Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Burkstad 6-7

We got a couple of extra players, so Burkstad continues with four players.

Tarantinho the blue savior proved to be a true savior as survivors proceeded to hunt Flower Knight.

First step he ever takes outside of settlement has him break down in emotional overload.

This gives him a disorder, which hilariously enough is Unlucky. So. We got a savior specializing in critical strikes that cannot critically wound.

Then the cyclopean knight severs our savior's ear and gives steel shield and sword for survivors. Bloody Eyes start showdown immediately.

Fight went fine enough. It took many rounds and all of the survivors had started to accumulate light and heavy injury levels, and almost all survival had been expended when Flower Knight disappeared, leaving survivors to pick up flowers. Showdown might have turned serious if it dragged on for a few rounds more. But it didn't.

Clinging Mist has Gwennyth douse herself in urine and running through the settlement, scaring away the mist.

Bob used his sterling matchmaking skills to cause the death of Gheb. Yes, with Protect the Young.

Clarita on the other hand managed to convince Trevor to try once more, and Burkstad got an extra survivors to replace the fallen, maintaining status quo.

Settlement had innovated Family and built Weapon Crafter.

Then survivors begin to hunt for a Gorm.

One of the first hunt results is Acid Rain, which was terrible news against Gorm. Survivors had very little armor points. Bob and Gwennyth were all but depleted from their armor points, and Clarita and Untavi were crippled. Heavy injury level to head was especially worrying.

Showdown starts, and first Gorm charges. I had to double check that card. Speed 4 attack, accuracy 2+ with two damage? And extra effects? Well, at least Gwennyth was able to dash away from range.

Survivors deal two damage or so to Gorm. Turn 2 begins.

Infrasonic roar.

It's turn two of combat, and two survivors suffer head explosion.

Game over, man. Game over.

But still the survivors push on till the bitter end. Bob and Gwennyth actually do impressive damage from then on, but finally Gwennyth draws trap. By now Gwennyth also had heavy head injury. Injury roll comes out as 9, meaning crushed jaw.

Gorm starts hiccuping and walloping, not doing anything too menacing. And survivors poured in wounds. Were Gwennyth and Bob really going to beat that elephant-sized monster together?

We had two Tall Grass terrain cards, which helped remaining survivors quite a bit. They even survived extra Charge attacks that were bound to come.

It was a thrilling situation. Survivors managed to bring Gorm down to no cards remaining in AI deck, and Gwennyth had either light or heavy injury level in all of her hit locations, and Bob had no survival any more.

With Bone Dagger in front, Gwennyth lunges forward and scores two hits. No traps. First hit location fails to wound.

Last chance.

And it's a wound. Hooray!

Settlement even is Slender Blight, and survivors have to switch insanity and survival values after departing.

It's seven endeavors, though.

And settlement innovates Bloodletting.

Three attempts later Tarantinho is freed from his unluckiness. Bob's matchmaking gives twins for settlement, and an augury gives a moment of intimacy on the first attempt. Population is now 9.

Next Burkstad's Burkguard prepares to hunt for a screaming antelope. But that's for later.


Population: 9

Protect the Young


Lantern Hoard
Bone Smith
Organ Grinder
Weapon Crafter

3x Cloth
3x Stone Noses
Full Rawhide Set
1x Rawhide Gloves
Gorment Boots
Skull Helm
Rib Blade
Greater Gaxe
Cat Eye Circlet
2x Monster Grease
Lucky Charm
Monster Tooth Necklace
Catgut Bow + Claw Head Arrow
White Lion Coat
Bone Dagger
Sleeping Virus Bob
Flower Knight Badge

Phoenix Small Feather

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