Monday, January 16, 2023

Just Walk It Off

 Had a 50 point game of Warmachine Mk4.

My list:

Goreshade the Bastad & Deathwalker
Bane Warriors & Command attachment
Bane Lord Tartarus

Opponent had:

Wurmwood & Cassius the Oathkeeper
-Feral Warpwolf
-Gnarlhorn Satyr
-Wild Argus
2x Tharn Bloodweaver units
Lord of the Feast
2x Gallows Grove

Scenario was rectangular zone with two objectives and two flags for a compact 50pts game.

Circle started and had warbeasts in the center of their formation, flanks protected by Bloodweaver units. Wurmwood was hanging around behind the buildings.

Bane Warriors and Tartarus seized my flag, and warjacks went into trench on the right. Goreshade crept slowly with Lamentation and Shadowmancer on.

Tharn Bloodweavers charged Bane Warriors, and this is when I learned about their Burster attacks. What an insane ability on infantry models. Fortunately only five Bane Warriors died to two successful Bloodweaver attacks...

One Bloodweaver unit took the enemy flag on the right, and warbeasts positioned themselves to protect enemy objective. Wurmwood grew a feated forest. 

The forest LoS penalty messed up my turn big time. I just was not able to get LoS to anything of importance. Corruptor tried to shoot into concealment and melee to have an arc node, but Def 20 is a bit of a challenge for RAT 5 model. 

Tartarus was able to bring back only one Bane Warrior because Tharn Bloodweaver passed tough check. Bane Officer brought the minimum of two. Atrocious attack rolls ensured that I was not able to score point this turn, but Slayer ran to contest enemy flag so opponent wouldn't score either.

Goreshade used feat and tried to remove my flag contesting Bloodweavers and tie up enemy warbeasts.

I had brought Goreshade to a relatively vulnerable position. Opponent was able to clear a lane for Primaled Gnarlhorn to slam Corruptor over Goreshade and dealt massive collateral damage - seven points in even after reducing the damage with one of Goreshade's four focus points. At least the remainder of attacks weren't so successful.

But then Primaled Warpwolf took a trample next to knocked down Goreshade who had only two focus points left by now. First damage roll against Cryxian warcaster was only moderate at best, so Deathwalker had what it takes to have Goreshade survive.

I had one unengaged Bane Warrior with LoS to Wurmwood and the Unstoppable command card. Bane axes started chopping the tree, and thanks to multiple terrible damage rolls it was the very last Bane Warrior that able to score the killing blow.

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