Monday, April 24, 2023

Hunting Spree

 Had a 50 point game of Warmachine a few days ago.

My list:

Orgoth Sea Raiders
Kishtaar, with Eyeless Sight spell and Hex Blast
-Tyrant (Relentless Charge, Harpoon, Ripper)
-Jackal (Arc node, Hunter Rifle, Pneumatic Spike)
Assault Reavers with Standard
Strike Reavers
Ulkor Barragers
Warwitch Coven

Opponent had:

Cygnar Storm Legion
Anson Wolfe
-Courser with a loadout
-Stryker with a loadout

2x Stormguard Legionnaires
Tempest Thunderers

Scenario was Split Decision.

Orgoth started game. My forces were clumped in the middle with Ulkor leading the way with both warjacks and Assault Reavers. 

Cygnar had one unit of Stormguard Legionnaires on both flanks, and both warjacks and Tempest Thunderers in the middle. Anson used feat as means to contain Orgoth aggression.

On my second turn Assault Reavers made a rather poor engagement, managing only to bring one Tempest Thunderer down to one health remaining, and killing a single legionnaire.

I made a plan to run with Tyrant and then use Open Fire with feat to harpoon Courser to my lines. This worked just fine when even Ulkors managed to make decent dent in the Cygnaran light jack. Strike Reavers finished what was left of it.

Under Pandemonium even Jackal's rifle did a nice brutal shot at Stryker.

Opponent, however, played the Old Faithful, mitigating most of what Jackal did. 

Tempest Thunderers, Eiryss and a unit of Stormguards promptly removed Assault Reivers from the board completely. Well, at least they didn't get to Jackal.

Stryker, however, did get to Tyrant and wrecked it all too easily. Another unit of Stormguards killed two Ulkor Barragers. 

Situation looked grim, but then Kishtaar started having fun with ricochet. She cleared way for Jackal to shoot Eiryss dead, which gave me the lead in scenario points. Strike Reavers and the lone Ulkor destroyed most of the unit of Stormguard Legionnaires on the left. Now I just needed for Strike Reavers to hold...

... which they didn't, as Cygnar had plenty of access to electro leap. Stryker removed remaining four Strike Reavers alone, and the couple of Stormguards managed to kill Ulkor. Anson ran to the flag, so Orgoth lead in scenario points was short lived. Now Cygnar was in charge.

Another unit of Stormguards easily wrecked Jackal, so my turn started with only Kishtaar and unit of Warwitches left. 

In such a hopeless situation it's time to get dangerous. Kishtaar had a really fun activation, where she charged Stryker, but killed it with ranged shot killing a three Stormguard Legionnaires with two richochet shots and a the reload shot. She took full advantage of Swift Hunter and even ended up engaging the rightmost unit of Stormguards, killing some of them with melee attacks.

Alas, such a killing spree wasn't enough to bring victory when Anson landed a knockdown spell on Kishtaar. A lone surviving Stormguard and two Tempest Thunderers charged Kishtaar dead. 

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