Monday, January 23, 2023


 A 50ss game of Malifaux.

Strategy: Flank Covert Operations

Schemes: Public Demonstration, Vendetta, Sabotage, Set the Trap, Catch and Release

My list:

Hamelin & 3x Stolen
Benny Wolcomb
Catalan Brawler
Midnight Stalker
Malifaux Child
Rat Catcher
Catalan Rifleman

Stones: 4
Schemes: Vendetta (Benny on Cassandra), Sabotage (building in enemy deployment zone)

Colette Dubois & 3x Mechanical Doves
Cassandra Felton
Carlos Vasquez
Angelica Durand
Coryphee Duet
2x Showgirl

Stones: 1
Schemes: Sabotage, (middle shack type building) Catch and Release (one of the showgirls)

Turn 1:

I start to build up the rat factory with Rat Catcher, Malifaux Child, Catalan Rifleman and Nix. Benny manages to turn the tokens into rats just fine and walks for a bit - but too much of a bit already. Colette walks close enough to Presto-Chango Benny inside the industrial ramshackle building for some fun and games with Carlos Vasquez.

And Coryphee Duet was the model that was Presto-Changoed to my front line. That just happened too early to ignore the duet, so Catalan Brawler and Hamelin charged the duo. Hamelin also created a Rat King from Benny's rats. 

While Hamelin wasn't much of a performer (hah), Catalan Brawler punched Coryphees right in the face with severe damage while on negatives modifiers. 

Arcanists had their Catch and Releasing Showgirl coming from the left, and top-right they had Angelica Durand, Showgirl and a couple of birds. 

Midnight Stalker leaped on Showgirl, but apparently it stalks exclusively midnights only and failed to do any damage.

Turn 2:

It appears I have forgotten to take picture from second round. 

But for me Rat Catcher went to claim bottom-left marker while for opponent Angelica scored top-right. 

Nix charged Coryphee Duet and nibbled in some damage, although spreading cruel disappointment was the actual reason.

Carlos beats the heck out of Benny, who burns through my stash of soulstones in an attempt to block damage. After all two of my victory points were tied to Benny. Benny spawned only one rat, though, because soulstone managed to block all received damage.

It was rough turn for Coryphee Duet. Swinging at Catalan Brawler was reduced to moderate damage only thanks to Nix, and cage fighter landed a severe back at the duet. Another attack did respectable damage to Rat King, and then the duet split. 

Rat King killed the un-activated Coryphee and Stolen killed the original model. But then there were additional mannequins that needed to be taken care of. Hamelin and Catalan Brawler did just that. 

While it was likely that Coryphees would die this round, it should not have been this easy. I had a lot of luck when it came to damage flips against the Duet. Because of this I was also able to deal with actually recruited Mannequin, too. 

Cassandra and Colette are able to kill Rat King and profilerate Burning all over my crew. 

On top-right, Showgirl disengages and walks towards Arcanist sabotage building. Two Mechanical Doves don't do much to Midnight Stalker, but Midnight Stalker kills both instead, leaps away and plants a scheme marker for sabotage. 

Last remaining Mechanical Dove was killed by Benny after it had charged in to kill a rat. 

What a turn! Eight models killed from Arcanists. Though they still had six left. However, I still didn't dare to feel confident because Benny was in such a horrible position. 

Both players score strategy for 1-1.

Turn 3:

Midnight Stalker goes to place second sabotage marker. 

Carlos and Cassandra set the world ablaze. Arcanist blast marker and two cobblestone bases are pyre markers. There were two Malifaux rats inside the pyre marker close to strategy marker middle-left that had been scurried forth from the wrecked mannequins. I sacrificed a Stolen for two rats more and created one more Rat King after Colette failed to impress one rat with her illusions.

Where Colette did not fail, however, was pulling off a sword trick on Hamelin, so he was kind of off for a turn.

Rat King brought itself into contact with Cassandra in an attempt to slow her down. Angelica ran towards enemy sabotage building, and Showgirl started to spew out scheme markers for sabotage.

I don't quite remember what models softened up Cassandra so that she had only four health remaining. Possibly Nix with bleeding disease and Stolen with vomit. 

