A 50ss game of Malifaux on vassal.
Strategy: Wedge Recover Evidence
Schemes: Vendetta, Leave Your Mark, Research Mission, Breakthrough, Sabotage
My list:
Seamus Baker & Copycat Killer
The Strange Lady
Keepside Strangers with Grave Spirit Touch
White Rabbit Co.
Dead Doxy
Dead Dandy
Pool: 6
Schemes: Vendetta (Mortimer on Sidir), Sabotage (Forest to the bottom-left)
Opponent had:
Lucas McCabe2 & Luna
Sidir Alchibal
Jessie Halliday
Mr. Ngaatoro
Rough Rider
2x Ruffian
Hopeful Prospect
Pool: 4
Schemes: Vendetta (Sidir on Strange Lady), Leave Your Mark
Turn 1:
Seamus summoned a Mourner out of Keepside Strangers, who in turn assisted the distraction away from Strangers. Then Seamus walked merrily with Mortimer down the corridor on right... And that's where the fun ended this turn.Well, Mr. Ngaatoro and Ruffian approaching from the right weren't a concern either, but where to begin...
White Rabbit had crafted a hat for Keepside Strangers before running off to left. Despite not being entirely out of my deployment zone, it was still too close.
Rough Rider started shooting White Rabbit, as did Jessie who had been delivered closer by Rough Rider. Harpoon struck true, and even soulstone flare wreaked havoc on my smattering of Dead Dandy, Doxy and White Rabbit. Terrible as it was, Strange Lady had to activate early to heal White Rabbit.
Lucas had given Timeworn Blade for Sidir, but just took a double walk and an interact to center point with the remaining activation.
I though that White Rabbit would have better chances of survival against Sidir if Keepside Strangers blocked line of sight. Strangers also had a juicy spot where to throw some snakes. A Ruffian and Jessie were standing within blast distance of each other. So, Strangers teleported and started yeeting snakes. Both attacks missed, though. So zero progress was being made there.
Sidir activated, took a walk and started shooting Keepside Strangers.
Red Joker on damage.
Fortunately Keepside Strangers had Shielded +1 as well as the hat from White Rabbit, so they were left with three health remaining. White Rabbit wasn't as fortunate, and died to blast.
At least the second shot missed, but then there was Fast Hopeful Prospect right behind Sidir. He managed to shoot Keepside Strangers down to one health remaining.
Not a problem, though? I just had to win the initiative next turn so as not to lose this important tech piece.
Turn 2:
Hooray! I had a 13 and a 12 in hand. And I flipped initiative before opponent had done so, and was quite confident in getting initiative.Boom.
Red Joker on initiative for Wastrels.
I see. So that's how we're going to play.
Rough Rider was able to shoot Keepside Strangers dead, as also opponent had a 13 in his hand.
This game was starting to look like an absolute train wreck, but at least Mortimer was able to decay one un-activated Ruffian dead before Mr. Ngaatoro missed his attack.
Sidir shot Strange Lady down to half of her health remaining despite me attempting to intervene with soulstones, thus scoring Vendetta.
To get at least strategy point this turn, Copycat Killer teleported Seamus to left. He activated Urban Legend with masks and charged Ruffian. Just one attack hit, though. everything else completely failed.
Lucas, however, was intrigued by the innocent-ish talent scout and charged Seamus to demonstrate his talents in treating children, teenagers, animals, doctors and nurses, the elderly and mentally disabled.
Well, I still might be able to score by walking and charging Ruffian, and then Obeying Dandy to interact with Strange Lady. That did require some luck to accomplish, as Dandy had only a stat of 4 and was Distracted. Luck was not the name of this game, so Strange Lady just charged Jessie Halliday and missed all her attacks and failed to heal herself.
Even Dead Doxy failed to seduce Ruffian to at least make the strategy marker drop.
Ugh. Horrifying turn.
Scores go 3-0 for Explorer Society.
Turn 3:
FINALLY I began in succeeding in some duels. First, Seamus activates Urban Legend with masks, slaps Ruffian dead, takes a horse by the hand to get away from McCabe's reach, and interacted my very first real strategy point.Rough Rider disengaged from Seamus, shot... somewhere... and attempted to throw Timeworn Blade to Lucas. Fortunately the action failed because of Alone in the Dark.
Seamus wasn't in too good of a shape, so evidence wielding Dead Dandy was to make the ultimate sacrifice and engage both Lucas and Sidir. This jolly, slightly overweight and generally happy chap of a gentleman was then lashed to death by no other than Lucas McCabe. It took two actions, after which he picked up the strategy marker that had been dropped. Lucas also dug up Timeworn Blade for Sidir.
Strange Lady, having all of her defenses negated by Timeworn Blade, activated to heal herself for a bit, and kill Jessie with a steady flow of snakes. Only one attack hit, though, so there went that plan.
But it was not Sidir who activated - instead, Luna came to dig up a scrap marker for card draw. This gave Dead Doxy a chance to save Strange Lady, so she took her by the hand and lead her away from Jessie. Then Doxy charged Jessie and caned her down to two health remaining.
Finally Sidir activated, but instead of going for Strange Lady he throwed the blade for Hopeful Prospect and took a walk to get through Seamus' stealth. He took focused shot at Redchapel master, and with two shots brought him down to four health. One quick reflexes shot got Strange Lady down to three health, with Dead Doxy catching blast damage.
Jessie disengaged from Dead Doxy and took a harpoon shot at Strange Lady, leaving her with just one health. And next, she dropped soulstone flare. I had no other cards in hand other than black joker. At least Doxy and Lady passed the test.
I was afraid that Hopeful Prospect would finish the job, but instead he made the correct move of starting to lay scheme markers for Leave Your Mark end condition.
To the right, Mourner and Mortimer did astonishing job at removing Mr. Ngaatoro before he was able to activate. However... unknowingly Mr. Ngaatoro had locked me out of even the possibility of scoring Vendetta reveal, or even end for that matter.
My last model to activate was the Copycat Killer, who brought Seamus to far right and ran as fast as he could towards my sabotage target.
Both players scored strategy for a 4-1 lead for Explorer Society
Turn 4:
Resurrectionists got the initiative, and I wasted no time in teleporting Seamus back to near sabotage target. Immediately Rough Rider came to harass him - well, Seamus only had four points left and I no longer had any soulstones. Much to my relief, the shot missed.Worried that Lucas might take a double walk and a charge at Seamus made me activate the master before trying to save Strange Lady. His activation was... flawed. I was going to write something else, but I took a closer read at Sabotage - no enemy models allowed within 3" of Sabotage scheme markers. Oh well. I try to find consolation in the fact that I could have pushed the Rider away from those markers with Take by the Hand. Instead, Seamus just pulled the horse closer to kiss it on the mouth with a barely hidden cleaver.
In the center, Lucas was able to kill Dead Doxy with a single strike, and collect the evidence of what he had done. I think it was Jessie who shot Strange Lady off the board.
Mortimer dug up a zombie, picked up evidence from Mr. Ngaatoro and moved closer to my third strategy point.
Mourner did respectable job at holding back the entirety of remaining Wastrels. Luna and Hopeful Prospect were able to bring her down to two health remaining. Sidir closed the turn by planting a scheme for Leave Your Mark, and killing the Mourner.
Scores went 5-3, or 5-2 if we actually go by the rules.
Turn 5:
So, we were in the assumption that scores were 5-3. However, Explores Society did have three points pretty much confirmed, which meant loss even if Wastrels suddenly went insane and killed Sidir for my Vendetta end condition.
So, game ended in 8-5 (as played), or 8-4 (misplayed scheme accounted for) for Wastrels.
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