Sunday, February 3, 2019

Heinrich Have You Been Drinking Again?

Touch of Evil campaign continues with the aid of Tabletop Simulator.

This time Heinrich the Cartwright and Katarina the Outlaw are solving a strange mystery of having the church gargoyle along with smaller grotesques killing people in plain sight and jumping up and down on Heinrich Cartwright, mocking him crudely.

From early on it looked like Katarina would be the real - and only - star in this game. Heinrich had one of the unluckiest games for a hero character I have witnessed. He moved more often during mystery phase than on his own turn - and that was to run away from a fight at Town Hall. He had no investigation to heal, or stats to fight grotesques. When he actually got to play his own turn, he usually had at least two wounds from the escape fight.

When he astonishingly had some investigation to patch himself up at Doctor's Office, that was when he rolled the "1" for lingering. Nope, Heinrich. In this game your destiny is to only heal through suffering. But what do the villagers think, seeing you lying on the ground all the time with bloodshot eyes and splitting head ache?

The only turn when he got to Abandoned Keep to draw actual location cards, well, he drew Dark Keep. And failed the test. So Shadow Track fell by two. Looked like safest play for heroes would be to keep Heinrich permanently knocked out.

At least Katarina was doing better. That was until she got stuck in Olde Woods for six turns thanks to Shifting Woods. She had Skilled Hand and the chalice to remove mystery cards, so that eased our game for a while. It was lost on some useless Mystery Card that would spawn minions. But situation was grim - Katarina was locked in woods and Heinrich was not able to do anything to minions on board.

But then, after the long wait Katarina was able to come back from the woods, and all hell broke loose. She could spend 22 investigation points at Blacksmith at her leisure, and still have a safety belt against knock-outs with 6+ investigation.

And she did get knocked down. Once. During whole game. Compared to 10+ times of Heinrich.

But even Heinrich started to fare a little better once Katarina was out of the woods. That's probably due to whole board not being that populated with minions. He also found crossbow pistol from abandoned keep that helped him at least on a couple of occasions against Grotesques that were being hit only on 6+.

Katarina also found memory of forever, which gave her three more fight dice against the villain.

Heinrich, well, Heinrich was constantly arguing over everything. Probably first time during my history of playing Touch of Evil one hero had all three "I think not!" cards simultaneously. Shadow track was on the last space before last red stage when we started showdown. Mostly we did it because we drew mystery card that lowered shadow track by two each time hero was KO'd, and finally Widow Jessica transformed into werewolf elder. That wasn't a good combination, especially as we had one sorry drifter in our team.

Lies and Deceit that had been rolled many times had revealed three evil elders. Heinrich tried to redeem one of them, but obviously failed, as he had done the whole game.

Gargoyle's lair was in the church, which was somehow fitting even if it was a modest village church instead of a grand cathedral.

Showdown wasn't very exciting. Villain's bad luck on fight dice was amazing once again. But then on the other hand, Katarina mostly had to be able to defeat villain by herself. Well, Heinrich was able to kill two evil elders and inflict five wounds on the villain, so that was far more than anyone expected.

Katarina, by comparison, dealt fourteen wounds and killed one evil elder.

Campaign statistics:

Villains defeated: Spectral Horseman, Vampire, Siren, Bog Fiend, Volgovian Nutcracker, Delion Dryad, Scarecrow, Krampus, Sunken Seven, Gargoyle
Villains still to be defeated: 9, +1 investigation vs Werewolf and Shadow Witch

Heroes dead: Lucy Hanbrook, Harlow Morgan, Scarlet Shadow, Maria de la Rosa, Thomas the Courier, Adrianna, Valeria, Jack Fellows, Argot Blackwell, Inspector Cooke, Isabella von Took & Liliana, Lost Soul
Heroes remaining: 12

Stashed investigation: 9

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