Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Captain Aiakos vs Warwitch Deneghra

Played a 50 point game of Warmachine a few days ago. It was a Cryx vs Cryx match.

My list:
Captain Aiakos [+29]
- Nightmare [18]
- Reaper [13]
- Reaper [13]
- Satyxis Blood Priestess [4]
General Gerlak Slaughterborn [6]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
- Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [4]

Opponent had:
Warwitch Deneghra [+26]
- Deathripper [6]
- Deathripper [6]
- Defiler [8]
- Reaper [13]
Wrong Eye [17]
Bane Warriors (min) [10]
Satyxis Blood Witches (min) [8]
Steelhead Riflemen (min) [8]

Scenario was the one from main rulebook where there is three flags in middle and you win with five control points.

Deneghra's forces outnumbered me heavily, and thus they were quite capable of overwhelming me in the scenario game. Opposing Cryx kept their distance, so it was difficult to get better mileage out of my forces. A deathripper came and arced Crippling Grasp onto Nightmare, and Bane Warriors on the left looked like serious trouble if Gerlak wouldn't take the whole unit down.

Satyxis Raiders removed half of Satyxis Blood Witches and Steelhead Riflemen. Reaper took a deathripper or defiler from the left, and the other Reaper tried to do the same to the arc node in the middle. But failed to wound. Gah! Well, I wanted the thing dead and was hoping for unrealistic miracles when I charged the deathripper with Nightmare.

Because next turn opponent used Deneghra's feat, and removed a vast majority of Satyxis Raiders and the Nightmare.

Reapers then tried to dismantle enemy Reaper, but under Deneghra's feat it proved to be too much of a challenge for them. Oh well, at least it was broken down to only movement system remaining. Warwitch Siren thins down some of the Bane Warriors, and last remaining Satyxis Raider goes and kills a Blood Witch.

Situation looked bad, and while Bane Warriors failed to dispatch General Gerlak Slaughterborn, the general was a little shy it seems - this was his second game, after all - and failed to kill even one Bane Warrior.

Snapjaw charged one of my Reapers but didn't do much. As a consequence I was able to remove Wrong Eye, Snapjaw and what was left of the enemy Reaper. Aiakos personally went and wrecked last remaining enemy arc node, and suddenly attrition looked pretty good for me.

However, I had fallen so far behind in scenario that the Satyxis Blood Witches were able to just come and say "hi, Deneghra wants her helljack back" to Aiakos, winning the game for Deneghra.

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