Thursday, June 27, 2024

Summer of Betrayals

Wow, second time playing Betrayal at Baldur's Gate within a month, when last time around was four years ago.  

During my bi-annual trip to Kuhmo, we had three players for two games. My sister had a wedding to plan - I suppose that's good enough of a reason to not play more Betrayal at Baldur's Gate. 

Game 1: Haunt 33: Will of Yeenoghu

Adventurers were none other than Torskar Stonecleaver the Barbarian, whom the haunt calls for specifically and Azadeh Rashka the monk, plus Lia Faen Tlabbar the Warlock.

Early on Warlock went spelunking in the catacombs, and armed herself with Cursed Armor and Berserker Axe... not really the best combination for a warlock.

Azadeh kept company for the dwarf for a while until she, too, took a sewer grate and went into catacombs.

Dwarf Berserker was the only adventurer on city level, and there he found Meenlock and Dimensional Shackles... and triggered haunt with that. What a horrifying combo - endless reckless strikes! And that re-roll of blanks...!

Warlock and Monk might have had a chance had they planned movement a little better... but that kill potential of the traitor wasn't apparent to us. If the monk would have lured out the dwarf with Warlock a little behind but out of reach, heroes would have had a shot at wrecking the possessed dwarf with an eldritch blast. But, Torskar had a speed of five and warlock had three, so she would have to tank one attack of, like, eight or nine dice with re-rolled blanks before getting to it.

There were no miracles this time around. Victory for the traitor.

Game 2: Haunt 49: The Dark Light of Bhaal

Adventurers were Gretchen Titchwillow the Druid, Grusk Mugtug the Paladin and Dhadius Scarlet, the Wizard.

Gretchen was hell-bent on trying to uncover every single street tile there was. She failed in her endeavor, but at least she found a spell-book. Such a good item for a versatile character able to pump a single stat of choice.

Dhadius and Grusk were kind of hovering between catacombs and city level, not making up their mind where to be. Dhadius found potion of speed, locket and some sort of fireball beads that were worse than his own fireballs.

But the Paladin found Hand of Vecna, and triggered haunt with Figurine of Wondrous Power inside Shrine of Bhaal. Uh oh. 

First round after Paladin went rogue both the druid and wizard picked up two out of three quest tokens. Second turn Grusk wasn't able to do much other than position. He lost Figurine of Wondrous Power to a fireball by Dhadius and stopped Gretchen in her tracks with Eye of Vecna.

But then, Grusk entered same space with Dhadius and charmed him.

Since Grusk had moved to same space with Dhadius, Gretchen was able to go and pick up the third quest location with her mighty Sanity of six... not. Check failed miserably.  Fortunately Dhadius was able to shake up the enchantment, and blasted Grusk again with a superior fireball - and took the lantern. Curses! Had Gretchen picked up the quest location, heroes would have won.

But now things got a lot trickier. Grusk scrambled the lantern from Dhadius, and now finally Gretchen picked up the quest location. Unfortunately, however, Wizard could not repeat his last success and, in fact, just died to next attack the paladin did.

Druid still had a chance to win the game by using spellbook to attack Grusk. However, Eye of Vecna denied entering the space and paladin charged druid dead.

Another victory for the traitor.

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