Thursday, July 1, 2021

Zero kills

 Break the Line with Corner deployment. Scheme pool: Vendetta, Claim Jump, Let Them Bleed, Outflank, Research Mission.

My list was:

Kirai + Ikiryo
Datsue Ba
Lost Love
2x Shikome
3x Seishin

Pool: 7

Schemes: Let Them Bleed, Outflank

Opponent had:

Jakob Lynch + Hungering Darkness
Kitty Dumont
Mr. Tannen
Lone Swordsman
2x Illuminated

Pool: 6

Schemes: Vendetta (Mr. Tannen and Shikome 2), Claim Jump (Kitty Dumont)

Turn 1:

Despite corner deployment, things started happening right away. Seishins and Datsue Ba made it possible for both Shikomes to interact with a strategy marker.

A huge blob of Honeypot entered the middle field and not at all that slowly - Kitty Dumont with her 5" push and two 6" pushes of her own compensate the otherwise sluggish nature of the keyword.

Also, Wanyudo with its speed 7 and Lone Swordsman with Creep Along came to contest the lower-left area that I had figured I'd dominate quickly enough. Change of plans was imminent.

Crooligan was doing -not outflank- things on top-right. 

Turn 2:

Shikomes play football with the strategy markers, and even a surprise Gaki manages to toss the marker close to middle on the enemy side. All strategy markers there now. 

However, it was not without cost. Hungering Darkness comes and kills the Shikome on top-right. Datsue Ba charges in, trying to tie Hungering Darkness up. Easier said than done while Lynch still lives.

Wanyudo injures Shikome that was key in scoring Outflank. That scheme looked grim, especially when Lone Swordsman left Ikiryo (the partner of Shikome) with two damage boxes remaining.

In the middle, a Drowned is dead. Long live another Drowned! Auras of Mr. Tannen and Lynch combined put a dent in the survivability of that particular piece, and Delirium proved to be an annoyance to highest degree.

Resurrectionists score strategy.

Turn 3:

And what I feared did happen. The remaining Shikome died, too. And then Hungering Darkness goes after Crooligan on top-right corner, and while the kid doesn't die again just yet. Lone Swordsman and Ikiryo just played basket ball with a strategy marker, Goodbye Outflank, pretty much.

Once again Drowned dies in the middle, and Kirai summons a Shikome to keep opponent busy. Datsue Ba tosses one strategy marker further up the enemy board side, but an Illuminated that was earlier pushed by Kitty Dumont said no.

Resurrectionists score another strategy point for 2-0 score.

Turn 4:

Hungering Darkness finishes Crooligan and is later teleported by Lynch to Kirai. Thanks to heroic efforts of the Crooligan at least the beastie was unactivated.

Kitty dislodges herself from melee with Shikome by using her bonus action. Then she pushed a newly summoned Drowned back and went to hang around the center point.

Wanyudo had brought one strategy marker to my side of the board. Ikiryo and Lost Love both pushed away another strategy marker so it was above 8" away from center line. 

Datsue Ba attacked the Illuminated that had come to challenge the strategy marker. Both were now locked in combat forever after.

Resurrectionists score third strategy point, Ten Thunders their first and they also reveal Claim Jump on Kitty Dumont. Scores go 3-2 for resurrectionists.

Turn 5: 

Last turn Lynch and assorted pals manage to throw another strategy marker (the one in the middle) on my side of the board, within melee coverage of Hungering Darkness so there was no interacting with it now.

After Kitty Dumont had activated I gleefully dazed her away from the center point with summoned Drowned. Little did I consider Hungering Darkness had Obey. 

Hungering Darkness also healed itself back to full, and there was one Illuminated who was at full health, too. Good bye Let Them Bleed. Or...? The last action Hungering Darkness does is an attack against Kirai. Who has Vengeance +1, just like every model in the keyword. Stat 6 only needed to get through Def 4. 

To add an insult to injury, I flipped Red Joker for her defense. 

Fortunately opponent revealed Vendetta on Mr. Tannen against my Shikome. This way I at least didn't lose the draw to a most unfortunate Red Joker.

Resurrectionists score no points, while Ten Thunders get strategy, Claim Jump and Vendetta, bringing the 5-3 victory for Ten Thunders.

It was then that I realized I had not removed even a single model from enemy. In fact, opponent had more models on the table than at the start of game - Shikome had succumbed and became a Depleted.

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