Tuesday, October 19, 2010

17.10.2010 Turku Fanatic Day 2

I'm going straight to game reports again.

Game 4: Epic Deneghra vs Baldur (Convergence)

Pretty damn awesome matchup. Both Baldur and epic Deneghra are good at Convergence scenario. I didn't even win the starting roll.

Anyway, picture from the end of round 1:

Those small papers roughly mark the convergence area. Because we played the earlier Steamroller Convergence scoring would have started on my next turn. But as it turned out there was no way I could have ever started scoring... All three heavy warbeasts rushed in to the area next turn.

So, Circle rushed forward and Baldur put up his feat. As you can see, Megalith went down. I rolled less than awesome damage rolls but eventually the big beast crumbled to dust. Orin Midwinter proved to be quite a valuable asset against Circle. He messed up Druids real good and even Baldur found himself troubled with his smaller control area.

Oh, another turn.

First, Wolves of Orboros charged in and killed all my Soulhunters. Bile Thralls were just behind the Soulhunters so I guess opponent knew it to be a trade of sorts. Harrower was wrecked too.

But then it was my time to use feat. Deneghra went incorporeal and charged one of the woldwardens. Dark Banishment throwed the warden 10 full inches away which was rather cool. Then came in Web of Shadows. I was feeling quite confident about the game by then.

However, I was facing Circle anyway. Opponent had two units of Shifting Stones and totally messed up my advance to get to juicy targets. All I actually managed to do was to beat down one woldwarden and a few shifting stones.

I just could not reach Baldur.

And then it was the last round, kind of. Remaining Woldwarden charged in and wrecked Seether. Baldur just stayed.

And you can see the picture. Woldwarden had maxed out it's fury so Baldur was just a def 14 arm 16 target and nothing else. I had epic Deneghra (though knocked down but able to shake herself) with full focus, one bile thrall and even one nightwretch ready to aim a shot at Baldur, not to mention such curiosities as Necrotech and even few remaining Satyxis.

So three minutes more and Baldur would have died most certainly. But time was up. Game ended. And neither of us had scored control points so tie-breaker was that who had more army points at convergence area and opponent had Woldwarden there.

Fight was awesome though ending feels a bit unfair.

Game 5: Epic Deneghra vs Deneghra (Process of Elimination)

Next game was a funny one, Deneghras were facing themselves!

Scenario did favor epic Deneghra more, however. I took a picture the turn before the real action came:

Oh, my poor Harrower lost its scythe claw physically and it showed in it's performance too.

Anyway, opponent didn't realise amazing threat ranges the Satyxis possess with the solo. Next turn was pretty brutal me shutting down opponents movement and slaughtering nearly whole unit of Bane Thralls.

Epic Deneghra went incorporeal and moved forward as far as she could and used her feat. Then I cast Hellmouth on Darragh Wrathe. I wanted to kill Bane Lord Tartarus with it and succeeded.

Then Satyxis launched themselves at the front line and well, the picture speaks for itself. I didn't quite manage to push everyone out of scenario scoring areas.

Opponent had to use Deneghra's feat defensively which is quite rare indeed. But sure it crippled my army, only thing I managed to do was to kill off one Pistol Wraith with combined melee attacks from satyxis.

After that opponent retreated with his Deneghra and left hard targets still contesting scenario areas. Funny thing was too that I purged five of my bile thralls so that the Deathripper engaging Harrower would be easier to finish. But as it turned out I did more damage to Harrower than to Deathripper with those purges, damage rolls were absolutely pitiful.

Anyway, we played one more round but opponent was on the defense. Game could have dragged on for more but time ended. This time tie-breaker favored me but game was going so good for me anyway so this ending, barring amazing rolls from opponent, only accelerated the outcome.

Game 6: Venethrax vs Absylonia (Don't remember scenario, three flags one goes away after first round)

Deployment picture is quite important here actually. So here's the shot:

Bile Thralls were placed rather badly. They would have just been shot by Striders with nothing to support them. So Bile Thralls ran away and Bane Thralls tried to catch up Striders. The middle flag went away that made my position a bit difficult.

Typhon charged my Seether and wrecked it and I think Seraph shot the melee arm and cortex from Corruptor. Damage rolls were a bit excessive. But then I thought that maybe Venethrax needed to kill 'em all alone then if warjacks were going to die. So I charged Typhon with Venethrax and, well. I didn't know if I should cry or laugh, I rolled dice so badly. Three snake eyes in attack rolls, a few other plain misses and few botched damage rolls too. I actually managed to kill Typhon once but then Feralgeist came in. I was able to reave the fury from Typhon and continue beating Typhon with warbeast-slaying expert Lich Lord and, well, failed.

Then Necrotech charged the Typhon and killed it eventually. So we all saw who the wurmslayer actually is. Venethrax also put up his feat. Situation at the left-side flag was looking bad, I had to run my Warwitch Siren to contest stuff there so opponent wouldn't gain control points. I think he scored two points already on his earlier turn.

Next I needed to be brave. I managed to charge Bane Thrall Officer and one ordinary bane thrall to Scythean. I made my single most awesome damage roll then in whole tournament. 5,6,6,6. Take that, Scythean! So that beast actually went down which made situation at that flag a lot better.

To the other flag I went with Venethrax and camped all focus and Admonia upkept Dragon Slayer so he had arm 25. Still I was afraid of Angelius' Armor Piercing attack but I thought that I'd survive. And I should have survived.

But, well. You can't deny the power of dice. Angelius obviously charged Venethrax. Hitting wasn't problem now with boosted attack roll. And damage roll. That damage roll. I weep bitterly that damage roll even now as I write this. 5,5,6.

Well, at least it was some kind of an accomplisment that Venethrax didn't die to that attack.

Next opponent buys a new attack but doesn't boost attack roll so he needed 8+ to hit. And well, 8 it was. He boosted damage and still needed 12 on three dice to kill Venethrax. And 12 he rolled. Game over.

Anyway, tournament was all nice and good though it feels a bit bad that so many of my defeats were so weird or close or unlikely. But plenty of tough and cool games and that's what's most important, right?

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