A 50 point game of Warmachine on War Table.
My list:
Oriax the Soul Slaver with Redline and Windstorm
-Jackal with Arc Node, Dispel Mace and Claw
Assault Reavers + Standard
Grhotten Keeper
Reaver Commander
Cards: Careful Recon, Blessing of the Gods, Duck and Cover, Lucky Penny, Old Faithful
Opponent had:
Kapitan Zahara Vilkul with Avenging Force, Iron Flesh and Superiority
-2x Great Bear with Aggressive, Battle Mace, Heavy Cannon Shield
2x Winter Korps Autocannon Infantry + Standard
2x Winter Korps Officer
Cards: Blessing of the Gods, Careful Recon, For the Motherland, Lucky Penny, Old Faithful
Khador did a straightforward iron fist attack with heavies at the center and squishy infantry at the flanks. Iron Flesh went on one Great Bear, Superiority on the other.
Orgoth filled up Ravener, which was sent to handle 50mm objective. Assault Reavers screened Oriax and Molok. Reaver commander was hiding in the woods at 40mm marker, while Jackal and Grhotten Keeper were warming themselves up right behind burning cloud.
Much to my surprise Khador ditched scenario play altogether and jammed center with both infantry units. Great Bear with superiority was inside dense fog in the center, along with Zahara. Iron Fleshed Great Bear took cover behind burning terrain.
I tried to clear up a charge lane for Molok to get to superior Great Bear. My number of available attacks was relatively low, so I guess I should be happy that out of thirteen infantry models that were hanging around in the middle only five stood up after Oriax and his pals were done.Jackal managed to critically dispel Iron Flesh from Great Bear, but he and Grhotten Keeper had to enter the burning terrain and take the continuous effect.
In the end, Reaver Commander failed to kill the one critical model that stood in the way of Molok's charge. Oriax had used feat, put Redline on Molok and moved him around by 2". However, Molok had to walk up to a Winter Korps grunt, smack him with abyssal mace and teleport to Great Bear. Khadoran jack was left with eight damage boxes remaining after Molok had used all of his attacks, so that one free charge could have been crucial. Oh well
Despite Star-Crossed Khador didn't have much of a trouble trashing both Molok and Jackal, but now Zahara looked available for assassination if Orgoth would be able to remove Winter Korps meatwall first.
Oriax went incorporeal and charged a Korpsman, took soul from it and teleported Ravener for a bit.Molok had earlier possessed superior Great Bear to strike at Zahara, which had left the Khadoran warcaster with ten boxes remaining. Turned out that Ravener wasn't even needed - two Assault Reavers got to Zahara, did a combined melee attack and slapped exactly ten points in.
Victory for the Orgoth.
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