Thursday, July 30, 2020

Terrifying terrifying

Last game of Malifaux in Kuhmo. This time we upped the points to 40 soulstones.

My list was:

Molly + Necrotic Machine
Philip & Nanny
Rabble Riser + Killer Instinct
3x Crooligan

Pool: 4

Schemes: Dig Their Graves, Hold Back Their Forces

Opponent had:

Seamus + Copycat Killer
Madame Sybelle
Dead Doxy
Rotten Belle
Dead Dandy

Pool: 3

Schemes: Hold Back Their Forces, Deliver a Message

Strategy was Public Enemies.

Turn 1 forces were just closing in, and they sure did so. Crews were mere inches away from each other at the end of round one.

Turn 2

Second turn was a brutal one. Rabble Riser was trying to get rid of Dead Doxy, and while it dealt good damage, Gravedigger was there to patch her up. Rabble Riser eluded killing attempts for a great while, but eventually succumbed to volume of attacks. Doxy also resisted everything I could throw at her, but finally couldn't bear the unnerving questions issued by Molly.

One flanking Crooligan was poked to death by Rotten Belle. Those parasols are some serious business. Philip & Nanny charged the Gravedigger after a Crooligan had softened it up, and dug a grave for the Gravedigger. Mortimer decided it was worth it to take a burning +1 condition from hazardous terrain to use Fresh Meat against Dead Dandy, enabling another Crooligan to run and engage Seamus. Molly scored both schemes and one point from strategy, Seamus scored one point from strategy.

Points go 1-3 for Molly.

Turn 3

There was an enormous brawl in the middle with Sybelle, Dead Dandy, Seamus and Mourner fighting with Philip & Nanny, two Crooligans, Mindless Zombie, Mortimer and Necrotic Machine. Seamus shoots Mortimer after he had activated and scores no other than severe injury, bringing Mortimer down to one hit point remaining. And the grave robber was on fire.

Philip & Nanny kills Dead Dandy with a lucky red joker, but was paid in full with a removal of a Crooligan. Opponent disengages with Madame Sybelle and engages Molly in an attempt to scores Deliver a Message, but that was bound to fail as Molly had not activated yet.

Molly does so, and fails terrifying check two times - and would have failed the third time had Molly not used up one of her Focused points. Damage flip is black joker. What an activation.

Points are 2-3 for Molly.

Turn 4

Opponent puts all his efforts into killing the slippery Molly. But even two shots from Seamus don't do it, and because of this opponent falls seriously behind on victory points. Especially as Molly's crew finally manages to kill Madame Sybelle after three rounds of attacks, giving Molly enough points to score for strategy.

Points are 2-4 for Molly, and once again we decide to drop the fifth round as Molly had pretty much secured Dig Their Graves end condition, and realistically opponent could have scored only two points in the last round. The game was otherwise quite even, but opponent had picked schemes that were an uphill battle against Molly. At the end of fourth round there were only Mourner, Rotten Belle, Seamus and Copycat Killer left standing on the enemy side, and I had Molly, Necrotic Machine, Philip & Nanny and Mindless Zombie alive.

Continuously throughout the game I fell short on cards in my control hand. They were usually gone before half of my remaining models had activated. This led to Madame Sybelle shrugging off at least six attacks with Terrifying only. Probably more that I have already forgotten.

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