Thursday, February 6, 2020

Inviolable Parasite

Played a ten point game of Warmachine against a new and returning player. As he had played only a couple of games during Mk2, the game was more of an introduction rather than a bloody battle for victory.

My list was:

Lich Lord Asphyxious
- 2x Slayer
- Defiler
Minimum unit of Satyxis Raiders

Opponent had:

Grand Exemplar Kreoss
- Crusader
- Castigator
- Repenter
Minimum unit of Choir of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal Mechanik

I started the game, and Asphyxious cast some Caustic Mists to block LoS. There was a building in the middle that acted as a sort of divider. And I decided to do just that - challenge from both sides of the house.

Satyxis Raiders put a dent on Crusader on turn two, and Slayer advanced behind a Caustic cloud on the other side of the building. Far enough that plain old walk wouldn't be enough to engage it.

Opponent put Castigator to act as a bouncer, but Slayer wanted to perform. (Get it? Eh eh.) I mistakenly thought that the helljack was able to knock out the Cortex of Castigator - a mistake that proved fatal, when P+S 19 automatically hitting attacks started pouring in.

Crusader had been finished by another Slayer, but as Kreoss was using his feat now, Repenter engaged in melee.

Then we has Asphyxious personally attacking the Castigator, casting Parasite on Kreoss and using Excarnate to pluck off one choir member. Then he used feat and tried to assassinate Kreoss with Satyxis Raiders. It failed miserably. The lucky critical knockdown had been used already on Crusader earlier in this match. Not a single lacerator was able to score 8+, but two horns did - but didn't do even a single point of damage.

Opponent shoots Cleansing Fire on Asphyxious and scores a whopping eight points of damage. If opponent had been pondering whether to charge Defiler or Asphyxious, I guess this tipped the scale towards my warcaster. Charge attack dealt nine points in, but last attack opponent was to make missed.

Kreoss had both Parasite and Inviolable Resolve on himself. Asphyxious was still rolling damage at -1, and hitting on 8+ required boosts.

All three boosted attacks Asphyxious could do resulted in a hit, and it was the very last attack possible that downed the Menite warcaster.

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