50ss game of Malifaux.
Strategy: Flank Stuff the Ballots
Schemes: Take Prisoner, Outflank, Protected Territory, Sweating Bullets, Deliver a Message
My list:
Dr. McMourning, Insanitary & Zombie Chihuahua
Rogue Necromancy
Kentauroi with Grave Spirit Touch
Guild Autopsy
Little Gasser
Canine Remains
Mindless Zombie
Pool: 2
Schemes: Sweating Bullets (Sebastian), Protected Territory
Opponent had:
Clampetts Fisherfolk & Bruce
Aunty Mel
Uncle Boggs
Sir Vantes
Pool: 5
Schemes: Outflank, Protected Territory
Turn 1:
There was relatively little engagement on the first round. I guess that's how it usually goes with McMourning2, as just about his entire crew was focused on getting corpse marker on the board. First Canine Remains ate Mindless Zombie, and from the Mindless Zombie's original corpse Sebastian summoned another Canine Remains that kept eating itself for even more corpses.Eventually McMourning activated, and gave an extra head for Sebastian, and a third leg for Nurse. He also summoned up a Flesh Construct as you'd expect.
Little Gasser went full steam ahead towards bottom-left corner strategy marker. Zombie Chihuahua was stuck behind everyone because of a few bottlenecks and did nothing but stank. Which was a decent enough contribution, I suppose.
While this whole circus was playing out, Anglers were navigating over and around the gibbet terrain in the middle. Sir Vantes lanced the pup Sebastian had summoned, and was holding another bottleneck along with Swashbuckler. Bruce and Uncle Boggs were guarding their back.
Buckaroo sped into contact with the strategy marker at top-right corner, while Clampetts went to hug the centermost ballots and place a scheme marker.
I thought Rogue Necromancy might need some assistance up there, so Kentauroi took Sebastian along for a ride and charged Clampetts. It did some damage before taking a hike towards center-right strategy marker.
Aunty Mel was hunting her white whale that was the Rogue Necromancy. Fortunately she didn't her prime target in range, and had to take a double walk to shoot Kentauroi with trigger from her bonus action. But damage was no other than Red Joker.
Finally Flesh Construct charged Sir Vantes to clog up the narrow passage.
Turn 2:
Bayou got the initiative. Aunty Mel activated. However, after checking my upcoming cards with bonus, she didn't go for the kill on Kentauroi. Instead, she went to attack Rogue Necromancy. That wasn't a good omen, and soon enough after Aunty passed her terrifying check, Rogue's defense came up as Black Joker. Five or six damage. Ouch.Kentauroi was now able to ride to ballots, plant a vote and charge Aunty Mel without much of an effect.
Buckaroo placed two votes to top-right strategy marker after failing its Onward in between.
Clampetts heaved Kentauroi away from Aunty Mel and killed the thing. First hired kill. And now Rogue Necromancy was cornered, all alone, by Aunty and bayou master. At least it was able to walk and drop a scheme marker for Protected Territory.
In the center, Flesh Construct miraculously endured Sir Vantes and Uncle Boggs. Uncle dialed Richard, who answered the call. But when the croc had time to activate, it had other targets. Sebastian had walked and charged to engage Uncle Boggs for Sweating Bullets. Richard attempted to execute Sebastian, but I certainly had low cards in hand to save him.
Swashbuckler had placed two votes into center ballots while out of Sebastian's chatty line of sight.
McMourning pushed Little Gasser as a desperate measure, and had also done so for Sebastian.
Guild Autopsy had placed a vote in center-left ballots before Nurse walked over to take his place. Little Gasser, instead of placing a vote to bottom-left marker, did a scheme marker for Protected Territory.
As a result, Resurrectionists had a grand 3-1 opening.
Turn 3:
Going from top to bottom, Aunty Mel wasted no time in getting rid of Rogue Necromancy. Buckaroo and Clampetts dominated top-right and center-right strategy markers, and there wouldn't be anything I could do to challenge then throughout the entire game.However, Flesh Constructs and Sebastian's bone saw managed to cut through both Sir Vantes and Uncle Boggs, so attrition game looked like it was going to me in the center. Especially after McMourning replaced the dead Flesh Construct with another.
Hired Canine Remains stamped its paw mark on a voting paper and dropped in center ballots before being harrowed to death by Mossbeard's tales from the whatever number of seas Malifaux has.
Nurse and Little Gasser continued voting and scheming around bottom-left and center-left strategy markers.
McMourning used desperate pace on Sebastian to push him away from center, closer to the marker in top-left quarter.
And... I guess... that was it, for the turn? So many models died. Sir Vantes and Uncle Boggs, Canine Remains, Rogue Necromancy and Flesh Construct.
Both players got the strategy points, but Bayou was able to score their Protected Territory. They caught up to 4-3 for Resurrectionists.
Turn 4:
Blasted and bother! Sebastian was just outside of walk & interact distance of top-left quarter's strategy marker, so instead he just walked closer and dropped a scheme for Protected Territory end condition.Aunty Mel took a double walk to get Sebastian within shooting distance next turn.
Clampetts walked to bottom-right quarter's strategy marker, planted two votes and Silurid Stomped away.
In the center, Flesh Construct was trying to kill Swashbuckler, and Swashbuckler was doing the same for Flesh Construct, with both being just about as effective. Mossbeard pretty much secured the center for Bayou. However, after desperate pacing Guild Autopsy twice, McMourning walked to threaten the center at least.
Little Gasser ditched the voting and went to protect territory instead.
Resurrectionists missed their strategy point, so scores evened out to 4-4.
Turn 5:
Last turn was about wrestling the activation order. If that was the aim, though, Resurrectionists did some poor choices in regards to initiative, as they started game. My reasoning was that I needed that top-left quarter strategy marker more than victory itself.
So, Sebastian picked up that point, and Aunty Mel was left with no effective options.
Nurse and Little Gasser secured Protected Territory end condition, while Flesh Construct and Swashbuckler were fruitlessly duking it out. Mossbeard went to sit on scheme marker at the center that had been placed earlier.
In the end, I wasn't able to get ahead in the order of activations and Bayou was able to force McMourning activate before Clampetts. He did mess up with Mossbeard, but trying to push Clampetts twice only halfway succeeded. Not that it would have mattered much.
Clampetts was able to walk, Silurid Stomp and interact to get Protected Territory and deny me Sweating Bullets.
Resurrectionists got their third strategy point and Protected Territory easily enough for a 6-6 draw.