Thursday, June 13, 2024


A game of Warmachine Mk4 (oh, shouldn't use that name anymore...) 50 points over War Table platform.

My list:

Horrushks with Inviolable Resolve & Windstorm
Tyrant, Relentless Charge, Quad-Bolt Thrower, Scything Flail 17
Jackal with Arc Node, Flamethrower, Assault Shield
Gnashers 9
Warwitch Coven 4
Grhotten Keeper 5
Halexus              4

Command Cards: Grave Robber, Power Swell, Old Faithful, Savagery, Sentry Duty

Opponent had:

Ilari with Avenging Force & Superiority
Dire Wolf with Flamethrower, Long Axe and Evasive
Great Bear, with Grand Slam, Heavy Cannon, Blasting Fist, 
Shock Trooper Gunners
Winter Korps Snipers
Winter Korps Infantry with 2x Autocannon & Standard
Winter Korps Infantry with 2x Rocketeer & Standard

Command Cards: Break Through, Careful Recon, Infiltration, Old Faithful, Power Swell


Scenario was Recon. Once I put my list on table, I realized the staggering disparity in our model counts. Maybe I shouldn't have used a 17 point heavy. Oh well. At least I had the durability on my side.

I left Gnashers in ambush and with them I tried to tie up a unit of Riflemen on the left. Apparently I ambushed them a turn too soon, as far as I know they can spring up earliest on turn two. But hey, in my defense - I was the second player!

Khador had their heavies and warcaster in the middle, and the remainder of the force on the right.

Horruskh and Halexus had good positions behind a building with 30mm obstacle. Grhotten Keeper and warjacks were going down from the middle, with Warwitch Coven on top of a hill. 

This time around opponent got good mileage out of Ilari's feat. Winter Korps on left disengaged inside objective forest and the entire unit scored a meager four points of damage to Gnashers. But then Ilari activated... and Gnashers were promptly removed. 

Well, at least that took away feat and activations of both heavies. Remainder of Khador troops didn't really accomplish anything.

So, it was time for a counter-feat. Grhotten Keeper charged a sniper and managed to kill it. Tyrant rolled a whopping four shots and removed two Shock Trooper Gunners. But yeah... that was it. Both warjacks took hiding in a trench, with a couple of Warwitches nearby contesting my objective building. I had chosen such a center terrain piece because I thought I would not be able to stretch my forces around that much...

It took both heavies and all of Ilari's focus points to remove the Arm 23 Grhotten from contesting enemy 30mm objective, but darn it, it succeeded. A unit of Winter Korps Riflemen from right took a flanking position and shot two Warwitches off the board. 

It was time for desperate measures. Remaining Warwitch went to cover Khadoran warjacks with Dark Shroud skill, and Tyrant with Inviolable Resolve charged for a thresher strike. Sadly the Warwitch died even with a re-roll from Horruskh. I had played Savagery on Tyrant, so it was able to deny heals for both warjacks. However, damage rolls were on the lower side. Had Warwitch survived, Great Bear would have lost both of its hands, but as it stood, only cannon had gone. 

Jackal tried a desperate attempt to shoot both jacks and a Sniper with a flamethrower, but this amounted to no damage other than the Sniper dying. Well, at least I still had some chances with good fire damage rolls, right?

Horruskh had gone down to zero focus points because of re-rolls, so he had to get out of sight. Halexus entered trench to contest my flagged building.

Opponent had taken lead in control points. I was mildly hopeful because of Old Faithful - even if Arm 21 Tyrant took a beating, he might still be able to kill Great Bear and maybe do something against Dire Wolf. 

However... those damage rolls! First 13, then 14, then 18, then 15 and then again 13 on three dice. No hope for Tyrant surviving that, or even Jackal for that matter. 

Well, actually Jackal did survive, but was tagged with no heals from Ilari, and only both hand operational.

Halexus died to a full Combined Ranged Attack by Winter Korps Riflemen from right, and, well, that was that. We ended game, situation was so hopeless for Horruskh.

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