Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pieces put together

A couple of days ago I finished all the currently released Talisman figures.

I'll try to mess around with pictures this time, too.

When I compare most recent Talisman pieces to the earliest, I'm amazed I can see some progress in my painting techniques. Or I'm not sure if that's progress, or have I started to pay attention to these "lesser" pieces more, not trying to rush them ready as fast as possible? Anyway, here are the painted characters of the Highlands expansion:

I also took a group shot of all the plastic pieces of Talisman and when I was putting them on the table I saw that yeah... there are lots of them. So here they are:


  1. Komea joukko, olisi pitänyt täälläkin ottaa kaikki esiin :)


  2. Niin toki, mutta siellä oli kolme vielä maalaamatonta. Eipä tämäkään joukko enää kauaa täydellinen ole, lokakuussa tulee neljä lisää.
