Sunday, May 10, 2020

Into the Quarantine Zone

Had a 50 soul stone game of Malifaux. I'm not putting pictures this time, as we had makeshift terrain and I had forgotten to take my tokens with me, so board and the plethora of tokens is quite unsightly.

My list was:

Seamus + The Whisper
Copycat Killer
Rogue Necromancy
Bete Noire
2x Rotten Belle
Dead Doxy
Dead Dandy

Pool: 3

Schemes: Let Them Bleed, Catch and Release

Opponent had

Asami Tanaka
2x Akaname
Obsidian Oni
Shadow Emissary

Schemes: Claim Jump, Take a Prisoner
Pool: 10

Scenario was Public Enemies.

Gravedigger begins Resurrectionist turn with Blasphemous Rituals and drives its cart mid-field. Seamus takes a shot at Jorogumo and deals "minimum" damage that most of my other models have as their maximum. Bete Noire attempts some flanking business on Jorogumo, and the rest of my models are busy blocking the movement of Rogue Necromancy.

Asami summoned an Obsidian Oni, pushed it with her hair and then the thing charged Seamus who I thought was safe. The Oni flickered itself into nonexistence and set Gravedigger and Seamus on fire. This activation put Seamus effectively down to eight wounds, which isn't too bad but I used 2/3 of my soulstones on the very first turn of the game.

Turn 2

Bete Noire runs to engage Jorogumo. I wanted to at least make it a little more difficult for opponent to remove Gravedigger. Jorogumo had Bete bury herself, and Yokai did shenanigans and charged Gravedigger without scoring the kill. Dead Doxy charged Yokai in return, but didn't do much. Akaname charged Gravedigger and spilled some bile, and Gravedigger was at one hit point remaining with burning +2 and poison +1. Shadow Emissary eventually charged Gravedigger dead, and I replied by charging the dragon with Dead Dandy and Rogue Necromancy. They did a little something, although I got to taste a little bit of how annoying Terrifying can be.

Neither player scores points yet.

Turn 3

Seamus shoots the Yokai dead, and Dead Doxy climbs on top of the pitch black cube of darkest emptiness to pursue Shadow Emissary that had escaped there. Obsidian Oni was summoned on top of there, too, and soon Dead Doxy was extra dead. Oni decided to shoot Dead Dandy and burn him a little, but instead exploded the jolly dilettante off the board.

Rogue Necromancy comes to the cube, too, oblivious to the fact that it was about to be taken as a prisoner.

On the other hand, my Rotten Belle managed to dive to hug Asami for Catch & Release, so both players scored two points.

Turn 4

Rogue Necromancy swipes the Shadow Emissary dead and pounces on Obsidian Oni. Bete Noire tickles Jorogumo a little, and Seamus comes in for the kill now that the spider was engaged by Redchapel model. Only that, well, Jorogumo didn't die and slapped Bete dead with six damage when she was at four remaining. Then it charges Seamus and leaves him at two hit points remaining.

Unless I forget something, it must have been Copycat Killer who killed Jorogumo. Or maybe Seamus had not yet been activated? Oh yeah. It was probably so that Copycat Killer put Seamus to prepare his kill, but then Jorogumo activated, butchered Bete Noire and gave a scare for Seamus.

Asami and Obsidian Oni killed the Rotten Belle who had been designated for Catch & Release, so no points for me from there.

But both players had destroyed enough models to gain another point from strategy, so it was 3-3.

Turn 5

Seamus starts the turn, walks, teleports on top of the cube in the middle, shoots Obsidian Oni that was engaging Rogue Necromancy, and then teleports back to safety. I hadn't used the teleportation ability much earlier, because I had thought it required to move within 1" of the same terrain from where the ability was used, but now it really dawned on me how difficult it is to catch Seamus.

Anyway, I hadn't placed him safe enough, so Asami does double walk and summons Obsidian Oni to him. Copycat Killer walks double and places Seamus safe... again. This time actually safe.

Opponent moves Akaname next. This allowed for Rogue Necromancy to escape from being taken as a prisoner.

Theorycrafting here, had Obsidian Oni come and engage Rogue Necromancy, it could have ambushed itself away from melee and ran off anyway.

So in the end it was a close game with 4-3 victory for Resurrectionists. And as it hinged only on if opponent had juggled Jorogumo's flicker tokens differently, it was probably our closest game yet.

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