Benny survived his ordeal with Carlos, but he had Burning +4 with four or so health remaining. To keep him alive for a bit longer, Hamelin ran with all three action points to get to do some Unclean Influence. Rat King moved out of melee with Cassandra and assisted three points of burning off. This was a mistake, as Cassandra was a claiming model for opponent. Oh well.

Malifaux Child had to run through a pyre marker to get within claiming range of the very same strategy marker Cassandra was now free to claim. 

Scores go 2-3 for Outcasts when both players get strategy and Hamelin gets Sabotage reveal.

Turn 4:

Cassandra breathed fire over both Catalans and killed one of the Stolen. Rifleman was also now at one health remaining and burning +gazillion since he had been sitting in the pyre marker since turn one. Although doing only one action per turn thanks to getting slowed over and over again.

One Stolen walks and charges Angelica Durand but is promptly caned off the board.

Later, Malifaux Child tries to do the same but this time it is caned off the stage via Angelica's defensive trigger. Fortunately it was of no consequence, as opponent claimed bottom-left corner marker.

Colette Presto-Changoes Nix and Carlos and buries Catalan Brawler with sword trick. I don't actually remember what Carlos did. Did he miss all of his attacks? Maybe, maybe not, but at least he succeeded in placing pyre marker over Benny after Rat King had painstakingly removed distracted and burning from him.

Midnight Stalker placed a scheme marker in contact with Outcasts sabotage target, took a run and leaped to top-right strategy marker. Nix went to drop a scheme marker near Benny. Hamelin lured Benny out of the building, moved Rat King out of Benny's way with unclean influence and went within claim range of middle-right strategy marker. 

Benny took Fast from Nix's scheme marker, concentrated and took a focused shot at Cassandra. And I have to cheat damage down not to kill her. Villainy like this is enough for Benny, who starts tip-toeing away from all action. 

Hamelin took middle-right marker and Vendetta, opponent bottom-left and Sabotage for a score of 4-5.

Turn 5:

Angelica Durand moves with nimble, walks and places a scheme to deny me end condition of sabotage. Nix kills Cassandra to enable Vendetta end condition. Benny runs off into wilderness, and Catalan Brawler walks to place a scheme marker within 2" of Benny. 

Colette kind of ruined all my plans, but isn't that kind of her thing? She used Presto-Chango to switch Hamelin into melee with herself and Carlos up there somewhere. Sword trick buries my scheme-marker eating Rat King.

Carlos then somehow manages to score a severe blast damage to Catalan Brawler with fatal consequences to Benny.

Showgirl plants a scheme for arcanist sabotage end condition and goes to contest middle-right strategy marker. Another Showgirl runs to engage Nix and Hamelin. 

Rat King emerged from my scheme and gnawed away Angelica's denial scheme. 

And well, then I guess the term "throw a game" refers to what happens next. 

It looked like a clean 5-7 victory for me so I did a lazy activation with Hamelin. He disengaged, and as I was taking second move I realized Hamelin had Distracted. My plan had been to move twice and lure Malifaux Child closer to enemy strategy marker to remove the marker. 

Well, I was already doing my second move already and I didn't consider luring Malifaux Child critical enough to ask for a slight backtrack and concentrate distracted away. So Hamelin just did a distracted lure and failed to pass target number. 

The reason I thought it didn't matter was because I could always just run the child to engage Showgirl at middle-right marker. Game ended 5-7 for Outcasts.

Except for when I extracted these pictures and started writing this, I realized that since it was fifth turn, we didn't properly resolve the end phase because it seemed like it didn't matter. Sure, often it doesn't but the kid was burning and at one health. So the showgirl could claim middle-right marker after all.

So it was a tough 6-7 in the end.

Yet now that I reached the last picture I also had the realization that Showgirl is engaging Nix. Opponent had told me that he had Catch and Release and that after Hamelin had disengaged it became impossible to fulfill. 

Yet it avoided both of our attention that there she was, engaging Nix even as we're speaking about the very thing.

So in the endest of all ended ends, game was 7-7 draw. 

Only because of things that didn't matter.

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