Sunday, January 12, 2020

Lich Lord vs Witch Coven of Garlghast

Had this 50 point game of Warmachine a couple of days ago.

My list was;

Lich Lord Asphyxious [+28]
- Deathripper [6]
- Desecrator [14]
- Inflictor [13]
Bane Lord Tartarus [6]
Darragh Wrathe [9]
Misery Cage [2]
Soul Trapper [1]
Bane Warriors (max) [16]
- Bane Warrior Officer & Standard [5]
Black Ogrun Ironmongers [6]

Opponent had:

The Witch Coven of Garlghast [+26]
- 2x Deathripper [6]
- Reaper [13]
- Slayer [10]
Bane Lord Tartarus [6]
Bane Warriors (max) [16]
Satyxis Blood Witches (max) [13]
- Satyxis Blood Hag [4]

Scenario was Close Quarter from main rulebook.

Witch Coven feated on second turn, which mitigated my damage potential. As I was playing Asphyxious2 anyway, I ran forward with Bane Warriors. Their deaths wouldn't feel that bad, considering how they were coming back.

I managed to take down the contestants from my flag, and scored first scenario point from the four required to win.

It wasn't difficult for opponent to do the same and deny my second point. I lost my Misery Cage, Soul Trapper and one Ironmonger in the process.

Bane Warrior minifeat brought back some of the destroyed models, and I tried to take down both heavies from Witch Coven. Reaper was destroyed, but Slayer took a big 13 damage hit, and broke not even a single system. Thanks, column 3.

Then I suddenly was looking at my five models versus enemy twenty. Enemy Tartarus had destroyed shield system from Inflictor, but thankfully nothing else. Anyway, even if scenario game was steady 1-1 or something like that, just looking at the numbers present told me I had no chance of playing scenario.

It's been a while since I played with Asphyxious2, or Warmachine for that matter, and I didn't realize I could reach Witch Coven with Spectral Legion. I could bring about four warriors to them. Needing 7's and 8's to hit was so unlikely that I tried to make certain Inflictor would be able to at least trample and take a swing at one of the witches, but Fortuna smiled on me this time. Not a single Bane Warrior missed their attack roll, and that's not good news for Arm 11, eight wound models.

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