Wednesday, September 22, 2010

22.9.2010 - Jyväskylä Fantasiapelit - Down with Hexeris!

Sad thing, really. I forgot to take my camera with me and I played a memorable game of Warmachine.

I played Skorne and my 25 point list was:

- Basilisk Drake
- Basilisk Krea
- Bronzeback Titan

Minimum unit of Cataphract Cetrati
Minimum Beast Handlers

Bloodrunner Master Tormentor
Swamp Gobbers

Opponent had (you may remember this list from earlier reports):

- Repenter
- Revenger
- Crusader
- Dervish

Minimum unit of Exemplar Errants

Vassal of Menoth

I won starting roll. I chose the less crowded board edge because I was thinking that neither Skorne nor Protectorate had much pathfinder available, so Protectorate would have to either slog around or divide forces.

Well, the front lines within first few rounds emerged as paladin & errants versus bloodrunner master tormentor and bronzeback titan that had Soul Slave on.

Bad positioning of errants combined with master tormentor and even Hexeris' feat resulted in annihilation of errants and paladin. One of the errants actually turned to my model through my feat and killed the paladin.

Bloodrunner was killed in the action too.

Then it was almost the Kreoss' warjack brick versus my beasts and cetrati.

Game went on and on because both of us could take a severe beating. If I had been wondering if the Cetrati were worth their huge point cost I didn't any longer. Their staying power is awesome.

Anyway, situation was the Cetrati versus Revenger and Repenter. Dervish and Crusader were a bit farther away, as were my beasts.

Kreoss' feat did suprisingly little - I lost only one cetrati and basilisk drake directly because of it. Oh, and the swamp gobbers.

Cetrati were beating Revenger and to be honest - they did some damage. Only to totally wrong columns. I think both column 3 & 4 were gone and some bits and bobs of damage were spread elsewhere too.

But I guess my mistake that cost me the game was counter charging my Bronzeback to crusader. I guess it was a valuable lesson to learn - no matter how huge the actual model is it just can't survive THAT much. Crusader and Dervish demolished my poor little elephanty beast.

I was left with only basilisk Krea, a few Cetrati, beast handlers and Hexeris himself.

Opponent had Kreoss and all the jacks still going strong.

I decided it was my time to go berserk and charged Crusader with enraged Krea and Hexeris, even if Dervish was just next to me.

Well, things got interesting.

Dervish didn't manage to kill Hexeris, though it did over ten points of damage. By this time the opponent had managed to mop up all the Cetrati.

Next turn enraged Krea charged Dervish and Hexeris beat the warjack as much as he could. Both arms were gone. Hexeris was sitting at one hit point.

Dervish moved away and died to a free strike.

Revenger charged in but did only one good hit whichs damage was transfered away.

Next turn, Krea and Hexeris beat Revenger to ground. Hexeris still standing at one hit point.

Then came in Repenter and sprayed so that the flame jet hit both Hexeris and Krea.

Krea was left with one point in the Body branch and Hexeris survived.

My next turn came the roll for fire. Both fires continued. Basilisk Krea died to flames but Hexeris, who would have died to a roll of 5+ on two dice, survived.

Remaining few beast handlers charged Kreoss and one even Repenter itself. They did nothing.

Hexeris in flames and in one hit point and with only two fury charged Repenter.

Well, the when you picture that ending in mind it's rather... should I say, epic? Could have been more epic if Hexeris had hit his charge attack.

Then Repenter killed Hexeris. Woe.

Awesome and thrilling game and I learned a bit that maybe - just maybe you don't need to use a model's special ability such as Counter Charge only because situation allows it.

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