Saturday, July 13, 2024

Kishtaar vs Ilari on King of the Hill

 It's been a while since I got to play Warmachine with actual miniatures. But here we are, a 75 point game of Warmachine.

My list:

Kishtaar with Silence of Death, Unnatural Darkness
-Tyrant with Hunter head, Harpoon and Ripper
-Jackal with Arc Node head, Hunter Rifle and Heavy Bolt Thrower
-Jackal with Advance Deployment head Pneumatic Spike, Flamethrower
Assault Reavers & Standard
Strike Reaver & Strandard
Warwitch Coven
Grhotten Champion
Reaver Commander

Cards: Break Through, High Alert, Infiltration, Old Faithful, Sentry Duty

Opponent had:

Ilari with Avenging Force, Superiority
-Dire Wolf with Evasive head, Cannon and Scrap Arm
-Great Bear with Slammer head, Heavy Cannon and Blasting Fist
2x Shock Trooper Gunners
Winter Korps with 2x Autocannon & Standard
Winter Korps with 2x Rocket Launcher & Standard
Winter Korps Officer
Battle Mechanik

Cards: Old Faithful, Power Swell and 3x I Don't Remember

Scenario was King of the Hill from Steamroller '23. Khador started, and had Superiority on Medvitsa. All the warjacks and Ilari were pushing through center, and there was one unit of Shock Troopers and Winter Korps Infantry on the flanks.

Kishtaar gave Silence of Death for Assault Reavers and walked behind Reaver Commander. I had not realized how well Unnatural Darkness combines with Kishtaar's prowl, so that was a bit of a whoopsie. 

Another blunder was Grhotten Champion running towards center with Tyrant following close behind. Too close. My plan was to sacrifice the champion and start doing business with Kishtaar's feat next turn. I even played High Alert on the solo if opponent decided to ignore Champion and shoot Tyrant instead. 

Buuut... Tyrant was exactly within Medvitsa charge range. Whoop. Sie. 

Both light jacks and Warwitch Coven were waiting to make up their mind if they were going to center or right. Assault Reavers with Stealth activated were definitely going right.

Strike Reavers were hiding in tall grass terrain at center-left, and Halexus was holding the western flank all by himself when second turn started for Khador.

Shock Trooper Gunners and Winter Korps officer all went to shoot Halexus, who was left standing with two health remaining. 

Grhotten was not as lucky when Dire Wolf, Great Bear and Ilari removed it from board. Rocket Launchers softened up Tyrant a little before Medvitsa charged and tore my only heavy warjack into bits. On the plus side, autocannon unit of Winter Korps and their Shock Troopers relocated from rectangular zone on right, leaving it to Orgoth without contest.

Halexus walked to engage Shock Trooper Gunners on far left and killed two of them. Ambushing Gnashers tied up remaining Shock Trooper and an officer. 

Strike Reavers were able to remove half of Rocket Launcher Korps. So that flank looked pretty good. Center, on the other hand...

Well, I did down Medvitsa eventually, but it cost me feat and exposed Warwitch Coven. Kishtaar and my shooty Jackal spent their entire activations on attacks against the Khadoran character heavy, but failed. Thankfully Reaver Commander made the finishing blow. 

Flamethrowing Jackal went to score a point from rightmost zone, and Assault Reavers clogged middle section by charging Dire Wolf, merely scraping its paint.

Khadoran counter was devastating. Another Shock Trooper Gunner unit entered to contest the zone on right, and managed to wreck Flamethrower Jackal's movement. This left it an easy prey for Great Bear's heavy cannon. 

Dire Wolf, Ilari and Autocannon Winter Korps were able to remove all but one Assault Reaver, while the remaining trio of Rocket Lancher Korps did the same to shield-walling Strike Reavers. Only the flag remained. 

Last remaining Shock Trooper Gunner in left shot six points of damage to a Gnasher, but that was all that happened there.

Phew. Well, Ilari had used his feat this turn and was able to use it for moderate success. 

Gnashers killed Korps officer and remaining Shock Trooper. Halexus ran to mayhaps do something useful in turns to come. So did Strike Reaver flag. Reaver Commander used his shield in a lethal manner against a rocket launcher, but for one reason or another went soft with BURNING INFERNUS MMMMEGABLADE

Kishtaar used Sentry Duty to attack from behind cloud effect and thinned down crowd of Winter Korps. 

Gun platform that is Jackal managed to kill two Shock Trooper Gunners, and now I realize I forgot Swift Hunter procs. Dang. But looks like 4" might have not been enough to reach rectangular zone. 

Luck was not on Khador's side next turn, but still they managed to reduce Orgoth numbers on the left down to two Gnashers, one of which was knocked down, and kill Reaver Commander. This did give Khador a control point, nullifying Orgoth lead. 

Jackal was able to shoot away a contesting Shock Trooper, and even wreck the already injured Dire Wolf with the help of Dark Shroud and Kishtaar's shots. Strike Reaver flag removed last Rocket Launcher, and one Gnasher that was still able to attack knocked out enemy objective, Orgoth gaining a two point lead in points.

Then the disaster struck. Great Bear was able to charge Jackal that was scoring points, promptly removing it. Gnashers died, flag died, and I was left with just two Warwitches and Kishtaar. Yet was this still enough for a victory...?

Warwitches walked to offer Ilari some Dark Shroud, and Kishtaar started ricocheting shots off of Arcanist. Unfortunately first ricochet attack missed, although second hit, dealt five points of damage through focus points and even set Ilari on fire. 

Fire, however, was not able to inflict eleven points of damage alone. 

Kishtaar fell. 

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