Wednesday, October 20, 2010

20.10.2010 - Salo, friend's place. 4 player smallworld.

Game started with Peace Loving Giants which was a pretty darn fine starting race because you will easily get the peace bonus. However, next player picked up Bivouacking Sorcerers that proved a real, you know, PITA to deal with. They snatched one territory from giants on first round.

That made me think that if somehow Sorcerers remain unpicked up for the last player on round 1 then all hell would break loose. Well, this was not the case but it's always nice to imagine things.

Anyway, then I got Berserk Orcs and started from close to giants. I didn't make even one succesful berserk roll and I got really lousy start.

Last player took Hordes of Dwarves and went to the side of playing board where was no other players and some mines close by.

Giants were harassed by both Sorcerers and Orcs. I tried to kick a bit Sorcerers too but Giants were in between. After I conquered Giants I failed all the Berserk rolls again and could do nothing to Sorcerers.

All the while Dwarves were scheming and mining and drinking beer.

Giants turned soon into Alchemit Wizards and Dwarves into Mounted Halflings.

Both started getting pretty scary amounts of points per round so I decided that I needed to go to decline too and pick a better race and leave Sorcerers to themselves. Historian Amazons had picked up a few victory coins so I chose them. I hoped that their sheer number would bring enough in decline dwarves and active wizards down.

But then Sorcerers felt a bit abandoned to that one corner of the board and emerged again as Dragon Master Goblins.

Yes, there was blood on the streets.

Everyone was butchered to pieces. However, the hardest toll fell on Giant/Wizards because so many Wizards died and had to be put in decline pretty soon which meant very little point scoring for a round.

On last rounds of the game Wizards turned into Seafaring Ghouls. Goblins killed last of the Dwarves and so Halflings went in decline and a horror that's known as Merchant Ratmen came into being. The player scored 18 points in one round which was kind of harsh.

I put Amazons in Decline too so I had one round of fooling around with Hill Gypsies. It didn't really save me.

Final scoreboard:

Hordes of Dwarves/Mounted Halflings/Merchant Ratmen: 101
Bivouacking Sorcerers/Dragonmaster Goblins: 72
Berserker Orcs/Historian Amazons/Hill Gypsies: 68
Peace Loving Giants/Alchemist Wizards/Seafaring Ghouls: 66

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