Thursday, January 31, 2019

Totem vs Hunter

A week and a half ago or so I played a 50 point game of Warmachine.

My list was:

Lord Arbiter Hexeris
- Agonizer
- Aradus Sentinel
- Bronzeback Titan
- 2x Reptile Hound
Saxon Orrik
Totem Hunter
Venator Dakar
Legends of Halaak
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
Venator Slingers (min)

Opponent had:

Kaya the Wildborne
- Feral Warpwolf
- Pureblood Warpwolf
- Druid Wilder
Lord of the Feast
Totem Hunter
Gatorman Posse (max)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew

Scenario was from main rulebook, the one with side deployment area.

So we both had Swamp Gobbers and Totem Hunter. I have to give a little spoiler that Swamp Gobbers did not fight each other, but since opponent's Totem Hunter selected my Totem Hunter as it's prey, I felt like I needed to answer the challenge. My Totem Hunter picked opponent's Totem Hunter for prey.

Lord of the Feast was able to reach Venator Dakar early on. Dakar and a swamp gobber got killed in the process, and the solo was engaging Hexeris.

Gatorman Posse and Legends of Halaak (who have Cloak of Ash on them) tie each other up for most of the game.

Reptile Hounds try to attack Feral Warpwolf, but they didn't do anything spectacular. Sure I would have liked some Beast Handlers here. Aradus Sentinel succeeds to shoot a Swamp Gobber dead so it wouldn't score a point from flag. Being an old school scenario, game would end once a player gets fourth point. Oh, and the Ancestral Guardian is the flag on Skorne side of the board.

It takes most (if not all) of Hexeris' fury to kill Lord of the Feast.

Totem Hunters are both hesitant to engage. They're just eyeballing each others' cowardice.

Brine doesn't kill Aradus and Pureblood Warpwolf doesn't kill Bronzeback Titan. And thanks to some miracle, Feral Warpwolf does not kill both Reptile Hounds. But opponent starts scoring scenario points.

Bronzeback breaks Pureblood.

Reptile Hound takes a free strike from Feral Warpwolf, which ends it's life. I tried to get it to gain back strike bonus for channeling Hexeris.

But still. Feral Warpwolf is on maximum fury. Kaya has no transfer targets.

Hexeris charges Brine and receives back strike bonus against Feral Warpwolf. Kaya is within 4" of it and closest target, so Hexeris starts shooting Ashes to Ashes on it. But it's too difficult to land any 5's on two dice. He wasted his feat, and cast Cloak of Ash on himself. With one or two transfers he'd have to take whatever Circle would be able to throw at him.

Aradus takes out Brine, and my Totem Hunter breaks the silence between the two. It charges Feral Warpwolf, now being easily within charge range of Totem Hunter on Circle's side.

Rorsh and Swamp Gobber try to soften up Hexeris before Kaya charges and starts to hit Hexeris with a stick. And many a time he got the stick, but it ain't what broke Hexeris' bones. Feat later Hexeris had three or so wound boxes remaining.

Circle Totem Hunter charges Skorne Totem Hunter and misses with charge attack. Still it was the prey target, and had to survive enhanced buckler attack. Which it did. Now at least Warpwolf needed to take a free strike to get to Hexeris.

Feral Warpwolf warped for armor, which meant that it needed to receive a damage roll of at least 5,5,6 from Skorne Totem Hunter to die from free strike. Which is what Totem Hunter rolled.

... This Skorne luck I've been having has to end one day, but this game was not that day. Druid Wilder and one member of Gatorman Posse still tried to take swings at Hexeris, but either did not reach target or missed.

Hexeris starts sticking Kaya, but returns the favor in not being able to kill opposing warcaster.

Bronzeback smashes the enemy Totem Hunter dead, and Kaya becomes new prey target for the last remaining Totem Hunter, who then charges Kaya and kills her with charge attack.

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