Tuesday, March 26, 2024

First duo

 A 75 point game of Warmachine Mk4 in the new duo format.

My list:

-Tyrant with Relentless Charge, Scything Flail and Claw

- 2x Jackals with Arc Node, Hunter Rifle and Pneumatic Spike

Ulkor Barragers
Strike Reavers + Reaver Standard
Warwitch Coven
Reaver Commander
Vulcar Forge Master

Opponent had:

Cygnar Unlimited

Commander Coleman Stryker

Major Siege Brisbane

2x Stormblade Infantry
2x Arcane Tempest Rifleman

Scenario was Invasion, and Cygnar started game.

One unit of Stormblades accompanied by Arcane Tempest Rifleman were on the flanks, with all of the heavy machinery lumbering on from the middle. 

Orgoth had less of a formation. Ulkors and a Jackal were closing in from the far right, with a unit of Reavers and their commander screening Kishtaar nearby.

Support units were hanging in the back, behind a burning building with Jackal, Horruskh and Tyrant holding middle. Molok had a bit of an ego, challenging the entire leftern flank in its entirety. 

Cygnaran firepower was scary indeed. Molok lost its legs to Defenders, and all but the flag died from Strike Reaver unit. 

Vulcar was a tad too far away from Molok, so Old Faithful repaired damaged systems of the character warjack. 

Ulkors were able to kill one Arcane Tempest Rifleman with blasts bouncing off from a slightly damaged Cyclone. However, when Kishtaar activated, she used her feat and removed the Cyclone with her pack of Jackals. 

Tyrant went to control my 50mm objective with Horruskh hanging behind feating hard. Molok spent a pathfinder card to charge unit of Stormblades that were holding enemy 40mm objective, killing two of them. So, damage done was okay, but what seemed devastating to me was the amount of control points - I received four of them. That seemed... excessive.

So, opponent replied by feating even harder than my warcasters. Siege removed the entire unit of Ulkor Barragers with his feat and Ground Pounder. A Cyclone and Defender brought Jackal in the Dust Devil clouds down to one or two health remaining. 

Stormblades removed the Reaver Standard and shot Reaver Commander off the board. 

Remaining Stormblades in the left ran away from scary Molok, and last remaining Arcane Tempest Rifleman ran to rob me a point from my 50mm objective. Charger was able to shoot Molok's head off, but thanks to hyper-aggressive that spelled some kind of doom for someone, somewhere.

Stryker also used his feat for a round of invulnerability. Opponent managed to deny me all points and even score two of his own. 

However, next turn Orgoth killed just the Arcane Tempest Rifleman, and all but wrecked a Defender with Molok. Orgoth were able to seize a whopping five points, which placed opponent in an untenable situation - either score four points or kill two casters that had plenty of focus left in bank. 

So, game ended in victory for Orgoth.

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