Sunday, April 30, 2023

Tormented Wildfire

 A 50ss game of Malifaux.

Strategy: Flank Carve a Path

Schemes: Spread Them Out, Breakthrough, Vendetta, Load 'Em Up, In Your Face

My list:

Jack Daw Ensouled & Lady Ligeia
Auguste Hart
Midnight Stalker
Malifaux Child
Crooked Man
Dead Outlaw

Pool: 5
Schemes: Vendetta (Dead Outlaw on a Firebranded), Breakthrough

Opponent had:

Kaeris & Eternal Flame
Elijah Borgmann
Carlos Vasquez
Fire Golem
The Firestarter
2x Firebranded
Fire Gamin

Pool: 0 (!)
Schemes: Load 'Em Up (Pyre marker), Vendetta (Firestarter on something, somewhere)

Turn 1:

Outcasts started doing cautious activations like Auguste kicking the strategy marker near Malifaux Child and hiding behind the forest, with Lady Ligeia joining soon. Guilty just walked north a bit and concentrated, things like that.

Arcanists were also hiding behind terrain, delivering one marker from top behind the houses and another in midst of graveyard.

But then Fire Golem walked within charge + collier revolver range, and Dead Outlaw attacked. Hoo boy, that was a mistake. 

Kaeris set the ground close to Outlaw on fire, Eternal Flame pushed the marker to my grudge holder, and Firestarter and Fire Gamin started raining death over him. 

Midnight Stalker couldn't carry out with his plan of delivering strategy marker to enemy table half already and had to go assist some flames off of Dead Outlaw. 

Jack Daw healed him as much as he could, and Crooked Man managed to drop a scheme marker to trigger Too Greedy To Die to get Dead Outlaw slightly closer to safety.

Malifaux Child had kicked a strategy marker almost past the forest.

Arcanist side, Elijah, Firebranded and Carlos were moving in the graveyard along with Arcanist strategy marker. They narrowly escaped an earthquake unleashed by Crooked Man. 

Eternal Flame, Fire Golem, Firestarter and Fire Gamin were about there in the middle, with my vendetta target Firebranded and Kaeris behind buildings.

Turn 2:

Kaeris activated first and set the world burning. Fortunately she wastes most of her action points on taking shots with negative modifiers against Midnight Stalker. This buys time for Dead Outlaw to run to safety, albeit on Burning +4 and injured +2. 

Firestarter flies to unreachable position behind a building. Crooked Man concentrates on earthquake attack and manages to stagger Carlos and Firebranded. 

Eternal Flame attempts to detonate some pyre markers, but isn't too successful at it. Montresor, however, takes a run towards Carlos and Firebranded in the graveyard to get them inside his nasty aura. 

I don't remember what Carlos did except for kicking arcanist strategy marker forward. 

Malifaux Child moves a bit forward and is Just Like Jack Daw, healing Montresor a little before being shot off the board by Firebranded. 

Guilty delivers a strategy marker to opponent's table half. Fire Golem draws away his fire and comes into contact with him. Instead of punching Guilty it kicks my strategy marker back to my table half. Midnight Stalker leaps to bring the marker back to scoring position, but so does Dead Outlaw's vendetta target Firebranded for Arcanist strategy marker. 

Elijah comes to charge Montresor, which invites Jack Daw to charge him and try to do some Guilt of the Many tricks without much of a success. At least Elijah got Curse of Reckoning. Dead Outlaw, however, was healed somewhat and assisted by Lady Ligeia, so I might have a shot at Vendetta later in game. 

Scores go 1-1.

Turn 3:

Just as I had managed to heal Dead Outlaw back to relative functionality, Kaeris activated and blasted a marker on top of Dead Outlaw and Lady Ligeia as well as dealing in some damage. 

Jack Daw replied in kind, dropping Curse of Reckoning also on Carlos and moving so that Draw Them In reached also Eternal Flame. So there were now three staggered models within 6" of Montresor.

Elijah activates and keeps swinging at Montresor despite hazardous gnawing him down to one health remaining. Then he heals for a bit by calling the Burning Man as well as giving Montresor and Jack Daw burning +2. 

Lady Ligeia moves in to get a little mileage out of betrayal aura. Firestarter makes a re-appearance and pushes Montresor full 5.5" away from his position. Yeah, that would have been 10" without the severe terrain.

Montresor walked and charged back.

Firebranded heals things with Embrace the Flame and walked away from the dreaded Montresor. 

I don't remember what Eternal Flame or Fire Gamin actually did, but Auguste sprang forth from inside the forest and tied them plus Firestrarter in melee by chasing some ghosts. 

Dead Outlaw's vendetta target came to push strategy marker deeper into Outcast territory. I figured this was my best chance of getting even one point out of Vendetta, so Dead Outlaw walked and charged, landing minimum damage on Firebranded, which was fortunately enough. 

Guilty had been trying to soften up Firebranded but didn't put his heart into it. But neither did Fire Golem in killing Guilty, who was left with Burning +3 and two health remaining thanks to an untimely black joker. 

Midnight Stalker brought Outcast strategy marker to Arcanist deployment zone. 

Carlos, seeing how his anger issues had almost killed Elijah, backed off to cool down a little, losing Curse of Reckoning and staggered far away from Montresor. 

Finally, Crooked Man walks a little and shoots Firebranded in the graveyard dead. 

By now I had zero models left without burning. 

But at least scenario game was looking good. Outcasts scored two points, one from strategy and one from vendetta. But Arcanists revealed Load 'Em Up with pyre markers.

Scores go 2-3 for Resurrectionists.

Turn 4:

Outcasts had one pass token from last turn. Opponent cheated on initiative with 13, and I had to do the same. Jack Daw let all hell loose, killing both Elijah and Eternal Flame and giving some anger issues to Firestarter. 

Firestarter shoots Dead Outlaw even more dead and escapes where his issues should hurt no-one. 

Auguste chases ghosts, freeing himself from melee and then walking and charging Carlos Vasquez. He could have died to Auguste's crazed swipes, but the attack missed and Carlos went butterfly jumped away. 

Firebranded healed something, and most unexpected MVP enters the match. Lady Ligeia misses Kaeris with projected voice and does one point of damage in melee. Yay. But, the thing was that neither Fire Golem or Fire Gamin were able to kill her from three hit points remaining despite she having Injured +2. Crazy. This wasted one action point from Kaeris, who then charged Montresor. 

After Kaeris had done her thing, Montresor was at four health remaining and Burning +11, with his demise ability used for the turn.

Midnight Stalker placed scheme in enemy deployment zone and Crooked Man kicked a strategy marker to enemy table half.

Opponent scored nothing, while Outcasts took strategy and Breakthrough. 

Jack Daw was at Burning +9, Montresor +11, Auguste at +7, Crooked Man and Midnight Stalker at +2.  Guilty had burned to crisp. 

Kaeris, Fire Golem and Fire Gamin were almost or entirely unharmed, although Carlos had taken heavy damage and Firestarter somewhat.

So, model-wise situation wasn't ideal. But scores went to 2-5 from strategy and breakthrough for Outcasts, and Arcanists didn't get schemes or strategies.

We didn't play last round.

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