Thursday, February 20, 2020

Another Obsession

Had a 50 soul stone Malifaux game. And this game somehow marks me going "serious" with this game, as I did it. I began tracking statistics for Malifaux. My spreadsheets for Warmachine are filled with tables and measurements of all kinds, so I'll start somewhat of a same thing here.

Strategy was Turf War.

My list was:

Seamus with the Whisper + Copycat Killer
Madame Sybelle
Bete Noire
Dead Dandy
Rotten Belle
Mourner with the Grave Spirit Touch

Cache: 5 stones

Schemes: Assassinate, Outflank

Opponent had:

Asami Tanaka + Amanjaku
Ohaguro Bettari
Ama No Zako
2x Obsidian Oni
2x Yokai

Cache: 6 stones

Claim Jump

Turn 1 is straightforward. I position my troops for using Interact next turn on two strategy markers, and Asami summons a spider demon Jorogumo, who assaults Mortimer. Seamus shoots one Obsidian Oni dead, as I could secure it with Red Joker in my starting hand.

Turn 2 Mortimer is smacked down to one hit point remaining, and a summoned Obsidian Oni sets Madame Sybelle and Mourner on fire. Seamus did try to shoot the Obsidian Oni down first, but moderate damage isn't enough to bring one down.

As I had been busy dealing with those obsidian shenanigans, I hadn't paid attention to Ama No Zako, whose positioning (looking back now) is obvious for Claim Jump. But it escaped me. Dead Dandy had been poisoning itself to deal with a strategy marker in hazardoous terrain. Someone's got to do the dirty work.

Both players scored Outflank and strategy, plus Ten Thunders got the lead with Claim Jump.

Turn 3 onis had started to disappear, and I felt the pressure lifting somewhat. Bete Noire managed to kill Ohaguro with first attack and moved closer to center line. Later I figured my tactic was to put her there to screen Seamus. Yeah, tactics work that way. Anyway, Seamus took a shot at Asami but misses.

Then one of those damn monkeys charges Seamus, gets scared and blinks away and trashes my turf with Interact, does some action to remove the poison condition from itself. And then blinks to engage Dead Dandy so that I'll have to work for regaining that objective.

Ama No Zako had put up hazardous and severe terrain, so I took my focus against the obscene Yokai. Copycat Killer shoots and deals some damage, and then Mourner charges it dead.

Then Dead Dandy sighs and looks what's left of his fancy clothing and rotten health. He has to do the dirty job again and go reclaim the turf in the middle of poison. Without healing effects, he would now die by the end of the last round to poison condition.

Rotten Belle on one of the table edges survives againstan Yokai and Obsidian Golem, which is impressive. Last models to activate, Mortimer enters the fray again. He had had to back down a little after his encounter with the spider demon.

Turn 4 Obsidian Oni smashes Rotten Belle just a little too late. A second time one of my models had been brought down to one hit point remaining. Such luck certainly adds up against a crew that has tendency to have its models disappear.

Seamus moves twice, shoots at Asami and scores my Assassinate, and then walks and interacts the enemy turf back to neutral. I guess you could go and insult Seamus and say that's only another kind of filthy monkey, trashing other people's turf.

Asami then unleashes the full fury of her wavy hair, and strangles Seamus down to seven hit points remaining or so. Only to notice that she had been strangling the Copycat Killer all along. I brought Seamus to the safety of my side of the table.

Turn 5 we don't play entirely, as Asami fails to summon a model, but I succeed at killing Ama No Zako. So even if Obsidian Oni would've been able to kill Mortimer who had steadily climbed to six health remaining, victory would go for Seamus. After this, of course, Copycat Killer could have tried to shoot Asami, but, eh.

I lost surprisingly few models, but on at least two critical occassions I should have done so, which would have shaped entire game.

In this game we had two burning terrain markers that set things ablaze within 1", and could be removed with Interact. Then another hazardous terrain was the poisoned swamp, and both elements had an effect within game, which is oddly satisfying to me. Active terrain interaction is what's missing from many miniature games I've played.

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