Friday, July 19, 2024

Revenge Bombings

 A 50ss game of Malifaux.

Strategy: Flank Plant Explosives

Schemes: Outflank, Power Ritual, Let Them Bleed, Information Overload, Deliver a Message

My list:

Kirai, Envoy of the Court & Ikiryo
Kari Zotiko
Gwisin with Grave Spirit Touch

Pool: 4
Schemes: Let Them Bleed, Power Ritual

Opponent had:

Kaeris & Eternal Flame
Elijah Borgmann
Carlos Vasquez
The Firestarter
Fire Golem
2x Firebranded
Fire Gamin

Pool: 0
Schemes: Deliver a Message, Outflank

Turn 1:

Since it's been a while when this game was played, I'm not going in to usual detail. 

Kirai had to watch in horror how pretty much every Wildfire model gathered in top-right quarter, trying to beat Kari, Ikiryo and Goryo. Fire Golem took some astonishing damage from Goryo, with a severe or a moderate from charge attack, and a Red Joker from Violent Ghosts. 

There were also Fire Gamin, Carlos and Eternal Flame. One Firebranded was going towards top-right corner, and Firestarter was flying towards bottom-left. Ferryman was going there too to offer some company for the twisted firestarter.

Shikome had placed a scheme marker for Power Ritual, and was aided by Seishin a little forward towards top-right corner. 

Kaeris and another Firebranded were about there in the middle, while Elijah Borgmann alone was challenging Gwisin and Kirai.

Turn 2:

Ikiryo scrapped Eternal Flame, and punched a hole in Carlos. The firebreather, Fire Golem and Fire Gamin all were attacking Kari hard, and were joined even by Kaeris herself. Kari had had to heal herself for quite a bit, but can't heal them flames, no.

Goryo made quite of an activation. It flew past Fire Golem to get in better position and killed the Golem and Gamin with Violent Ghosts. In total it did take a little more than that, though, when Drowned had been projectile vomiting on the blob for two turns now, plus all the vengeance procs. 

After Firebranded ran to top-right corner, Shikome walked, planted a scheme and teleported to Firebranded. I had somehow mixed up in my mind between Outflank and Power Ritual, d'oh... Shikome's scheme was too far from Power Ritual, but close enough to block my future interacts in top-right!

Firebranded in the middle placed an explosive. Firestarter had done the same bottom-left after Ferryman. And since I was still thinking about Outflank, Ferryman tried to go and curse Firestarter instead of putting a proper marker for Power Ritual.

Oh well. At least Elijah didn't butcher Gwisin, although it had to be healed with Kirai on top of its regeneration. Trampling over Elijah did not score any summons. 

Both players scored strategy, but Arcanists also got Outflank for a 2-1 lead.

Turn 3:

Kaeris tried to remove Kari, and managed to toss the troublemaker away with her last action. Well, the captain just healed herself and charged back to deny heals for Carlos, who had pinged himself below half of his health remaining.

Carlos placed a third explosive on my side, and Goryo went to place my second one, slowly creeping towards top-right corner where Firebranded was able to kill Shikome,

Ikiryo was able to scrape about six points of damage to Elijah, who had killed Gwisin with a single strike, charging Drowned next. Let Them Bleed was secured now. 

Kirai swirled Ikiryo past Firebranded, and finally we saw the first and only summon of this entire game - a Gaki, that swallowed Firebranded with its only action.

Firestarter started speeding towards Kirai in such a fashion which almost made me think he might have a message to deliver. Ferryman went to place required marker for Power Ritual.

Both players scored strategy, but Resurrectionists scored both of their schemes for a 4-3 lead for Kirai.

Turn 4:

By the end of the turn, Kari had managed to rake up eleven points of burning. And after the end phase, she was at one health. Kaeris and Carlos had tried to attack Seishin and Kari, but were doing terrible job with both - but Kari's disengages were also dreadful to watch. First, one inch. Second, one inch. Kirai had to swirl the captain away from melee. 

Ikiryo killed Firestarter before he could activate, and Drowned managed to down Elijah. 

Goryo had planted my third explosive and charged Firebranded, managing to get itself only killed. Power Ritual end condition was doomed now. 

Both players scored strategy, so Kirai held the lead at 5-4. 

Turn 5:

We did not play fifth round, as it was apparent that Resurrectionists would get a bare minimum of six points, and with absurd luck Arcanists would get a maximum of five. So, a 6-4, 6-5, 7-4 or 7-5 victory for Kirai.

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