Sunday, April 12, 2020

Goreshade vs Twins on vassal

Played a 75 point game of Warmachine against a friend in Vassal. Lists involved were:

[Theme] Scourge of the Broken Coast
Goreshade the Bastard [+27]
- Helldiver [6]
- Leviathan [16]
- Reaper [13]
- Slayer [10]
- Stalker [8]
- Satyxis Blood Priestess [0(4)]
Axiara Wraithblade [0(6)]
General Gerlak Slaughterborn [0(6)]
Misery Cage [2]
Satyxis Raider Captain [4]
Swamp Gobber River Raider [1]
Warwitch Siren [4]
Black Ogrun Boarding Party (max) [11]
Black Ogrun Ironmongers [6]
Satyxis Raiders (max) [16]
- Satyxis Raider Sea Witch [4]

[Theme] Children of the Dragon
Saeryn & Rhyas, Talons of Everblight [+24]
- Archangel [35]
- Typhon [20]
- Zuriel [18]
Annyssa Ryvaal [8]
Blighted Nyss Warlord [0(5)]
Blighted Nyss Warlord [0(5)]
Craelix, Fang of Everblight [0(6)]
Blighted Nyss Raptors (max) [18]

Legion started game. I tried to pick the side which would mitigate opponent's eyeless sight a bit. Don't know if that worked.

Anyway, in short summary: Slayer was shot off the board, then Reaper was shot off the board, then objective was shot off the board, then Satyxis and Gerlak were shot off the board. But that's not nearly all of my models, no! Because unit of Bane Warriors were melee'd off the board and so was Stalker and Swamp Gobber River Raider.

Alright, I'm making it sound a lot worse than it actually was. Slayer went down all too easily, but the remaining pieces at least involved some degree of piece trading.

On my second turn my objective gave Eyeless Sight for Reaper, who plucked off Anyssa Ryvaal. Satyxis Raiders charge and miss Zuriel, which prompts Dodge from the nephilim.

Leviathan deals some random eight points of damage to Archangel.

Then I lose most of my Satyxis, Reaper, and received some solid damage to Leviathan. I was rather skeptical if I'd have a game anymore, but Satyxis Raider Captain gives me a chance when she manages to shoot Craelix down with her hand cannon, and remaining Satyxis Raiders killed Nyss Warlord. That was one point for me, too!

Feated Bane Warriors and Leviathan take down Typhon, and Stalker goes to take out another Nyss Warlord. Sure, I was thinning down some inconsequential models but Zuriel and Archangel were questions I had no answer for.

Then I lost Stalker to charging Raptors, what was left of Satyxis unit to Zuriel and Gerlak to Archangel. Rhyas took a two fury costing Flashing Blade to get rid of whole unit of Bane Warriors.

Next turn I score additional point from killing enemy objective with conjoined efforts by Helldiver and Leviathan. Black Ogrun Boarding Party Pirates shoot one Raptor dead and charging Axiara kills another - which leaves just one Raptor contesting the zone. Leviathan might have helped there, but thanks to poor rolls all of its three shots and all of Helldivers attacks had to go towards the objective.

While it was interesting game, now it started to look like I was going down fast. Rhyas took down the hero of this match, Leviathan, and Zuriel shot dead the Satyxis Captain. Zuriel was now within charge range of Goreshade, so I decided to go for it. If a miracle would happen and Goreshade survived, then it would.

But looked like it wouldn't, when Goreshade had to spend all but one of his focus to kill the beast.

Oh well. Game over, when both Rhyas and Saeryn charged him.

Lamentation worked great throughout the game. Not only it had its psychological factor, but even if I had paid upkeep cost (which I didn't thanks to Blood Priestess), I would have gained more from the spell than I would have spent.

This time I remembered about Gang Fighter, though. It was just that there was not a single melee that involved both my warjacks and my warrior models.

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