Sunday, July 25, 2021

Muh Windmill

 Dead diary, today I played a four player game of Scythe. It was a practice game for upcoming Fenris campaign.

Factions randomized were Republic of Polania, Saxony Empire, Crimean Khanate and Rusviet Union.

I played the Rusviet Union, and as I had a secret campaign objective to be in Factory space and have zero upgrades, I thought it wise to rush into the space. I just needed a mech for that. I screwed up with my early movements a little, so I couldn't finish a mech in a timely manner, so I decided to go and check the random event. I got an early recruit bonus from it at the cost of popularity, which I used poorly on structure building bonus. Should have picked mechs since everyone began building them left and right. Heh.

Nevertheless, I arrived first on the Factory tile and shooed some Polanians nearby before Olga snatched another random event from the speculative hands of Polania. There I invested in oil fields.

I tried churning out mechs as rapidly as I could, but that was probably sub-par tactic since Rusviet gains no extra resources when building mechs, and on top of that they have (what to me seems like) the highest cost of mechs. As a result I was constantly starved of coins. Oh well. Live and learn. 

I think I actually fought the least during whole game, with two wins and one defeat. Just what did I do, then? I didn't have that many workers, upgrades or recruits either. And I think I was the last player to get all of their four mechs online. 

Well, I did keep the Factory to myself and even built a windmill there. Think about that!

Crimean Khanate was closest faction to me from the beginning of the game, yet there was no aggression between us. And I'm not sure what Crimeans did, either. They did control plenty of zones, kind of, but mostly just kept to themselves when they were not teasing Saxonia and were drawing disturbing amounts of money with everything they did. Yet, they must have done something right since Crimean Khanate won the game.

Saxony was in a tough spot between Crimeans and Polenians and appeared to be fighting all the time, usually using excessive force to deal with both attacks and defenses. I didn't pay much attention to their matters, as Saxony was furthest away from me and I don't think we interacted in any way throughout the game.

Polenia, on the other hand, was everywhere at once. But that was to be expected, or so I've heard. They were continuously leeching resources from my actions because of some early enlists. Apparently they managed their central bank efficiently enough, as Polenia placed second.

Final scoreboard:

Crimean Khanate: 93
Republic of Polania: 78
Rusviet Union: 66
Saxony Empire: 39

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