Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Rogue Vassal

Because of stuff happening in the real outside world, I dusted off Vassal as a gaming platform.

I have wanted to try Malifaux against a broader scope of players, so it was a natural choice for starters at least.

But online gaming with voice communication and all isn't my favorite. Also not knowing what the heck enemy things do can prove problematic when you can't easily enough look at the cards. Also... the most wicked thing of all... new and strange, unknown people. Eeek!

Anyway, we both were new to Malifaux Vassal, so we agreed on a smaller game of 25 soulstones with henchmen as the leaders.

My team was:

Madame Sybelle as the leader
Dead Doxy
Rotten Belle
Rogue Necromancy
Schemes: Outflank, Assassinate

Opponent had
The Jury as the leader
3x Death Marshals
Death Marshal recruiter
Schemes: Breakthrough, Assassinate

Strategy was Reckoning and I chose Outflank and Assassinate as my schemes. Poor choice, looking back now. How am I going to put pressure on enemy leader, if I'm already spread thin on the centerline?

Well... by being extra aggressive with Rogue Necromancy and Madame Sybelle, of course! What could go wrong?

The volume of attacks opponent had made a serious dent in Rogue Necromancy, and it ended up dying all too easily. Madame Sybelle tried to rescue it with I've Got Your Back, but the long range of death marshals was inescapable. However, after losing the mighty beast she unleashed one from inside of her and killed Death Marshal Recruiter and a Death Marshal.

Madame Sybelle also received some heavy damage from enemy shooting, and it didn't help that I forgot all about her Terrifying.

However, it wasn't completely one-sided slaughter there. With only a little better luck and more proper triggers Rogue Necromancy could have been a whirlwind of projectile vomit and sharp claws.

Opponent was able to score both points from Breakthrough and Assassinate, as well as two points from Reckoning. I had only two, with the last chance of three taking away from me by a Death Marshal shooting Dead Doxy dead.

Looking back now, it would have been more advantageous to heal Rogue Necromancy with one point by Madame Sybelle instead of using I've Got Your Back, as I had quite a few correct suits in my hand at the time.

But yeah. As a platform Vassal is still okay. Only voice communication is troublesome if there is any lag, and via discord servers overseas there is bound to be. I'll probably have to try a few more times to make my mind over this.

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