Monday, February 18, 2019

Arkham's Super-Waitress

I visited a friend last weekend, and we played a couple of games of Arkham Horror card game.

First one was The Gathering introductory scenario with Roland Banks and Wendy Adams.

Neither of us had played game before and rulebook had not been from start to finish and back. So some things went wrong. Also we had no idea what to expect or what course of action would be the best.

But heroically Roland and Wendy pushed on till the very last act and agenda.

We almost did win the Ghoul Priest. Wendy managed to persuade this extra ally to join the fight, and this gave us a little hope. Roland and his Guard Dog dealt about seven or eight wounds to the Priest. But after Roland went down the investigators lost their game. Investigators lost to Doom Track. Not that Wendy had any chances in dealing the last few injuries...

Second game was the intro scenario again, but Skisa O'Toole and Agnes Baker, the Waitress were investigators.

Though we had some experience now, investigators were plagued by terrible luck. Attic got the encounter that raised +2 shroud value, and Skids O'Toole needed to waste turn after turn to eradicate rats and ghouls. Skids had flashlight, but he was missing one or two actions to use it effectively.

Agnes, on the other hand, received some really good spells and items and was somewhat of a ghoul exterminator.

But once those precious clues were collected, final act began. Skids O'Toole was attacked by Ghoul Priest when he had no useful gear to survive the fight.

In two turns Skids would die, but at least he managed to deal two wounds to Ghoul Priest. First came from throwing it (not shooting) with Derringer pistol. Next he dealt another wound by throwing a Guard Dog at it. Then he died.

But Agnes did manage to deal a total of eight wounds to it in two turns. She had this spell that caused +1 damage, and a knife. Plus the ability to get receive horror points from herself.

One more turn and investigators would have lost to Doom Track again. But Agnes survived. And received brain trauma from watching her home burn down.

Results were written down to campaign journal, and while I doubt I'll ever get to continue this particular campaign, it's nice to know Skids and Agnes may some day, somewhere, continue their adventures.

I don't often enjoy pure card games all that much, I admit that they can have really good mechanics. And Arkham Horror: the Card Game seems to have well written and thought out rules.

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