Thursday, July 28, 2022

Can't go wrong with two bottles of whiskey and a shotgun

A game of Arkham Horror 2nd edition with four players.

Nyarlathotep was our adversary, enhanced with Dark Pharaoh thing where every received unique item dealt sanity damage and the final fight was a bit harder.

Investigators for the job were Wilson Richards the handyman with shotgun, whiskey and motorbike. I played this characters. Others were Marie Lambeau, Daisy Walker and Tommy Muldoon.

The two unique items for Wilson Richards were Sword of Glory and Holy Water. So he paid two sanity for two items he can't use effectively, since he doesn't have six hands.

But at least he could make friends with other investigators by giving them items and receiving money in exchange to fulfill his personal quest of throwing 15 dollars to nothing. He succeeded thanks to contributions of Tommy and Daisy.

All the investigators were rather unfortunate in awkward places, and while game itself wasn't going straight to hell, the only character progress for Wilson and Marie were permanent injuries. 

At least Daisy was collecting enormous swathes of clues and Tommy was, well, uh. Tommy was randomly Cursed, and Nyarlathotep had some kind of horrible Cursed mechanic that would kill Tommy in just a few turns unless he could get rid of Cursed. He couldn't, but he also randomly gained Blessed, which is the same thing.

Later, Tommy received Blessed again and lost it before making even a single test.

Afterwards he made exemplary job at killing monsters, but also of receiving permanent injuries. 

At its height investigators had six permanent physical injuries and two mental injuries. This was mostly thanks to two Cthonians and their "all turn, every turn" movement pattern and ample supply of 4+ rolls, which dealt a wound to every investigator in Arkham.

Nearing the end of game we also got the sanity damage dealing version of Cthonians.

So, once it looked like the ancient one was about to awaken, Wilson Richards and Marie Lambeau got themselves killed - Wilson had double vision, which forbids him from collecting clue tokens from board. And without clue tokens Nyarlathotep would pretty much just devour him. I forget what was troubling Marie, but Wilson was replaced with Mark Harrigan who - while a perfect investigator for the final fight - received a skill that gave him -1 maximum sanity. So he had a maximum of two.

Marie was replaced with Jim Culver with the golden trumpet.

Then Nyarlathotep awoke. Investigators had a real chance of winning the fight, but some atrocious streaks of bad luck ruined the lives of Arkham citizens. For example, Daisy didn't roll a single 5+ with ten dice, and got devoured as a result. And when investigators finally started to do some real damage, bringing Nyarlathotep down to four doom tokens remaining, investigators started to run out of clue tokens and were devoured. Except for Tommy Muldoon, who accepted Nyarlathotep's invitation to join it.

Victory for Tommy Muldoon!

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