Sunday, June 2, 2024

Munchkin Hazard

I visited a couple of friends over weekend. During the visit we played a few rounds of Joking Hazard here and there, and a game of Munchkin. I'll include both card games in this short write-up.

First session of Joking Hazard was with three players. Soon enough it became apparent that I wasn't proper player material for this game - I had only like two genuine laughs troughout the entirety of our eleven or twelve rounds. Certainly there were more occassions I was kind of amused, but somehow I feel like this game requires visible reactions to reach its humor potential. Despite this I still somehow managed to win with fourteen points. 

Second session was with four players, which appears to me as the sweet spot for the number of players in this game. There's enough options for the more promising card pairings, but not so many that it just repetitive to go through all of them. But eventually this sort of humor just grows stale. Please enjoy in moderation.

Munchkin was as Munchkin as ever. We had three players. 

My Elf Wizard with Bow of Ribbons from the get-go was a smashing success, especially after deciding Wizard class sucks and Warrior is much better. I also had Doppleganger and an impressive arsenal of various bonus gears, and when I was level 9 my victory seemed inevitable as I had the potential to go up to +34 and reduce monster level by -5. 

But, the game was Munchkin after all. I was about to smash a Baby Bigfoot into bits to reach my victory, but another opponent had just blindly donated Wandering Monster for the other player, and suddenly a Humonguous Plutonium Dragon wandered into combat. Another player already at level 8 slapped some kind of +5 bonus to monsters out of spite, and that monster strength 42 fight was a wee bit out of my league.

Next, the level 8 player just sold some gear and killed a nasty pit bull for a win.

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