Saturday, July 9, 2022

Remember Dismember

A 50ss game of Malifaux.

Strategy: Flank Symbols of Authority

Scheme pool: Breakthrough, Vendetta, Claim Jump, Hidden Martyrs, Let Them Bleed

My list:

Dr. McMourning & Zombie Chihuahua Mortimer (Vendetta on Samurai) Rogue Necromancy Rafkin (Martyr) Kentauroi 3x Canine Remains (one of them martyr)

Stones: 7

Schemes: Vendetta, Hidden Martyrs

Opponent had:

Asami Tanaka & Amanjaku Ama No Zako Fuhatsu (Martyr) Jorogumo (Claim Jump) Samurai Tengu (Martyr) Akaname

Stones: 6

Schemes: Claim Jump, Hidden Martyrs

Turn 1:

When deploying, I kind of noticed how most of my models were tied to each other somehow. All perverse metabolists obviously wanted to be near Rafkin except perhaps for the Canine Remains, but they on the other hand were required to move corpse tokens around. So, I had one giant blob of Resurrectionists on a strategy where objectives were spread near and far.

In addition, the start was real slow for my crew. First, Rafkin had to activate and spam Poison around.

Next Mortimer activated and did a corpse, and I erroneously beat Rogue Necromancy with dismember, which is enemy only trigger. I blame amputation trigger for this, which is fairly similar but works on friendlies too. After these two activations I had used over half of my deck, and had two cards in hand remaining. Must be some kind of a record here.

Asami had summoned an Obsidian Oni, and I was all too familiar with what they could do to a tight formation. Thus, I took care of it with

Kentauroi and Rogue Necromancy, the latter of which got a lucky Pouncing Strike and went to engage Jorogumo and Asami.

But, as Mortimer had already beaten up Rogue Necromancy, and there was an Oni explosion and even a dark bargained attack against my 10-point beater, I was suddenly looking at two of my 50mm based models in middle of board nearing death, with Rogue Necromancy at one health.

My plan of getting Dr. McMourning in some relevant place and summoning a Flesh Construct there would just work even if it had been legal. Fortunately this mistake at least had McMourning entirely waste two of his action points in moving forth, then healing Rogue Necromancy with blood poisoning, moving back to summon a Flesh Construct, which also failed to accomplish anything.

Kentauroi was blasted away by either Samurai or Fuhatsu, which was unfortunate as the mobility of my list just went down a few notches too many. I had considered keeping McMourning as a sort of cruise missile to anywhere needed, and Ride With Me would've been a necessity for that.

Canine Remains tried to keep their heads low from enemy shooting, except for the hidden martyr that was reasonably visible to perhaps eat away an enemy activation while giving me a point.

Turn 2:

Since Ten Thunders won initiative, I lost Rogue Necromancy without a fight.

Amanjaku had blocked the strategy marker I had been aiming to get this turn. Flesh Construct tried to take care of that, but failed while a Canine Remains succeeded. But then Asami just summoned a Jorogumo to block that place, like, forever, for at least this turn.

The Jorogumo kills the wrong puppy for me.

Zombie Chihuahua had tried to go and hopefully delay enemy models from scoring strategies. That didn't work out when Ama No Zako killed it with one strike, walked and took a strategy marker anyway.

Rafkin doesn't do anything useful, and while Dr. McMourning did summon additional Flesh Construct, it took once more two action points to even get into position. That Flesh Construct was of exceptional quality, however, when it took down what was left of Jorogumo in the middle with one strike, charged Akaname and killed that too. Little did I know it back then, but Jorogumo had been the Claim Jumper.

Scores go 1-0 for Ten Thunders.

Turn 3:

Samurai charges my hidden martyr dog and kills it. Then I spend quite a few activations in grinding through Samurai's ungodly Armor +2, and get within threshold for Mortimer to get his vendetta. Which he did.

Dr. McMourning took a strategy marker and charged into melee with both Asami and Fuhatsu. This didn't work as planned when Fuhatsu managed to stun Dr. McMourning and push him away from catalyst range.

Flesh Construct tried to attack Asami, and she did get to around two health remaining. Then she just left the melee, ate three markers to heal for six and walked to middle. ThereAsami summoned... was it Akaname? And Tengu to engage Rafkin and last remaining Remains. Canine Remains surprised everyone when it took Akaname down with just one critical striking bite. Tengu flew away from the scene, and Rafkin was free to try to come and kill Samurai, failing at that.

So I had Mortimer and Rafkin almost in base contact with each other and Samurai there with like two hit points or so. Two strategy markers too in the close vicinity of the melee.

Ama No Zako took a strategy marker, and scores went 2-3 for Resurrectionists.

Turn 4:

I think it was Resurrectionists that won the initiative, because taking down Samurai succeeded without that much of a hassle.

Dr. McMourning chooses to take strategy marker instead of contributing to fight. Being stunned ain't nice with such a damage track that relies on critical strike to deal with the likes of Fuhatsu.

Ama No Zako and summoned Tengu go and take third strategy marker. Asami summons a Jorogumo that kills Rafkin.

Flesh Construct finishes Asami and comes to engage the summoned Jorogumo.

Turn 5:

Last turn Dr. McMourning went and scored third Symbol, and remainder of my resources went into keeping Mortimer alive.

One of the Jorogumos also failed to kill a Mindless Zombie that was summoned last turn with one strike, so it couldn't lend its spear to damaging Mortimer.

Fate was on my side this time, when I ran Flesh Construct to engage Ama No Zako. Fuhatsu then shot the Construct, who flipped black joker. This was second time when I black jokered an action that opponent wanted to fail. Second try worked better, and Ama No Zako was free to remove my Vendetta model. But it was not to be.

Tengu took last strategy marker from my side, and scores went 4-6 for Resurrectionists.

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