Friday, June 23, 2023

Admiring only, not contesting

 A 50 point game of Warmachine Mk4.

My list:

Skorne Unlimited
Unit of Cetrati
Unit of Venator Reiver
Unit of Beast Handlers
Void Spirit
Bog Trog Trawler

Opponent had:

Trollbloods United Kriels
-Dire Troll Mauler
- 2x Trollkin Axer
- Impaler
2x units of Fennblades

Scenario was Recon II.

Skorne started game and advanced with Cetrati contesting zone on left with Hexeris following nearby, then Rhinodon and Reiver in the middle with Agonizer and Beast Handlers behind them. Archidon with Cloak of Ash was holding zone on right with some additional Void Spirit support.

Opponent had a unit of Fennblades coming to challenge zone on left with Axer nearby to control. Dire Troll Mauler was behind their objective, ready to go either way. Madrak was going to flag with Axer and Impaler standing on a hill with another unit of Fennblades.

Second turn Reivers did some good damage on Impaler. Hexeris cast Eruption on the beast to make it less feasible to heal it back to full. Another Eruption thinned down some on the hill and left Hexeris with zero fury points left for transfers.

Bog Trog Trawler ambushed the Fennblade unit on the left and actually managed to shoot one of them dead. Or, more precisely, skewer one of them and punch him dead. 

Archidon with Cloak of Ash was trying to hide for a bit behind terrain, maybe luring something in for a charge. Rhinodon went into middle behind a cloud effect, with Agonizer crying next to it. 

Fennblades on the left, however, didn't pay much attention to Bog Trog Trawler and instead played pathfinder card and charged Cataphract Cetrati, killing one of them. 

The Fennblade unit on top of a hill and Axer removed Reiver unit with some thrown spear help from Madrak. Madrak also used his feat. Dire Troll Mauler was laying in wait for a better day to turn the tides, but Impaler and Axer tried their luck in attacking a Def 16 heavy. There was no luck. 

So, it could have been worse. 

It was time for Hexeris' feat. It wasn't all that impactful, but at least all beasts were able to run full on Fury and remove both Axers. 

It was nearing the end of my turn when I casually measured if one of the Fennblades on the left were within 4" of my flag, and damn that 4" has become difficult to estimate! Yeah, that was two control points for Trollbloods, since the Fennblade had been contesting my flag all along. 


Well, that Fennblade continued to do just that. Impaler and fully loaded up Dire Troll Mauler clear the zone on the right while Madrak sits at the flag. So that's a four point lead for Trollbloods.

I try to remove Fennblades from my flag, but only get half of them out. Beast Handler heroically kills last Fennblade from the unit on right and contests rectangular zone. Rhinodon has the ungrateful duty of running to contest both Madrak's flag and rectangular zone. Trollblood lead falls to three points.

Impaler doesn't frenzy, which could have saved my game. But now it was able to go and remove my contesting Beast Handler. Mauler and Madrak are more than able to kill Rhinodon together, and Fennblade gets within 4" of my flag. Game over. 

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