Sunday, April 24, 2022

Europa in flames (with family issues)

Episode 8: Rise of Fenris

As nobody had found Tesla, he emerged as a raving lunatic in the last scenario along with Militant Vesna, Patriotic Fenris, Mechanical Togawa and Industrial Albion. 

My Fenris team had a slim chance of filling one more line from campaign triump track with Power, Popularity. Enlist, Upgrade and Something. That was the initial plan at least. Even six random event choices didn't give enough of an advantage to rush whatever I needed. 

Apparently Tesla and Vesna had some family issues because Tesla attacked Vesna at least four times and however many times Vesna herself attacked Tesla, which translated into around six+ points of popularity and combat victory stars. That was already half of required victory stars to end the game.

Togawa and Albion were struggling in between the overwhelming speed of Fenris and Vesna. And Tesla was hellbent on slowing down Vesna's progress, and as a result Fenris was conquering vast swathes of land for their nefarious purposes. 

Unfortunately this was not nearly enough. Vesna would have surpassed popularity track had the rules allowed it, so it was to her benefit to shut down the game before any other player entered the last points bracket of popularity.

Game ended with Vesna having 75 points with all six stars. Fenris had 72 with only two stars. So unfairly close... except that didn't matter much when the remaining points from triumph tracks were added together. Final Rise of Fenris scoreboard:

1. Patriotic Saxonia/Mechanical Saxony/Innovative Saxony/Mechanical Vesna/Innovative Vesna/Militant Vesna/Mechanical Vesna/Militant Vesna: 225pts

2. Mechanical Nordic /Innovative Nordic /Mechanical Nordic/Agricultural Nordic/Mechanical Nordic/Mechanical Fenries/Agricultural Fenris/Patriotic Fenris: 194pts

3. Agricultural Togawa/Industrial Togawa /Industrial Togawa/Patriotic Togawa/Patriotic Togawa/Agricultural Togawa/Militant Togawa/Mechanical Togawa: 158pts

4. Engineering Rusviet/Agricultural Rusviet /Patriotic Rusviet /Industrial Albion/Militant Albion/Engineering Albion/Industrial Albion/Industrial Albion: 142pts

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