Monday, May 5, 2014

Prelude to Rautarouva: We didn't playtest this at all

I participated in a Warmachine tournament, but I'm still recovering from it.

Instead I'm writing something about a confusing card game I played there. It was called "We Didn't Playtest This At All".

Gameplay was chaotic, and quite a few players had consumed certain kinds of beverages. I don't even remember how many rounds was played, and in a game like this it doesn't even matter. First card played might just end the game already. Game could end when everybody loses, everybody wins, or only one person or a variable number of persons win. You could also lose when you win.

Some expansions were added as players got more familiar with the game. Mostly they added randomness and chaos.

Game itself was quite fun, though I started to be quite damn tired at that hour, as I had slept only two hours the night before.

But there were kittens.

Who can say "no" to kittens?

(For the statistical purposes I'm counting up different occasions I've played We Didn't Playtest this. No point in counting rounds.)

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