an unnamed citizen levy. Catrul had switched Lightning Bolt for Summon the Reaper spell.

Scenario was Supply Grab. I picked the side where there was one supply container closer to me, and with a forest in between Varangur and Twilight Kin. I thought securing it would be a piece of cake...

But the Varangurs just pressed on. Mind Storm (awesome spell, by the way, with Range Booster) gave a random point of damage to their magus. But their warriors...

Just one hit and my summoned Reaper was down. One hit and my Citizen Levy was down (honestly, though, that one isn't such an amazing feat.) One hit and my Reaper Guard was down. All the while I can't do even a single point of damage, no matter how much I stack dice. At least Reaper Guard was doing fine with his nerve checks.

I decided to run to middle supply container and summon another reaper to contest the objective Varangur had taken from me with such disrespect. Also, Quartermaster Poosk managed to shoot down enemy Magus, so at least there was that.

But game ended because there was no sixth round, and I lost. Not that it would have been a guaranteed victory anyway had the game continued. But at least there were no permanent casualties, and I found quite a bit of loot.

Blind Company acquires another Lucky Charm, a Large Shield and a Wicked Dagger for 5 campaign gold, and Catrul fills vacancy of a healer slot in retinue.

That's all for now.

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